Chapter 33

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"I told you that I just needed a little time to figure some things out,"

3 Months Later

"Was that the last box?" Danielle asked, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand as she appeared by the front door.

"The last box," Stefania nodded, gripping it tightly as she walked towards her fiancée who didn't think to move, just stood there, smiling adoringly. "Danielle, I am about to drop this-"

"Oh, sorry sorry!" She laughed, hastily moving out of the way so Stefania could walk by and place the box amongst the many others currently on the floor. "Done!" Danielle cheered, clasping her hands together with a smile on her face. Stefania slowly turned and raised her eyebrows, before turning back and gesturing to the boxes scattered everywhere. 

"Done? Baby, we are only just getting started," She matched Danielle's smile then reached for her, grabbing her waist and pulling her close. "Just getting started," She whispered against her lips before closing the gap with a slow kiss. Stefania pulled away, blue eyes staring at her with the sweetest look.  

"Thank you," Danielle spoke quietly, reaching up to place her hand on the side of Stefania's face. "I don't know how I can ever... ever show my appreciation for you,"

"You could kiss me?" Stefania offered, that little sparkle evident in her eye. "Or maybe you can buy dinner tonight," 


"I like the sound of both," The brunette nodded as she leant in again, breathing in deeply as their lips moved slowly in sync. Stefania reached down for Danielle's hand and laced their fingers together, squeezing as she kissed her harder until they were both breathless. 

"I like you," Danielle giggled.

"I like you too," Stefania replied, both of them feeling giddy as they gazed into the eyes of each other. 

"And we're going to get married," 

"We still have so much to plan,"

"Yeah, basically everything," Danielle laughed, reaching for Stefania's other hand then swaying back and forth. "We just have a lot to do,"

"We do," Stefania agreed, glancing around. "But..." She let out a sigh and let go of Danielle's hands so that she could wrap them around her shoulders. "We get to do them together,"

"That's one of the softest things you've ever said," Danielle said, laughing quietly to herself. 

"Hey, hey, hey! This is more for your benefit than mine. You just want attention every five minutes," Stefania pointed out, arms still wrapped around her fiancée. "Did I lie?"

"Yes. Every four minutes," Danielle had a large smile on her face as she pulled away. "A minute longer and I turn into Miss Moody again," 

"I know," They both fell quiet for a moment, a sort of excited energy seeming to be around the couple. "Where do you want to begin?"

"That's a good question," Danielle said, looking up at the ceiling, eyes drifting to the light bulb. "We need a light shade," 

"We probably need a lot of things, but we can make a list as we unpack," 

"Mhm, so smart," Danielle hummed, leaning in again to kiss Stefania. Though this time, she didn't pull away, she draped her arms over Stefania's shoulders, keeping her close. She gently stroked the back of Stefania's neck, smiling into the kiss as the brunette held onto her waist, tightening her grip.

Danielle took in a deep breath as she slowly lost herself in the kiss, pushing Stefania's hair away from where it got caught between their lips. The taller woman smiled as she felt it become more heated, Danielle feeling the exact same as she tried to press their bodies even closer.

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