Chapter 12

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"You're wearing red lipstick,"

Danielle checked her appearance in the bathroom mirror for what felt like the hundredth time, her hair was perfect, dress fitted and eyes bright, though the nerves of knowing that Stefania would be arriving any minute didn't help. A whole day, alone, with Stefania. Aside from the team meeting that would be coming up at eleven. 

"You're being ridiculous," Danielle said to herself as she walked out of the bathroom and towards the front desk. She sat down in her chair, crossed her legs, uncrossed them, crossed them at the ankles, put them back flat. Danielle suddenly became hyper aware that she had a side profile and Stefania would see it when she exits the elevator. Sit up straight, shoulders relaxed. "Shit, did I smudge my lip gloss?" Danielle muttered as she picked up her work phone and squinted into the reflection, gently running her finger along the outline of her lip.

She couldn't believe how much she felt like a nervous teenager who was about to see their crush. And as the numbers on the elevator rose past twenty eight, Danielle had a feeling that Stefania was about to make her appearance in three, two...

"Good morning, Danielle," Stefania said as she stepped out of the elevator, hand firmly grasping a cup of coffee though no presence of a smile. 

"Good morning, Miss Spampinato," Danielle replied courteously, looking up with a smile. 

"It's just the two of us. Stefania," The COO instructed as she brought her cup up to her lips. 

"Wasn't I meant to bring you your coffee? You know, as your assistant," Danielle enquired as she brought up the week's timetable on the computer screen. 

"Only if I ask. I get it from the cart outside so it makes sense to just purchase it myself," Stefania replied as she watched Danielle for a moment and considered what she wanted to say next. She told herself that wasn't allowed to reach out to Danielle this weekend, only if she started the conversation first. While it was slightly difficult, Barrett had said some things to her that only seemed right. You shouldn't mix work with play in the first place. Mixed signals never usually end well. Don't confuse lust with love. 

"There's no messages for you as of yet and everything is already set up for eleven," Danielle said with a smile. 

"Great, thank you," Stefania said as she brought her coffee cup back up to her lips. She was very close to making some sort of comment about Danielle's appearance but decided to just walk off into her office. Work and play. Danielle felt a little disheartened that Stefania didn't try to make an advance on her, though she could sense that her energy was a little displaced. 

At a quarter to eleven, the first few people began to arrive for the eleven o'clock meeting, greeting Danielle as they headed to the main room. She made sure that everyone had arrived before walking into the main room and logging onto the computer. Danielle wasn't yet familiar with the people who filled the room but she didn't feel any ill mannered eyes watching her. And just like the first time she did it with Jessica, Stefania walked in at 10:59, commanding the attention of the room, confidence never faltering, even when she looked at Danielle. 

Danielle had quickly gotten used to Stefania's facial expressions, the slightest eyebrow raise, curve at the corners of her mouth, widening of her eyes, they all meant something, but today, she remained neutral. It's not that Danielle expected a full blown reaction, but she didn't even get an eyebrow raise. 

"Everything is set up. Is there anything else you need?" Danielle asked as Stefania strolled over to her. 

"No, thank you. I shall buzz if anything," Stefania replied and made way for Danielle to exit. Nothing. There was nothing. Danielle sighed as she sat down at the desk, swivelling from side to side in her chair. She really did miss Jessica. She checked the itinerary for the day, all her tasks were completed, papers printed and filed, folders organised. There was quite literally nothing to do. With almost perfect timing, a message popped up on the computer screen. 

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