Chapter 9: Bryan Lewis, you are so dead.

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Hey y'all it's me! Thank you so much for all the comments and the votes! It's been really helpful. This chapter is dedicated to Hazel, my new buddy on Wattpad.  

@Hazel_Jones_04  This one's for you! 


Chapter 9: Bryan Lewis, you are so dead.

It was... it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

The cliffs over looking the sea. The wet green grass under my feet and the sun shining. The salty wind blowing my hair, and the absolute calm and serenity.

" Bryan... this is amazing."

It was true. The spot Bryan had chosen was perfect. He had driven us out of the city, and towards the sea, all the way up to cliffs. In fact, it was so perfect, the sun was at the right angle so it wasn't too hot. The wind was blowing in the perfect direction and the greenery was just right.

He smiled at me, as he walked towards me carrying a picnic blanket. It was a sly smile, like he had way more to show me. " How did you even find this spot?" I asked him, still gazing in awe at the scenery.

" Most people miss it. They don't even look to the left to see that there's a road that can lead you up here. They're too busy looking at the sea. And even if they did find the road, they wouldn't hike all the way up here."

" What made you do it?"

" Don't know. Guess I was curious."

Finally, I stopped gazing and sat down next to Bryan, still able to look at the perfect view, gazing the water about thirty feet below.

Bryan took out two coke cans and offered one to me. I gladly took it, wanting to quench my thirst. I just realized I hadn't had breakfast or lunch. I was starving. I was just about to ask Bryan if he had any food, when he laughed. " Don't worry, I figured you'd be pretty hungry so I got some sandwiches and fries."

I smiled at him gratefully. Huh. Who knew that under all of that flirty, spoilt exterior, there's actually a nice guy.

" So, which view are you enjoying? The ocean, or you know... me?" he gestured to himself and winked.

So much for nice guy.

" Do you talk about anything but yourself?" I asked him.

" Hey, believe it or not, there are other things I do to occupy my time."

" Oh, really? Like what?" I asked him sarcastically.

He didn't respond, but simply grinned at me and got up from the blanket, and started to walk down the rough, sloped wall of the cliff.

" Where are you going?" I yelled at him from where I sat.

" I can't hear you over the wind! Come on!" he yelled back.

Great. What was he up to now?

I sighed and stood up, shaking my head. I followed him down the path. It didn't seem to be too dangerous, and it was easy to walk down. When I finally caught up with him, he stood on a ledge about twenty feet away from the water.

" What are you doing?" I asked him, annoyed and nonchalant.

" Enjoying the view!"

" Seriously? The view is much better up there."

He just turned towards me and grinned. " Hold on tight."


Before I could even react, he hugged me to his chest, and without warning, leaped off the cliff.

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