Chapter 39: The suicide mission- Part 2

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Yooo, I'm here with Part 2 of this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy this one, I kind of ran into a roadblock here on how to write this one, but I managed to get it done. I guess you could say the song up top is related to this chapter. Anyway, 


Chapter 39: The suicide mission- Part 2

The three of us walked inside and the door was wide open, like they were waiting for us, which they were. Rick was sitting at the far end of the warehouse, surrounded by men and some women with guns and rifles. He was calmly sitting in his chair, and was doing what looked like filing his nails with a knife?

My mom was looking at him with so much hate, I didn't know was even possible. To be honest, I didn't really feel anything other than hate for him right now, but also fear, that was something I could not seem to shake off. Leo however, looked unfazed, despite his protests earlier.

I had my dagger concealed, so Rick wouldn't be able to see it. Leo had done the same, although his hand was in his pocket. Before either of us could open our mouths, Rick started to laugh. A bone chilling, horrible laugh. It was like it was supposed to be a humorous one, but I couldn't actually see that it was. "Well well, I see you've brought your mother to me. Choosing your brother over her? Wise choice."

I grit my teeth, trying my best not to walk up to him and punch him in the face, since he had several armed people protecting him. "Where the hell is my brother?" I asked angrily, trying my best to keep my voice steady. Rick just rolled his eyes and gestured to somebody behind him. "Bring him out."

One of the armed men curtly walked out the back door, and came back in with another man following him, dragging Luke behind him like a rag doll, his hands tied by rope and his mouth gagged with duct tape. They plopped him onto a chair next to Rick, and I nearly had a heart attack when I saw his face.

It had been beaten to a pulp, his hair stained with blood, and bleeding gashes across his cheek. He was sporting a black eye, and his arm looked limp, like it was broken. "What the hell did you do to him?!" Leo yelled, nearly running at Rick. I managed to pull him back, just as all the armed men raised their guns and pointed it at Leo. They weren't even carrying any guns, but automatic rifles, ready to shoot us to the death.

Rick finally looked up at us and stopped fiddling with his knife. "Now there Leo, do you really think running at me is a smart idea?" He smiled wickedly, like he had all the power over us, which he definitely did. "How the hell do you know my name?" Leo snapped at him. Rick just laughed and ignored his question, walking even closer to me. "Why don't you hand over your mother and then we'll talk?"

Leo and I exchanged glances. This was not the plan. We had to get both Luke and my mom out of here alive. I looked at my mom, who's facial expression remained unchanged. Her hand was also in her pocket now though. Rick saw her and laughed. "Oh, come on Isabelle. Get your hand out of your pocket. It's not like one little gun is going to be able to do anything against us."

I blinked at him, surprised he knew that my mom was carrying a gun. He rolled his eyes at me and Leo. "You two can also stop hiding your daggers. It's useless against me."

Damn it. How the hell did he know? I hadn't even moved to take out my dagger. When none of us moved to do anything, the men behind Rick cocked their guns and took a step closer to us. I nearly took a step back, jumping out of my skin, my heart beating fast. "I won't ask again." Rick spoke, still unfazed by any of this. We reluctantly put our weapons down, knowing we were outnumbered. Shit. What the hell was I thinking? Leo was right, there was no way we could do this. "All right Rick, we came. Now give us Luke." I asked, loosing my patience. He smirked. "Not so fast."

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