Chapter 3: Welcome to the team

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Sorry this chapter took a while, I haven't really been in a mood to write. I will try updating faster from now on. Anyway. (The Santa Monica Pier on top.)


Chapter 3: Welcome to the team

Woah, hold up. Just back up there for a minute. Bryan Lewis as my co-star? Like what?

Luckily, I never got flustered around guys, no matter how good looking they were. I simply looked at him with slight surprise. "And you are...?" I asked, pretending like I couldn't recognise him. Now it was his turn to look surprised. "You don't know who I am?"

"Uh, yeah that's why I asked idiot."

He looked at me quizzically like he was trying to contemplate what I was saying. It gave me the feeling that he wasn't very bright. "You know, I don't usually get this snark from girls. They pretty much fall at my feet, because I'm simply that charming and good looking." He gestured to himself, winking at me. Great. Another completely self-obsessed and spoilt celebrity. Surprise surprise.

I ignored him, turning to face the director. "Please Mr. Burton, at least let me prove myself. I promise you won't regret it." I told him. He studied me, reading my face. After a few seconds, he sighed. "All right. You're lucky I'm a nice guy." He said. I smiled at him, gratefully. "Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it."

That's when he got called away to some other director business and another seemingly nice lady walked over and handed me a script to recite from. "Why don't u go through it. It's just a couple of scenes in the movie, we'll call you in a bit." She said, and smiled at me and walked away.

"I must get going girl." I heard my mom say from behind me. I didn't bother turning around or even looking at her. I just walked away to the other end of the pier. After a couple of minutes, I heard the tires screeching and the car driving away. I simply sighed and looked at my paper. I can't believe my own mother would do this just because it's good money. It made me remember how selfish and vain she was. Especially after that night three years ago... I still shudder every time I think about it.

"Hey how's it going?" a voice said behind me. I turned around to see Bryan Lewis standing behind me.

"What do you want?" I asked exasperatedly. "I never got to properly introduce myself." he held his hand out to me with a grin. "Bryan Lewis. Nice to meet you." I shook his hand. "Ava Garcia."

"I'm sure you're gonna get the role, don't worry." He told me, with what I think is supposed to be a reassuring smile, but it came out more like a smirk. "I'm sure It'll be fine, you don't have to reassure me. Besides, I never wanted to be in this stupid movie in the first place."

"Really? Hard to believe you wouldn't want to be in a movie with me."

"Well, I don't."


I facepalmed myself, annoyed. "Do you mind? I trying to learn the script over here, and you're not helping." He held up his hands like as if in surrender. "Fine by me." And then he walked away.

Finally, some peace. As I went over the script, I started to realize, that this was, in fact, a kind of blend between a romantic and an adventurous movie. It's about a girl, from an average family, who meets a boy by the Pier, who turns out to be the son of a fisherman, and always had a dream of going to college, but isn't able to because he can't afford it. Eventually, they become friends as they seem to run into each other everywhere they went, until one day, his brother gets murdered. He turns into a crazy person, angry and in pain. Drinking and smoking. No one seems to be able to pull him back, except the girl. They end up in different places, just trying to get away. Friends and family, the whole dilemma. They go to different places on adventures, facing life and death situations. There's a huge other drama behind it, which I was too lazy to read and I just went over the first scene.

"Ava, we need you here!" Mr. Burton called. I walked over to him, where I saw him sitting with a couple of people, including Bryan. They were probably the producers and other people on the film.

"All right, we're going to do the scene, where Sean, (played by Bryan) and Alicia, (played by Ava) meet each other for the first time on the Santa Monica Pier. Ready? Lights, Camera, Action!"

I held my script in my hand, pretending to busy busy going through something, as I walked down the pier and Bryan came from the other side. That's when we both crashed into each other and I dropped my script on the ground.

"Hey!" Bryan cried out in surprise, as I rubbed my forehead, pretending to be hurt. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see where I was going. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, I didn't see where I was going either."

We both bent down to pick up the script at the same time, our hands brushing against each other. Flustered, we both look up.

That's when our eyes lock. Technically, in the script, we're supposed to gaze into each other's eyes for a couple of seconds, and it's supposed to be love at first sight, true love, blah blah blah. But when I looked up into his eyes, I was mesmerized. His eyes were actually, astonishingly beautiful. They were deep sea green, beautiful and shimmering in the sunlight. It looked like those kind of eyes that would capture any moment, and never forget it. As I gazed deeper, I could see that there was some sadness and depth hidden, underneath the joking smirk his eyes seemingly portrayed. He seemed to be looking at me too, in a different way. But he was probably acting. Either way, I did not have to act like I was mesmerized.

Then the moment was broken, and we both stood up. That's when I realized the script was still on the floor, even though Bryan was supposed to pick it up. I widened my eyes at him looking from him to the paper. He realized what I was doing, and snapped out of it, as he quickly bent down and scooped it up.

"Well, I better get going. Thank you." I said as he handed in over to me. "No problem."

"Cut!" I heard the director yell. Thank the gods. "That was pretty good Ava, the way you both gazed into each other's eyes was spot on." I smiled at him. "Thank you, Mr. Burton." I replied, politely. "Let's just try one more scene and we'll cut to the chase." He said.

We enacted one more stupid scene, me trying hard not to roll my eyes, and not think of what had happened a moment ago. He wasn't acting either? Cause it looked like he was flustered too, when he forgot to pick up the script. What did he see in me that made him pause like that? I wonder.

After we finished another scene the director actually clapped. "Good job Ava, I'm impressed. Looks like it might be good news for you." Then he walked away with the rest of his directing team to discuss in a corner.

"Wow... that was pretty good." Bryan said. "Thanks, you too." I smiled back. "You know, I'm one hundred percent sure you're gonna get it."

"Oh really?" I asked, in an exasperated tone, rolling my eyes at him.

"Yeah, no doubt about it."

Mr. Burton took forever to actually talk to those people, looking at different actors and fumbling with scripts. Normally, don't they have callbacks or something? I don't know.

"Ava, Congratulations! You're hired! " I heard Mr. Burton say. I looked at him thankfully. "Thank you so much Mr. Burton." I said, accepting his hand shake. " Please, call me Henry." he said.

"See? I told you." Bryan said to me. "Yeah, yeah." I replied, waving my hand like it was no big deal. He grinned at me and leaned in closer to me ear and whispered, "I'm sure we're gonna have a blast, as there's a kissing scene between us ya know." I looked up at him surprised. He simply smirked at me. "Welcome to the team." And then, he walked away.

God, I can't believe he's hitting on me when I literally met him an hour ago. He must be another one of those bratty players. Ugh. I have to kiss him? Okay, I guess it is cool working with a celebrity as popular as Bryan Lewis, but a kissing scene? Most girls would kill for that, but I was nothing but disgusted. He may be good looking, but he was still an annoying jerk. I have to put up with him for two weeks during the rest of this summer. Screw this stupid movie.

I was ready to get home and have a little talking to with my mother. I was still so mad! Hell to her! She's absolutely useless anyway.

But for now, as I walked down the beach, I was just in a mood to chill at home with my little bro, or hang out with my friends. They could always cheer me up, and I needed to cool down for a while.

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