Chapter 29

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"The job is already yours, bambina. I just had to make it sound a little more credible,"

Jaina wiped underneath her eyes as she stood in the living room of Danielle's now empty apartment.

"You're actually leaving me?" She asked, voice slightly more high pitched than usual.

"Stefania said we can fly you out if you want. Well, you and Barrett. Or the other way round," Danielle replied as she looked around. "This is weird,"

"Really weird," Jaina agreed. She told herself that she wouldn't get emotional over Danielle moving, but it was finally sinking in that she wasn't just moving to another state, she was moving across the globe. "I'm only glad that I don't have shitty boyfriend drama and Boris still doesn't annoy me," She said, both of them laughing as they thought back to the countless amount of times they would sit together at 2am, drinking wine and bitching about the stupidity of relationships. 

"We should probably start going soon," Danielle sighed, thinking back to where she would kiss Stefania against the wall. Perhaps the thing that was preventing her from bursting into tears was the fact that she was going to Stefania. And there was no return flight, "Have you told your sister? Or anyone?" Jaina asked hesitantly.

"Told her what?"

"That you're moving to England,"

"Oh," Danielle was quiet for a moment. "No," She shrugged, her best friend knowing that there was no point in pushing the subject any further.

"Okay," She nodded slowly, rocking back and forth. "Well, my parents wish you good luck and..."

"Don't cry!" Danielle warned, holding up her finger as soon as she heard Jaina's voice crack and her eyes become watery.

"I'm not! I'm just-I'm not," Jaina took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling. "I want to hug you, but that might trigger everything,"

"You know what? I'd rather you cry now than at the airport because it makes things ten times sadder," Danielle said as she walked over to her best friend and held out her arms. "Trust me, I know," Jaina laughed quietly as she tightly wrapped her arms around Danielle, breathing in deeply.

"I still can't believe you're doing this," She whispered as they rocked back and forth.

"It's crazy, I know," Danielle sighed, pulling away to wipe underneath her eyes. "Gosh, our relationship could probably be made into a movie,"

"That's what I said when you first told me about her! I think I said book though," Jaina laughed. "Look at us. In stable and loving relationships,"

"Insane," Danielle smiled, trying to keep her tears at bay. "Okay, we should go," Jaina nodded and grabbed one of the final bags that they had to take down with them. And before they knew it, they were stood facing each other with happy tears in their eyes, the sound of the airport around them as they said their last goodbye, at least for now.

"Damn, you weren't joking about how much worse it is at the airport," Jaina laughed, looking up and clenching her jaw. "Sorry for ever making fun of you when you were upset about Stefania leaving,"

"See? I wasn't just being dramatic," Danielle laughed, reaching out to grab Jaina's hand. "I'll message you when I land,"

"I know you will," Jaina replied, squeezing her hand. "And I expect a proper facetime tour of your new home,"

"New home, gosh," It was like every minute that passed, it settled in more for Danielle what was actually happening. She was moving to London to be with the love of her life. There was no other title than the love of her life. Maybe soulmate.

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