Chapter 19: This ain't happening in my kitchen

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Y'all, chapter 19 is here! It was so annoying trying to publish this chapter cause Wattpad started glitching again, and it wasn't allowing me to publish. For one of my friends, it said her new published part is from 1970. Like lmao. The last chapter was pretty cliche, but my book isn't going to be like that. Like cliche's can be annoying. What do you guys think of the cover on top? It is better than the one that's there now? Anyway,


Chapter 19: This ain't happening in my kitchen


"Holy shit!"

I nearly jumped out of my skin as I walked into the living room, and found my friends waiting for me. "So, I'm guessing the new fingerprint scanner works huh?"

The last few days were crazy boring. Not to mention the security at my house had been upgraded to a crazy level. I hadn't seen anyone but Leo and Luke. Of course, it was no one's fault, my friends still had school, and Jack and Bryan were still filming any scenes without me after. Everyone was pretty busy, so I guess it was all right. I had time to catch up on my school work. Not to mention my arm itched like crazy under the cast. It made me wanna stick a spatula under there and scratch like crazy. It would still be at least a month before I could take it off.

"Hey girl! We thought you might be bored sitting at home by yourself. Now that it's the weekend, we're gonna be here all day!" Britney said.

"Aw, Thanks guys, y'all are awesome."

"So, what's for lunch?" Alex asked, and immediately walked into the kitchen. I rolled by eyes. I'd almost forgotten the way he would raid my house of its food every time he came over. How he still stayed fit, I don't know.

Everyone else went into the gaming room. Caleb and Dean started playing on the PlayStation, Leah and Jake were playing air hockey on the table in the corner, and Britney just sat watching tv. Typical us. I guess the gaming room is pretty lit. With different video games, an air hockey table, a popcorn machine, a pool table an air conditioning with tv was pretty awesome. I guess my mom did make a lot of money. Not that she actually lived here, but whatever.

I followed Alex into the kitchen to makes sure he didn't clean out the cupboards. "Hey, what're you eating?"

"Cheetos and coke."

"Wanna play something on the VR or something?"

"I'm down."

We went back to the gaming room and turned on the second video game station, since Dean and Caleb were using the other one. I was just plugging in the system and trying to find the game, when I came across Just Dance. "Hey, Alex look what I found! We haven't played this in years! We gotta do it."

"Ugh, no. It sucks."

"Oh yeah? Scared?"

"Me? Never!"

"Then it's on!"

We fired up the tv, and started dancing our asses off. I beat Alex in the first round, and he beat me in the second. "You sure you're up for this slowpoke?! I have a broken arm and I'm still beating you!" I yelled over the music. "Hell yeah!"

After a while, everyone else joined in and we had an all-out dance battle. Caleb killed Leah, Dean fell on his ass, and let's just say Britney is a surprisingly good dancer. When we tried asking her about it, she just shook her head. "I have a dark past. Deal with it."

This must have been the most fun I've had in the last few weeks. I could only dance once, because everyone practically benched me and said I was forbidden from dancing because of my arm. Whatever. It was still fun watching Dean trip over his own legs, and Britney get a Nerf gun and shoot him in the face. Then it went from a dance battle to a godamn shootdown. I was saving my sorry ass, and diving behind the couch to avoid Britney wrath.

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