Chapter 38: The suicide mission- Part 1

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Heyyyy, this chapter is a little short this time, sorry about that. The plot is officially 40 percent in.  Strangers, stripped version by Halsey on top. I like the stripped one better than the actual one. The song isn't really related to this chapter but oh well. Anyway,


Chapter 38: The suicide mission- Part 1

"We have to get the hell out of here! We have to show this to the cops or something!"

"Have you forgotten we are on a lockdown and there are dangerous criminals on the loose? Including your mom!"

"I don't care!"

Leo and I were screaming our asses off, definitely waking up everyone in the house. I was probably going to have a panic attack any second now.

"Ava, I care about Luke too, but we can't be reckless! Do you want to die?" Both of us were breathing heavily, scared out of our skin. What the heck were we going to do? I hate to admit it but Leo was right. Yet, at the same time, I can't just sit around and do nothing. At that moment, Jack, Bryan, Leah and Jake burst into the room, eyes wide. "What the hell is going on?" Jack asked, his hair in a mess and crease marks on his face.

He looked around the room, the empty bed, the note on the floor, and then he realised, his face in shock. "No. No way."

I could only nod.

Everyone else was still confused, but I didn't have the time to explain it to them. I stormed out of the room, and Leo, Jack and Bryan followed. "Ava? What on earth is happening?"

"Her brother is missing you tool." Jack snapped, narrowing his eyes at Bryan. Before he could say anything, I turned to face Leo. "I don't care what you say, I'm going to the cops. You can either come with me, or sit here and do nothing."

He stayed silent for a while, then nodded at me with determination. "All right. Let's do this."

Jack filled everyone else in about what was happening, and Leo and I were going to leave, when Jack suddenly grabbed my hand. Leo had gone out to start the car and I was still on the doorstep. "Jack?"

He let go and smiled at me. "Just wanted to tell you to be safe out there. Don't die on me or I will kill you."

I laughed. "I can take care of myself Jack." Jack just shrugged. "I know you can." I gave him one last smile and left. No need to get sentimental. Nobody's gonna die.

I got into the shotgun seat of Leo's car. "All right, we have to find my mom as well, we can't let- HOLY SHIT!"

As if she had been conjured by the mere mention of her name, the moment Leo had actually stepped on the gas, she came out of nowhere, right onto the windshield. Leo slammed on the breaks, and the car stopped with a loud screech. "What the hell?" Both of us got out of the car, slamming the door shut and rushing to see if my mom was okay. She hadn't been hurt too bad, she had managed to get into a sitting position and was now examining the forming bruise on her arm. "Mom? What the hell are you doing?" I asked indignantly.

"I'm so sorry, I saw a chance to escape from the prison and I took it. Sorry for jumping in front of the car, I wasn't thinking."

"Obviously." Leo grumbled and helped her stand up. "Why the hell should we trust you? How do we know everything you told Ava isn't some lie you concocted?"

Before my mom could reply, I answered for her. "I trust her." Leo looked at me in shock. "Are you serious? Are you actually going to trust this psychopath woman after what she did to you?"

"She is telling the truth Leo. She's not lying this time, it's different."

"Yeah well, one story is not enough to make me believe squat. She's still a drug dealer, and abandoned you. One little incident isn't going to make me change my mind."

I pulled Leo aside so my mom couldn't hear. "Look, I know it's hard to trust her, but right now she's our best chance at finding Luke. She probably knows the inside of Rick's operation." Leo sighed and hesitantly agreed. Now that this was finally settled, we got in the car and drove off. "All right, I think Rick has a hideout in this area. He has many different operations, so he could be anywhere in the city, but I have a strong feeling it's here. He wants me to know where he is."

Leo reluctantly started driving in the directions my mom was indicating. "I still think this is stupid. Running into a drug ring, with no weapons is straight up suicide. We have to go to the cops first."

"There's no time! He's probably torturing Luke right now. We'll give the cops a call and the location, so if the negotiating goes wrong, they can back us up. Involving the cops when it comes to Rick is still very dangerous."

"I still think we should have a weapon." Leo grumbled. "Don't worry, I've got it covered." I replied, and pulled out two daggers from the sheath in my pocket. "Holy shit, where did you get that?" Leo asked, his eyes wide. I nearly laughed. "Relax, Britney gave it to me."

"Jesus, that girl is scary."

"Don't worry I've got something too." My mom said, pulling out a gun and cocking it. The car swerved, and we nearly hit a bunch of garbage cans, throwing me onto the car door. "HOLY SHIT WOMAN, DON'T TAKE OUT A DAMN GUN IN A CAR!" Leo screeched at the top of his lungs, gripping onto the steering wheel for dear life. My mom started laughing. "Gosh, I'm so sorry Leo."

Both me and Leo turned around to look at her in surprise. She raised her eyebrow at us. "What?"

"Nothing, that's just the first time you've got my name right." Leo said. My mom just shrugged and went back to polishing her gun. We finally reached the place my mom was taking us to, and Leo stopped the car. We were in front of what looked like an abandoned warehouse, but I'm pretty sure it's obviously not abandoned. Wow, you think Rick could think of a better hideout. This was like one of those weird movie scenes.

Now, I was starting to panic. This entire time I wasn't thinking about it, because I was focused on Luke. Now that we were actually here, I was scared out of my mind. There's no way two adults and one teenager were going to be able to go in and get out another teenager.

"All right, let's just go in, no point sneaking around. We're here to get Luke back. I called the cops; I didn't tell them we were going in first." My mom said, getting ready to step out of the car. "Hold up, Hold up!" I said, grabbing my mom's hand. "Leo's right, this is a suicide mission. We should wait for the cops."

My mom roughly shook my hand off. "Hell no. I know Rick better than you do, and the moment the cops show up, he's going to shoot Luke in the head. That's my son in there, and I want to save him so that when the cops arrive, they can arrest Rick with Luke in safety."

Leo and I just sat there in shock, and my mom got out of the car, hiding her gun in the orange jumpsuit. "There's no way we can let her go in alone. She's going to get killed. Rick wants her in exchange for Luke." I spoke. Leo sighed. "I suppose we don't have any other choice."

I handed him one of the daggers, and stepped outside the car, standing side by side with my mom. "So, what's the plan?" I asked, looking at the warehouse grimly. "We go in together, no hiding. We ask for Luke. Simple." My mom replied.

"Are you serious? You want to politely ask a murderer to give back your son? Are you insane?"

In answer, my mom took out her gun and loaded it. "Yep." Leo and I exchanged glances. I pulled out my dagger and so did he. Well, it looks like we're doing this. My body wanted to run away from this place screaming, but my mind held it still. I had to get my brother back. I was not going to lose my family. Not again. At that moment, I didn't care what I had to do to get him back, but I would do it.

The three of us stood side by side, as I started to hear thunder cackle a distance away. Looks like a storm's coming.

"Are we doing this?" My mom asked, looking just about ready to leap in there. "Yeah." I nodded.

"Let's give them hell."

BOOM POWER LINEEE. Whoop things are about to get intense.  Hope y'all liked this chapter. If not, well just keep reading it's going to get crazy. Lezzgooo! Peace out.

Adios amigos!

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