Chapter 19

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"Whatever you need,"

Danielle slowly made her way from the main meeting room back to her desk after spotting Stefania's car drive past. It was Monday, and she hoped that the soreness between her legs would have passed, though upon waking up this morning, that wasn't the case. At least it wasn't as bad when she woke up the morning after in the comfort of Stefania's arms. 

Even just thinking about the night they had together made Danielle blush. It felt so unadulterated and she could only hope to experience something like that again. Danielle crossed one leg over the other and tried to focus on her emails, opening one about a conference coming up. She started to read over it when the elevator doors opened and Stefania stepped out, holding a plastic bag instead of the regular cardboard tray with two coffee's. 

"Good morning, Danielle," Stefania said with a smile as she set the bag down on the desk. 

"Good morning, Stefania," Danielle replied, glancing up at her boss bashfully. 

"You have gone all shy?" The COO questioned, tilting her head to the side with a small smirk on her face. "Quite the contrary to when you-"

"It is Monday morning. Stop," Danielle held up her hand and glared at Stefania. "I'm still sore,"

"Aw," Stefania pouted. "Want me to kiss it better for you?" The blonde opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out so diverted her attention back to the computer screen. "I got us a ginger shot and smoothies this morning," Stefania began as she pulled out two small bottle from the bag, followed by two larger ones. "Good for the system," 

"I don't think I've tried a ginger shot before," Danielle said as Stefania handed her the bottle filled with a yellow liquid. "But I've heard that they are quite... strong?"

"Yes, they can be strong. Hence a smoothie as well to help wash it down," Stefania explained, the larger bottles a much nicer pink colour. 

"Thank you," Danielle smiled as she unscrewed the lid and smelt it. "Oh wow. Strong,"

"Treat it like a shot of alcohol," Stefania said as she unscrewed her own small bottle. "Okay? Drink up," Danielle watched as Stefania drunks hers, only a small wince on her face as she swallowed it. Surely it couldn't be that bad. Though Danielle was quickly mistaken as she drunk the liquid and almost spat it everywhere. It took a lot of self control to swallow it, her face contorted into an expression of pure disgust. 

"Are you trying to kill me?" Danielle asked, coughing as she reached for the larger bottle. 

"You are so dramatic, Danielle," Stefania laughed, shaking her head. "Now give me a kiss before I lock myself away in my office for the rest of the day," The assistant rolled her eyes though nevertheless, stood up and walked over to Stefania, placing her hands on her waist as she pressed a delicate kiss to her lips. "Better,"

"Mhm," Danielle hummed. "Oh, I just received an e-mail about a conference coming up in two weeks and they want an RSVP by the end of the week," The blonde said as she walked back to her chair. 

"Which conference is it?" Stefania asked, just as her phone started to ring. "Forward it to me," She said, winking at Danielle before answering her phone then leaving for her office. Danielle did exactly that then continued to go through e-mails, which was all she really had to do as there were no meetings scheduled for the morning. 


Around an hour before her lunch break, Stefania sent Danielle a message asking her to come into her office. She didn't move straight away because if Stefania needed anything, she tended to just come out to her. Maybe she needed something. Danielle slowly stood and walked towards the office, knocking and waiting for Stefania to call out before opening the door. 

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