Chapter 26: Dinner this Friday

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Hey guys! Your homegirl Nick here with another weirdass chapter. Warning: This hasn't been edited. For the millionth time, sorry for the delay. School is hell as usual and I guess I had like a teeny weeny writers block for a bit, but I'm good. I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like this chap has a few too many dialogues? Idk. Song on top is WDW's new song Lotus Inn. I'm such a limelight and so obsessed. Anyway,


Chapter 26: 

I woke up at home, safe and sound in my bed. At first, I looked around in confusion. How the heck had I got here? I felt this weird incoming sense of dread. Then suddenly, I remembered. Ugh, like why mom?

I managed to roll myself out of bed. I realized I was wearing the same clothes I had worn yesterday. I was about to get up and go brush my teeth when I saw a note lying on my nightstand.

Hey Garcia. You fell asleep so I dropped you home. Hope U don't mind, I used your car. It was nice talking to you last night, you're an awesome friend. Hope to see u @ school on Monday.


I smiled to myself. Damn, this guy was way nicer than I thought. Just that second, Leo barged into my room with wide eyes. "What are you still doing here? You're gonna be late for school?"

I gaped at him. "Huh? It's Sunday."

"No, you idiot. You slept for twenty-four hours straight. It's Monday morning. Get your ass outta here!"

I leaped out of bed like a ninja, and took the speediest shower I've ever taken. Holy crap, I had been asleep for so long? I'm so screwed. I threw on whatever clothes I could find first, grabbed a breakfast bar along with my bag and car keys, and I got the hell out of there.

I'm surprised I didn't get a speeding ticket, luckily there were no cops around. The moment my car tyres screeched against the pavement of the school parking lot; I ran.

I entered bio, panting like crazy, my hands on my knees. My teacher looked at me with surprise. "Ms. Garica? Care to explain?"

"Sorry Miss, I overslept."

She looked at me with disapproval. "Tut, tut. Go take a seat Ms. Garica, before I give you detention for the next week."

I scrambled back to my usual seat next to Jake. He rolled his eyes at me and whispered. "Seriously Ava? Overslept?"

"Hey, I ain't lying!"

I turned back to my desk because I could literally feel the teacher's eyes burning a hole in the back of my head. I DO NOT need detention. My life is messed up enough already.

After managing to sit through a tedious class, just taking down notes and drawing diagrams, I got the hell outta there. I was still feeling so tired. Like how is that possible? Dunno why it happens.

The day dragged on forever and ever. I hadn't seen Jack or Bryan all day, which was fine with me. Although, I hadn't spoken to Bryan since we... well kissed, and we hadn't exactly done anything about it. It was weird. Don't blame me, I'm an awkward person.

Speak of the devil. The second I thought of that, I felt an arm snake itself around my shoulder as I put my books in my locker. Blushing, I looked up. I saw Bryan there with a goofy grin on his face, his green eyes sparkling. "Hey." He said.


He leaned over and gave me a swift kiss on the cheek. "You look tired Ava. Did you sleep well?" I shrugged. "Better than you think." He raised his eyebrows at me questionably. I started to laugh. "Oh god, not like that. It's a long story."

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