Chapter 37

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"How could I not be?"

Danielle almost spat out the coffee she had in her mouth as she watched Stefania descend their staircase whilst adjusting the watch that she was wearing. 

"Sexy motherfucker," Danielle whispered to herself, eyes locked onto every slight movement that her fiancée made. 

"How do I look?" Stefania asked, holding her hands out in front of her before turning around. 

"If you look at me long enough, my clothes will just vanish," Danielle replied truthfully, rubbing her lip with her thumb. 

"So I look good?"

"Drop-dead gorgeous," The blonde confirmed, slowly standing up and walking towards her fiancée like an animal hunting its prey. "Remind me how I'm getting married to you?" Stefania held her hand out for Danielle and turned her around as soon as she made contact. She paused, tilted her head to the side, and landed a hard slap on her ass. 

"That is how," Stefania announced proudly, a large smile on her face as Danielle quickly spun back around. "Oh, and your smile. So pretty," The brunette tapped Danielle's cheek before pressing a kiss to her forehead. 

"Mhm," Danielle hummed, briefly closing her eyes. "I'm being serious though. Sexy CEO and then me unsure if I even still want this job," 

"You still have some time to think about it," Stefania said, walking towards the kitchen. "Make a list of pros and cons, think about why you're doubting it now, things like that," Danielle nodded as she sat back down and returned to her coffee. 

"Today, I will just make lists. First will be work-related, the rest will be all about our wedding," She smiled happily at Stefania who smiled back. "I made you a salmon and cream cheese bagel because it seemed like a good first-day breakfast,"

"You did? Ah, you absolute angel," Stefania said as she opened the fridge door and took out the bagel. "Thank you very much," She smiled, walking over to Danielle to press another kiss to her head. "Show me what Pinterest stuff you already have before I go," Danielle nodded and put her phone down between the two of them, loading up her Wedding Pinterest Board. 

"I would show you on my iPad or laptop but they're both upstairs," Danielle said, scrolling through the seemingly endless amount of pictures. 

"Oh, that is a lot," Stefania commented, raising her eyebrows in surprise before taking a bite of the bagel. 

"I know, I struggled on sticking with one theme," The blonde admitted, tilting her head to the side. "Because sometimes I like the idea of a really classic wedding, sometimes I like the idea of a beach wedding or somewhere in a forest,"

"Mhm, not a forest," Stefania shook her head. "I feel like it will make everything seem quite dark?"

"But we can use fairy lights," Danielle said, bringing up a picture of a forest wedding with fairy lights hung amongst the trees. "But then I also like the idea of a field with flowers everywhere,"

"Right, so you have no clue?" Stefania questioned as she scrolled through the Pinterest board. "Maybe start at the basics, colour schemes?"

"I don't think I can even choose a colour," Danielle laughed before letting out a sigh. "What would you choose?"

"Classic, I think. White and red. Perhaps somewhere that looks like a castle," Stefania replied, sucking some of the cream cheese off of her finger. "This is really good by the way,"

"I like the idea of a castle," Danielle spoke quietly, trying to imagine what their wedding pictures could look like. Standing on the steps which are covered in red rose petals.

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