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"Do you sleep in a corpse?"
Some asshole in the school hallways shouted laughing while I was getting my books from my locker - I slammed it shut
It's been 426 days since the incident with my older sister
After that my parents literally forced me into a mental health facility
They said it was for my health and safety but I know they where just afraid of me and wanted me gone. Now it's been 416 days since I've been in there - of course nobody was allowed to know what
When I arrived there I had to do some tests and asked me and my parents a bunch of questions
At the end I was diagnosed with an identity disorder
but my therapist says that maybe in a month or two I can go back home - not that I wanna go home to my family
I just wanna be a "normal" teenager again.

It's been almost a month since high school started and I'm officially a senior now - yay
But of course people gotta make fun of me just because of my looks. I'm black and I like the Color black a lot
Let's just say I don't dress like these bimbos nor the average. You could call it gothic, alt, grunge whatever - i feel comfortable and confident in my clothes
Even tough I had a heated argument with my parents about my clothes since it's "inappropriate" Bullshit
I don't have many friends but i also don't complain about it
quality before quantity
People outside my friend group call us "goths" "Punks" "satanics" and so on but nope I'm not one of these i believe in god my family does and so on.
While I'm leaning against my locker, waiting for my closest friend Kate (Nickname for Katlyn) guess who always has to make one of these bigass entrance - yup you get it
the popular jocks
I seriously don't understand why they are even popular they are so rude I could write a whole book why they are the worst people to ever exist on the world
Their parents clearly did some mistakes 17-18 years ago
And there he is Everest Nathaniel Sterling(yes I know his whole name but that's only because I've known him since pre school) the guy every girl drools over; even Kate - ugh
I don't understand what is so special on him
Chestnut brown hair, blue eyes, tall and so on
It's literally just the average. But how could I forget the rest of the football players all of them are assholes
And the cheerleaders but I would rather call them bimbos
I mean they dress and act that way sooo
But what I don't get is that Everest always
Always! looks at me
It's been like that for years now
Like- boy what you tryna look at?!

Meanwhile Everest and I had a staring contest Kate appeared "Ugh I swear to god Mrs Brighton always gives us way to much-"
"Vee?" She nudged my arm and I looked at her
"What?" I asked her confused she smiled at me.
While grabbing my arm and saying that I'm always lost in my thoughts she drags me to our next class

In class I tried to listen to what Mrs Brighton was saying but of course I was so lucky that some of the jackasses are with me in this class
Always doing dumb stuff, the class clowns you know

"...anyways you will be working on an project in a group of two-" Mrs Brighton went on
Me and Kate looked at each other already knowing we will work together on this project - we always do
"-but I created the groups; hoping that some of you will be able to bring their grades up with a matching partner that can help them" Mrs Brighton finished
Kate groaned and me
Well I just looked
I am quite disappointed because me and Kate will probably be one of those who gotta help the dumb- sorry the ones that need more help than others or just give them a little push.
"...Katlyn Posh and Selena Mckeen" Mrs Brighton went on with the list
Katlyn gives my a sad smile and Switches places
"...Venus Hamilton and Everest Sterling"

Kill me

I just looked blankly at him and saw... hope? in his eyes - he just looked at me while his boys where snickering behind him
And then
He smirked at me and looked away

What the hell?!


So whoever who's reading this I hope you liked it so far and if not just tell me what I could do better because this my "first" book and yeah that's it

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