Chapter 16

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"You're coming home with me on Friday,"

Danielle almost screamed when she looked down at the dark red stain in her sleep shorts. Of all days for her to start her period, it was Friday, the day she was meant to go home with Stefania. She knew she should have listened to Jaina about those menstrual cycle tracking apps but she always forgot to input anything.  

She groaned as she quickly shuffled towards her bathroom cabinet and grabbed a tampon, this was not how she wanted her day to start. Danielle continued to get herself ready, frowning as she ran a brush through her hair. She'd had a small bag packed, but in her mood, dumped everything out on her bed, it's not like she'd be needing it now anyway. 

"I feel so...puffy," She muttered as she stared at herself in the mirror, running her hands over her stomach. "Okay, not this dress," Danielle tried on a couple other outfits before settling on a loose fitting, dark green dress with white speckles on it. In an attempt to make her feel better about herself, she applied a little more make up than usual, a brighter colour eyeshadow, eyeliner. Though Danielle still rolled her eyes when she looked at her reflection. She knew she got exceptionally moody when she started her period, let alone with the knowledge of the plans she previously had. 

Danielle probably would have taken her make up off and done it again if it wasn't for the hand on her clock continuously moving with the threat of lateness. She grabbed everything she needed then slowly made her way down to her car, trying to ignore the slight pain of what she could only assume to be cramps. 

The drive to work didn't help Danielle's mood at all, the traffic was terrible and the radio wasn't playing anything good and the realisation that she didn't have any painkillers in her bag just topped it all off. Danielle walked into Grey & 19, but no sign of Sarah at the front desk which was a bit of shame. She made her way up to floor thirty one and heavily regretted not setting everything up for this mornings meeting. 

"Oh, I just want to sleep," Danielle sighed as she walked towards the main meeting room, though she paused briefly as her eyes landed on the smaller room by Stefania's office. She felt a blush form on her cheeks at the memory, though the sharp stabbing of her cramps quickly pulled her out of that daydream. "Being a woman really has its downfalls," She mumbled as she turned the computer on then sat down. She hunched forward to try and ease some of the ache but it just made it worse when she sat up again. 

Every time the loading screen came up on the computer, Danielle would almost double in half, her eyes shut as she could feel the pain all through her stomach and lower back. She mumbled quietly to herself to try and distract her mind from the discomfort but nothing seemed to be alleviating the pain. 

"Good morning, Danielle- are you okay?" Stefania's face immediately dropped when her eyes landed on Danielle and she placed their coffee's on the nearest table and walked over to her. 

"No, yes, I'm fine," Danielle quickly dismissed as she sat up, though her brow was furrowed and her face read that she was in fact, not fine. 

"I have told you that you have an expressive face. What is the matter?" Stefania asked, placing her hand on top of Danielle's that was resting on the desk. 

"Just... bad cramps," Danielle replied. "So I won't be able to come over tonight,"

"Oh," Stefania felt her heart sink in her chest a little. "Why not?"

"I don't know what you're into but I don't like... having sex when I'm bleeding," Danielle said, wincing slightly as she stood up. 

"I thought we agreed that we are not just sex anymore," Stefania said quietly as she slipped her hand into Danielle's. 

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