Chapter 16: I'm not gonna die

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What's up y'all? I'm back, with a whole new chapter for you amazing readers. That's right, I love you guys for reading this dumbass book. You're awesome. Buckle up and grab some popcorn guys, cause it about to get interesting. Anyway,


***Trigger warning***

Chapter 16: I'm not gonna die


Just one word.


Like every other high school party, it was absolute madness in that house. Almost everyone was drunk, even though the party had just started fifteen minutes ago. So many bodies crowded together, dancing to the music. There were a group of people playing beer pong in one corner, people playing spin the bottle in another, and there were couples making out in almost every single one of them.

I almost tripped over someone's shoe, just lying in the middle of the floor, and bumped into two blonde girls making out and ripping each other's clothes off, like there weren't a hundred other people in the room.

One of them glared at me. "Got a problem bitch?" I shrunk back, out of her physical hitting distance. "No, not at all."

She looked like she was about to say something else, but then her girlfriend grabbed her and they went back to making out. Jeez, it's crazy how violent people get when they have alcohol. Or drugs. I could bet there was all kinds of drug dealing going on in here.

I was just about to turn around and ask my friends if we should go outside, when I noticed all three of them had disappeared. What the hell? They'd probably got lost in the crowd. I could barely see where I was going after all.

After what seemed like hours of aimlessly wandering around, I managed to find the kitchen, which was way less crowed. Not to mention huge. The entire house was freaking gigantic, but it was still so crowded. I spotted Britney near the kitchen counter, drinking from a plastic cup. "Britney! Hey!" I called out, and walked over to her. Britney didn't respond, she just kept staring at the floor with a blank expression on her face. "Hello? Earth to Britney?!" I said, waving my arms in front of her face. She blinked and looked up. "Oh, sorry Ava. I was just-" And then she looked away. I gaped at her. "Uh, Britney? Aren't you going to finish your sentence?"


"You were saying something?"

"I was?"


She didn't answer and took another sip from her cup, draining it in one gulp. She tried to keep the cup on the counter, but it just toppled to the floor. "I'm gonna go get another drink." She walked away, almost tripping over herself. Wonderful. I just hoped that all my friends weren't this drunk.

I sighed and took a glass of fruit punch. Looks like I was going to be driving everyone home tonight. I stood in a vacant corner, just sipping my drink and observing the party. Why can't a party ever be decent? Like normal people just being normal? Nope, they just have to act crazy. After a while, I spotted Dean in the crowd, laughing in the middle of the floor with his football buddies.

"Three, two, one, go!"

Dean and another guy bent over and started spinning round and round in circles, their heads towards the floor. The other guys started counting loudly, like a rave of crazy people. When they finished counting, Dean and the other guy, Lee, (the captain of the football team by the way) stopped spinning and started trying to run to the other end of the room, where the rest of the football team were standing. Almost immediately, both of them crashed to the ground. Obviously. It didn't help that their bodies were full of alcohol.

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