Chapter 1: Give me a break

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Hey guys! This is my first ever shot at teen fiction, not sure how it's gonna go but I really hope you like it! Just ignore any typo errors, and hope y'all don't mind some minor swearing.[ That's Ava's house on top btw.]


Chapter one: Give me a break

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Ugh, stupid alarm clocks!" I groaned, scrambling out of my covers to find the annoying thing and turn it off. Every day, it kept ringing at like, nine in the morning, even on a Saturday. Way too early to get up. I reached for my bedside table, trying to find the alarm clock blindly. I felt my palm brush against something smooth and rectangular. As I tried to reach it, I heard a thud of something falling on the ground. "Damn it!" I yelled, trying to spit my tangled hair out of my face and reach down, but one of my feet got stuck in the sheets. Next thing I know I'm falling out of bed, landing flat on my face, right on top of my phone.

"Argh, what the bloody hell!" I yelled again. Groaning and cursing, I push myself up, holding my nose, which I'm pretty sure was bleeding a little. I pick my phone up and examine it, and yup, it was pretty much cracked from the top left corner to the right bottom corner, in one long line. I look up and I become aware of the alarm beeping again.

"Oh, for the love of god!" I march to my bedside table, pick up the clock and hurl it across the room. It smashes against the balcony window, shattering into a million pieces. Well. That effectively shut it up. Now that the beeping had stopped, I finally became aware of my surroundings and... I started to hear laughter. "What the..." I muttered slowly turning around. 

"Oh god, you guys!"

I find myself looking at none other than my two best friends standing near the door, laughing their heads off. Leah was holding her stomach, half laughing and half crying. While Caleb was on the floor, tears streaming down his face, laughing hysterically and banging the floor with his fist.

"Come on you guys, it's not that funny!" I cried, still holding my nose, so it came out all funny and nasal, and that only made them laugh even harder. "Forget it." I mumbled, as I staggered to the bathroom to wash the blood off my face. Once I was done, I walked out to my room and I saw Caleb standing up, both of my friends slowly regaining their composure. "That was the funniest shit ever!" Caleb exclaimed, still breathing heavily. "Ah, come on give me a break. What are you guys doing here anyway?" I asked.

"We're taking you out." Leah responded.

"At nine in the morning?"

"Yup. The entire gang's going. Come on" she said, then she turned me around, put her hands on my back and pushed me towards the bathroom. "Aw, come on, not so early" I groaned. "Get your ass in the shower. Now." And with that she pushed me into the bathroom and slammed the door on my face. Dammit, she can be bossy when she wants to. But I still love her. Leah's been my best friend since like forever. Our mothers were like best friends ages ago, so we basically grew up together.  Then there's Caleb. Annoying, funny and as perverted as he was, I still loved him. He was like a brother to me. The three of us have been best friends since elementary school. I don't know what I would've done without them.

I looked at myself in the mirror, observing my features. I've never really cared about my looks, but from time to time I did look at myself. I was pretty much your average type person, with wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and I was about five foot six. I guess that's average. I've never really cared.

Sighing, I got in the shower. The cold water directly on my face was definitely a good wake up. It felt refreshing. Once I was done, I stepped out of the shower and dried myself with a towel and  put on my inner wear.  I was just tying my hair into a ponytail when I realized that I didn't have any other clothes in there. So I just wrapped the towel around myself and walked out, where I saw Leah and Caleb pretty much raiding my closet. Idiots.

"This will look way better on her."

"Are you crazy? You know nothing about girls fashion."

"I know enough to know that that would look hideous."

"Please, no way that would look good on her."

"Guys!" I said. "Stop it already." I walked to the closet picking out some clothes for myself. "Aw come on Ava, don't you think this looks amazing?" Caleb asked, holding out one of my shirts. "Shut up." I said, as I picked out my own outfit and slipped on jeans and along with a red flannel shirt over a black top. Leah, Caleb and I were pretty tight, so we didn't really care if we ever saw each other in our inner wear. Once I was done, we walked out of my room and into the kitchen. We saw Leo, our house's personal chef, cooking up something. "Hey Leo!"

"Yo Aves, wassup!" he said as he turned around and we both slapped our palms together. "Nothing much. What're you making?" I asked. "Mac and cheese! With a lovely glass of orange juice!" Leo exclaimed. I laughed. The guy loved making mac and cheese, because he knew I loved it, and would eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner if I could. Leo was a great guy. He was about twenty years old and in college. He was working as a personal chef in my house to earn a little extra money so he could pay for his tuition fee and rent. He was a pretty chill and fun guy to talk to. He always knew how to make a person laugh, and would always cheer you up when you're down.

"Ah look! It's Leah and Caleb!" he said, turning towards them. Leah smiled at him and waved while Caleb held his hand out for a fist bump. I had a strong feeling that Leah had a crush on him, although she wasn't ready to admit it. I've seen the way she looks at him, and how she's a little shy around him. We all sat around the table while Leo put down plates of Mac and Cheese in front of each of us. "Enjoy!" he said grinning, as he turned around to continue working. As we ate, all of us were engaged in conversation, laughing and talking, and pretty much teasing Caleb... until my mom walked in.

"Jeremy, I'm going to have to take off. I have a very important interview, make sure to feed the girl and the boy." She was rummaging around in her purse while talking, not even looking up. "Um... Mrs.Garcia, it's Leo." Leo said uncertainly, like he was scared of provoking her, because you never know what she could do. "Whatever, I'm late." She said, taking out her phone and finally looking up.

She glanced at me for a second, and then without a word, she turned around and took off. For a moment, there was only an awkward silence. Then finally Caleb opened his mouth. "Wow."

My mom was an entirely awkward topic. She was almost never at home, doing god knows what. She was a pretty accomplished actress, and she always had somewhere or the other to go. Anyway, to sum it up, she was the world's worst mom. Half the time she referred to me as "The girl". I don't even know if she remembers my name, or my fourteen year old brother Luke. That's why Leo was so important to me. My dad passed away when I was twelve, the worst thing that could ever happen. So, Leo was kind of like an older brother to me, and filled a huge void in the family. He's that comforting parental type figure that I haven't had since I was twelve, and neither has Luke. So, Leo's pretty much always been there for us.

"Damn, she never remembers my name." Leo muttered. That's when Leah spoke up. "You know what, we better get going, we told the rest of the gang we'd meet them by ten thirty." "Aw come on, let me finish my Mac and Cheese!" I groaned. "No can do Aves, lets go!" Caleb said, standing up and dragging me off my chair and out of the kitchen. "Bye Leo!" I managed to cry out as Leah opened the door. I heard him laugh all the way from the kitchen. "See ya!" and then the door closed and we were off to wherever these two were taking me. "Where are we even going?" I asked.

"You'll see, it's a surprise." Caleb answered.

"Ah, come on."

"Just hurry up you ass."




We both turned to each other and laughed as we entered Caleb's car, Leah just shaking her head and going "Well, what're you gonna do?", smiling and laughing herself.

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