Chapter 14: Thanks for the ride

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WHAT IS UPPPP?! Nicky here. Hope y'all are having a great weekend. Somehow, this chapter is longer than usual, I guess for once I actually felt like typing a lot instead of being the usual procrastinating lazy ass that I am. Can't believe it was the 10 years on 1D almost two weeks ago! I love that band so muchh. (Sorry BTS lovers please don't stop reading my book, I just ain't a fan of BTS sorry.) For me, the top three bands are- One Direction, Why don't we and then The Vamps. In that order. Eh, well now I'm rambling aren't I? Anyway,


Chapter 14: Thanks for the ride

"Make sure to always write for both sides when it comes to discursive writing, even if you may not support both! Don't end up writing an entire essay just for one side of the topic!"

Discursive writing. Not exactly my favourite, but it isn't so bad. But it was still the last class of the day and I just wanted to get the hell out of school. Everyone was jittery and restless, like how it is when it's the last class of the day, not to mention the week.

There were still ten minutes left for class to end, and it could seriously not come any faster. Jack had been constantly kicking the back of my chair for the last fifteen minutes, trying to get me to talk to him. "Come on Garcia, my foot hurts now. You can't do this forever you know."

"Then stop. I'm not saying anything."

All of a sudden, the chair kicking stopped and he was quiet. I frowned. He actually stopped?

I felt something hit the back of my head and I flinched. "Ow!" I whispered, turning to face Jack. "What the hell was that?" He grinned at pointed to the floor, where a crushed-up wad of paper had fallen. Raising my eyebrows. I slowly bent down and picked it up.

I uncrumpled it and saw that there was something written inside.

Come on. I said I'm sorry! It was an accident! Henry let it go anyway.

Annoyed, I scribbled back.

Shut up Miller. I have you to thank for the bruise on my forehead.

I balled up the paper and threw it over my head. But unfortunately, Macklemore saw it. "Ava, Jack, what are you two doing?"

I glanced at Jack, giving him my signature death stare. Just great. Before I could try to come up with some explanation to tell Macklemore, Jack started to speak.

"It's okay Mr. Macklemore. I'd just accidentally dropped one of my sheets, and Ava was giving it back to me."

Macklemore's eyes narrowed. He clearly didn't buy it. But he decided to let it go. "All right, now pay attention."

Finally, the bell rang and I got the hell out of there. I tried speed walking as fast as I could but somehow Jack caught up with me. "Come on Garcia. You can't be mad at me forever. You have to admit it's funny! I mean the ball literally bounced off you head and onto Bryan's!"

"Because you threw it at me!"

He started to laugh again. "I said I was sorry! It was an accident!" He snorted. "An epic accident."

I ignored him and speed up again. "Ava!" He yelled after me, and jogged to keep up with my pace.

"Okay fine I forgive you! Now can u let me go home? I've got to catch a ride with Dean."

"I just wanted to tell you that you have to be on set by five today, but okay sure!" And with that he saluted and me and jogged away. Ugh. He's so annoying. I have no clue how I became friends with him. He was like this annoying little fly, constantly buzzing around me. Although he hasn't stuck to me like glue, which he promised on Monday, which I'm thankful for. Thanks to the great 'Bryan Lewis' my life at school was completely messed up. If it weren't for my friends, I would've gone crazy.

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