Chapter 29: War

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Hey, it's me with a super speedy update. I dunno, I just finally got the inspiration to write so here I am. I'm going to try updating faster from now on. This chapter might seem kinda similar, because I was trying to make a sort of filler chapter like an intro before the plot starts to happen. It bout to get more interesting. Anyway,


Chapter 29: War

It was well into October now. Bryan and I had been dating for around a month, and everything was going great. He was a really awesome boyfriend to be honest, he's never pushed me away or done anything to hurt me. It was rare really, that a guy could be so nice, but it felt good. He didn't do anything to cheesy, but just right. Of course, the story of us together had spread like wildfire, and all across the Hollywood platform. Everywhere I drove, I had to be tailed from behind by security. This is why I've never wanted to be famous. Dating the famous Bryan Lewis only made me more noticeable. I'd reached a million Instagram followers in a week, without even trying. I was not liking the fame at all, since Bryan and I couldn't even go to a public place without the paparazzi on our tail. But I can't do anything about it. The one thing about fame is you can never go back.

I managed to get a ride to school from Dean, who was more than happy to oblige. "Wow, this whole movie star thing is really starting to get to you huh?" He asked. I sighed. "Yeah, it sucks. At least I'm making money out of it, since my mom turned out to a drug addict." Dean flinched when I said that. "Yeah, imagine if that got out. I can see the headline- "Ava Garcia, rising movie star's mom arrested for the selling and usage of drugs."

I glared at him. "You are not helping."

"Sorry. You're more than welcome to come over to my house anytime you like. Although, I'm sure Leo's got it all covered."

"Thanks Dean. But I'm great, really."

We stopped on the way to pick up Alex, who was jittery and annoying as usual. I was thankful for when we finally reached school, only to feel unthankful again the second I stepped out. Everyone started whispering and staring as usual, the guys not really caring much, some girls looking at me with envy, admiration and mixed expressions. I ignored it all as usual and walked into school. As much as I did try to ignore it though, I had to admit it was starting to get on my nerves. You think people would move on and talk about something else.

I found Bryan waiting by my locker as usual, with a big smile on his face. "Hey." I told him.

"Hey, sorry I couldn't see you yesterday, duty called."

"You don't have to see me everyday Bryan. It's okay, you don't have to apologize." I smiled, opening my locker and taking out the books I would need for the day. Bryan smiled back at me, and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing me. But for the first time I felt...uncomfortable. It was way too weird, it almost felt...forced. He pulled away and walked off to his class, and I watched him retreat, his backpack swinging on his shoulder. I turned around and nearly jumped out of my skin, as I found Leah staring right at me, her eyebrows raised. "What was that?" She asked.

"Holy shit Leah! Are you trying to kill me too now?"

"Answer the damn question."

I blinked at her. Since when was Leah so commanding? She was usually the nice innocent one. "Well?" She persisted.

"What are you going on about?"

"When you and Bryan kissed. Both of you looked equally uncomfortable with each other. It was like watching two sloppy sleep deprived monkeys."

I glared at her. "That happens to be my boyfriend. We're going great right now. I don't want it to be ruined." Leah just rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Whatever. Looks to me like once the initial excitement on the relationship fizzled out, you both realised it's just plain weird."

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