Chapter 31

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"Whatever we want,"

"I can hear birds outside," Danielle whispered quietly as she stroked Stefania's cheek, laid underneath their covers after hours of blissful lovemaking.

"And our room is significantly brighter," Stefania added, smiling softly.

"Yeah," She nodded, drifting between her eyes and lips. "I still don't feel tired,"


"Nope," She smiled, pressing a quick kiss to Stefania's lips. "Just happy,"

"Me too," They were quiet again for a moment, simply appreciating the warmth they felt from each other. "What do you want to do today?"

"I'm not sure," Danielle replied. "I feel like I haven't had a free Monday in a long time,"

"Do you want to go out or stay here?"

"Hm... Can you decide?" Danielle asked, smiling with her teeth.

"You want to get massages?" Danielle's eyes instantly lit up and she nodded, watching as Stefania reached for her phone. "Mimosas?"

"Is that even a question?" Danielle shot back as she sat up, keeping the covers pulled up to her chin. Stefania smiled as she scrolled through the site, already familiar with the spa that she was choosing.

"For eleven?" Danielle nodded as she watched her fiancée type in a couple of things and then lock her phone with a smile. "All done,"

"Yay," The CEO reached out and placed her palm against Danielle's face.

"Just beautiful," She whispered, knowing that she would never become tired of looking at her fiancée. "Wow,"

"Stop giving me butterflies," Danielle spoke quietly, widening her eyes and trying not to blush. Stefania just scrunched her nose up and leant in, allowing Danielle to pull her in for a kiss. "I don't think I will ever get tired of kissing you,"

"Good," Stefania responded definitely, knowing she felt the same way. "You want something to eat?" Danielle raised an eyebrow as she glanced down. "You are kidding me, right? I think I will go into overdrive if you even try to touch me," Danielle laughed as she laid back in their bed, letting out a sigh.

"Yeah, I'm joking. I'm all sexed out,"

"For now. Lord knows we have a sex drive as high as the clouds," Stefania said to which Danielle quickly agreed. "Actual breakfast?"

"Mhm, maybe just a banana," Danielle replied as she slowly got out of bed and picked up her t-shirt from the floor. "My body hurts,"

"Are you surprised?" There was a cheeky smile on Stefania's face as she looked at the few bruises she could see on Danielle's inner thighs.

"Of course not. I'm actually surprised that you didn't imitate me,"

"Like this?" Stefania sat up and cleared her throat before trying to moan just like Danielle does, adding to the act by running her hands through her hair and closing her eyes.

"Annoying," Danielle called out as she grabbed a pillow that had fallen off of the bed and threw it at Stefania.

"You have a real habit of throwing things at me," Stefania laughed as she plumped the pillow then rested it on her lap.

"Because you're annoying,"

"Words hurt, Danielle," Stefania said, acting like she was upset.

"Annoying," The blonde teased as she walked closer to her fiancée and leant down so she was in her face. "Annoying," She whispered before pressing a soft kiss to her lips. Stefania hummed happily into the kiss, eyes still shut as Danielle pulled away.

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