Chapter 15: I guess it's different with you

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SURPRISEE!!! What's up y'all?! It's your girl Nicky here! Guess what? I'm finally getting off my lazy ass and I managed to type this chapter extra quickly so I thought, why not publish it earlier?! I'm so proud of myself XD. Can't believe I'm almost at 1.5k reads now! I love you guys. Anyway,


Chapter 15: I guess it's different with you

"And cut!"

I sighed gratefully and grabbed a water and sat down. Henry was really working us today. We'd been filming for almost two hours now. Beside that, the scene we were filming had so much running. It was pretty much just Bryan, Jack and me running away from cops. It was a heck of a nightmare. We'd shot the same scene like ten times, just because Jack kept tripping over the rocks like an idiot.

"All right Jack, that was good. About time you got the hang of it." Henry said, annoyed. Then he turned around and started yelling at the people behind him. "All right people! Let's shoot the last scene for today. Get the set ready, it's started raining, and Sean's just lost his brother, he got shot down by the cops." Then he turned to us. "Bryan, I want raw emotion all right? You've just lost your brother and you're spiralling. I want to see those tears. Jack, just stand behind him with sorrow on your face. Ava, after he's said his lines, kneel down beside him and hug him. Got it? Let's go!"

I turned around and took my place, as they got reading to make it start raining on top of us. Bryan took a menthol tear stick, so he could make his character, Sean, cry. Damn, this scene was going to be intense. Until now, it was all simple emotions. Now was when the climax started. I wonder how Bryan was going to act.

"And action!" Henry yelled, and the scene came into motion. There were side effects of thunder, and it started to rain. I shivered, as the cold water suddenly hit me. Jack and I glance up at the same time, like as id it were actually raining. Bryan looked down at the body, his face in the expression of pure shock. He fell onto his knees, putting his hand on the body's chest. Where they'd put fake blood, around a fake bullet wound. The guy acting as Sean's brother was Ethan, I think.

"No." Bryan spoke out that word softly, grief now tracing his face. I stared at him completely mesmerized. Bryan had this quality, that when he acted a scene of pure emotion, it drew everybody around him, and their eyes would remain locked on him. This scene would have no lesser effect.

"This can't be happening." Tears started rolling down his cheeks, getting mixed with the rain water. His entire body started to shake, and he yelled out like a person about to lose it. This is what makes him emotionally unstable in the story. I look at him, with a look of worry and kneel down beside him. "Sean, come here." I tell him. He turns to me with a crazed, grieving look in his eyes. It looked so real. Way too real. I knew right then and there, how he was acting like this.

I pulled him into and embrace and let him sob on my shoulder. "He's- He's gone, Alicia. Gone."

I didn't say anything, until he let go of me all of a sudden and stood up. "I'm gonna kill those cops. I'm gonna kill them!" and then he ran out of sight. "Sean!" I yelled after him. Ron and I exchanged glances, (a.k.a Jack) and ran behind Sean.

"And Cut!"

We stopped running and turned towards Henry, who was surprisingly, clapping. "Amazing! That was absolutely amazing! Bryan, you really are as good as they say you are! This may be my first time working with you, and its wonderful!"

Bryan grinned shyly, wiping the menthol off his face. "Thanks Henry."

"And Ava, really great for your first ever movie! As well as it being a main role! Jack, you may have shown up as small characters in other movies before, but your great as well."

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