Chapter 5

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"Just take me. Please,"

Danielle woke up in the comfort of a very warm bed, covers pulled up to her chin. Her body ached, but in the best way possible. She squinted her eyes open when she realised she was missing a particular persons body heat and the reason for her soreness. Her mind took her back to last night as she gazed at the empty space next to her. She couldn't think of a single time that she had screamed someone's name so loudly and so often. 

"Good morning," Danielle shifted a little to look at Stefania who was now stood at the end of the bed, wrapped in a white towel. 

"Good morning," Danielle replied, her voice a little hoarse. Stefania couldn't help the smirk that formed on her face knowing that she was the reason for Danielle's voice sounding like that. "Stop with the smirk," Danielle mumbled as Stefania sat down on the edge of her bed with a bottle of moisturiser. 

"Can't help it," She shrugged. "You sound so sexy," Danielle pushed her tongue in her cheek as she watched Stefania, following her hands as she moisturised her legs, up to her arms. "Did you sleep well?"

"Mhm," Danielle hummed in reply, head tilted to the side as she thought about kissing Stefania all over her body. "You want me to do your back?" Danielle asked innocently, sitting up a little. 

"Sure," Stefania agreed and held out the bottle as the blonde moved out from under the covers, suddenly feeling very exposed. Brown eyes widened as they took in the gorgeous sight of Danielle's very naked body, covered in old love marks and new ones. The blonde felt nervous under Stefania's watchful eye, but her confidence was also significantly boosted. 

Stefania let out a sigh as Danielle sat behind her and pushed the towel down her body so it bunched up her around her waist. The blonde pressed her body against Stefania's back as she got comfortable, letting out a little shudder in response to the sensitivity of her nipples against Stefania's skin. Danielle squeezed some of the moisturiser on her hands and rubbed it together before running her hands over Stefania's back, adding a little more pressure on her shoulders.

The brunette visibly relaxed into Danielle's touch, allowing her fingers to work away any knots she had. Once everything had been rubbed in, Danielle snuck her fingers round Stefania's body and started massaging her breasts, nipples hardening almost instantly as she rolled them between her fingers. Stefania leant back into Danielle and rested her head on her shoulder, letting out a soft moan as Danielle continued to play with her breasts. She felt that familiar feeling make an appearance between her legs and moved her hips slightly as she held onto Danielle's bare thigh with one hand.

"Stop, stop. I have to get ready for work. I already got up late," Stefania said as she tightened her grip on Danielle's leg. 

"You really want me stop? I'll be quick," Danielle whispered, pressing a kiss just behind her ear. Gosh, this woman was driving Stefania crazy. Never was she in this position so often, never was she the one seeming so submissive but Danielle broke down that wall easily. The brunette's eyes snapped open when she felt a hand trailing lower, easily slipping past the towel and making her hips jerk. 

"I cannot be late," Stefania groaned as she grabbed Danielle's wrist and halted her movements. It took all of her willpower to stand up, the towel dropping to her feet. "As much as I want to.." Stefania turned to look at Danielle who was unashamedly checking her out. "I have to get ready. But if you want to just," Stefania took a step closer to the bed and ran a hand over Danielle's body, tracing all her curves and playfully wrapping a hand around her throat. "Stay there,"

Danielle watched in some sort of trance as Stefania walked off through another door and returned carrying a navy blue suit. The blue eyed woman moved to the head of the bed and pulled the covers up to her waist as Stefania put on her under garments, a lacy black set. Danielle almost couldn't believe the intense levels of beauty that were currently displayed in front of her. She already knew that Stefania had an amazing body, she's kissed almost every inch of it, but watching her move around with the perfect amount of sunlight streaming through the window. Something along the lines of ethereal. 

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