Chapter 5: What else is new?

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Eh, I really don't have much to say at this point, So just keep reading! ( Movie set on top, BTW.)


Chapter 5: What else is new?

"All right everyone gather around! We have to start shooting this trailer. Now!" Henry yelled at the top of his lungs. He's like a totally different person from day before yesterday. I swear, if he yelled one more time, my ears would never recover.

"Damn, why does he have to yell all the time?" I asked, exasperatedly.

"Don't let the first impression fool you. He's always nice in the beginning." Bryan told me.

"You could say that again."

"Don't let the first im-"

"Shut up."

Bryan laughed. "Yes ma'am." Then, he turned around, his eyes searching the entire area, as though looking for someone. Stupid, annoying and yet charming Bryan Lewis. I've barely know him for two days and he already seems to have an effect on me. Sure, he's pretty good looking, but that isn't what intimidates me. Somehow, his weird alter ego personality seems to get on my nerves. Idiot.

Bryan caught me staring, and smirked at me knowingly. "Like what you see? Don't worry, I know I'm too hot to resist." I smacked him on the shoulder, real hard. "Ow! Come on what was that for?" he asked. "In your dreams dude." I told him. 

Once everyone had gathered around, Henry briefed everyone about who's doing what, how we're going to do each sequence, props, editing, blah blah blah. After he was done, everybody scurried off to do their jobs, and the only people left standing there were Bryan and me.

A red haired woman with a headset walked towards us. " You two! I'm Sarah, I'm the head of make-up and costume. Please come with me." Just as Bryan opened his mouth to ask something, Sarah cut him off. " Yes Mr. Lewis, he's already getting ready in costume van A." Then she turned around and gestured for us to follow.

"Who's 'he' ?" I asked Bryan.

"He's a star in the movie as well. He's in a movie for the first time too."

"Oh, right. Do you know him?"

"Know him? Yeah."

Before I could ask ask anything else, we were ushered into the van. Honestly, van was an understatement. It was luxury on wheels.

It was a huge van, with leather couches at one end along with refreshment stands beside each booth. Mirrors lined the walls, as well as clothing racks and make-up stands, with brightly lit chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. There were even changing rooms at one end. At the front of the van, there was the wheel obviously, followed by the entrance, where there was a chef cooking barbeque below the open sun roof, providing a good lunch for the actors.

"Holy shit." I muttered, looking around in a daze. Bryan looked at my expression and smiled at me amusedly. "Welcome to the day to day life of a movie star."

" I could get used to this." I said, still in a daze.

" I'm surprised you're this fascinated. I thought you'd be used to all this, with you're mothers fame and all."

" Well... we have a... strained relationship."

"Ah" Bryan replied awkwardly. Before any of us could try to change the topic, The head of costume design, came over to us again. "Ava, you go to the women's make up stand. Bryan, you know likewise." She said. " See ya." Bryan told me, and walked away.

"Ava, in you go."

The moment I even stepped foot inside the enclosed booth, I was grabbed by different pairs of hands and dragged over to a chair, and practically thrown into it. "Ow, what was that for?" I yelled at the three girls standing in front of me, but they just ignored me as they looked me up and down. One of them bent down and grabbed my legs roughly. "Oh my god, when was the last time you shaved?" she asked me, with a mortified expression. "Jeez, I don't have that much hair growth, I shaved about a week ago." I replied, rolling my eyes.

"A week? Are you crazy? Do you enjoy looking like a hairy beast?"

"Hairy beast? Jeez woman, there's like two strands on there!"

" Shaving won't do it, we must wax it off."

" What on earth is even there to wax?!"

Without even looking at me, she turned around and yelled for the other two to get her stuff. Barely half a day into this, and I was already hating this stupid girl. What happened to all that dumb luxury the actors always flex?

Half an hour later, after getting painfully waxed all over my arms and legs, and my skin moisturized along with some natural light make-up, (Ha, natural. Anybody else see the irony there?) I was wrapped in a robe and was guided to the dressing room. I found Sarah, calmly drinking a cup of coffee, as she ticked things off the papers in her hand. "Ava, finally, I thought those three would never let you out." She said. "Well, they aren't really the nicest people I have ever met." I replied.

She looked at me and smiled. " Sorry for the inconvenience, they can be a little... over enthusiastic."

" I think that's just a nicer word for crazy."

She laughed. " Oh, hell yeah."

Wow, Sarah seemed to be like a really nice person. It didn't strike me before, with her cold attitude towards me and Bryan earlier. But I guess she was just being professional or something. Whatever it is, I was liking her already.

" I have the best outfit for you to wear for the first scene. Since this is a trailer you'll have to change a lot. It will definitely get annoying." She said.

" Yeah well, what else is new?"

She smiled at me, and started to take my measurements again to make sure she got the stitching right. After a little messing around, she showed me my outfit, a cute top with a denim jacket and a cute little skirt with sneakers. After I finished putting it on, she started with my hair, undoing it and letting it down so it was loose and flowing." You should really let down your hair more often, you look beautiful!" Sarah exclaimed. "Huh, I guess I've never really liked putting my hair down." I told her. "Trust me, you should." She said.

Once she was done, she whipped the chair around so I could see myself in the mirror.

" Woah."

I looked different. But is was a good different. My hair was left in it's natural wavy state. She had highlighted my eyes so the blue in my irises was evident. Just some light lip balm on my lips, as well as a little whitening of my face and neck. A dash of blush on both cheeks, and the necklace by dad gave me on my twelfth birthday still around my neck. It all looked so... natural. Not one bit of the make-up made me look fake. I still looked like me. Just more defined.

" Sarah... I don't even know what to say."

" Just go out there and start acting! You look beautiful."

" Thanks so much... yeah, I'll go now..."

I left the changing rooms, to see the rest of the van was empty except for the workers in costume. "Where's Bryan?" I asked. "All the actors are already there, It's taken an hour to get you ready." Sarah replied.

I walked down the stairs of the van, where I saw everybody doing the last finishing touches for set up. I spotted Bryan talking to another guy I hadn't seen before. It was probably his friend. The director spotted me and gave a sigh of relief. " Finally! Everyone let's begin!"

Bryan turned around and spotted me and his eyes widened. He just stood there staring at me until I cleared my throat to break the silence. "Bryan, do you want to introduce me to your friend?" I asked him. "Uh.. yeah, um... Ava this is Jack, Jack this is Ava."

That's when I actually looked at his friends face for the first time.

" Hey I'm Jack Miller. Pleasure to meet you."

"I'm Ava. Ava Garcia."

Yahoo! Finally introduced Jack! Not giving any spoilers though, What do you guys think of the characters so far? Especially Ava's friends. Sweet Leah, funny Caleb, Alex the foodie, bad girl Brittney, innocent Jake and annoying Dean. 

Let's not forget Bryan the hottie and fun Sarah!

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