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I was grounded
For one week exactly

It's Monday and I'm riding my bike to school while listening to hey kids by Molina
Anyways there wasn't much to do on weekend I told Kate and Ian how it went with Everest and let's just say Kate went crazy about it she also visited me on Saturday and Sunday
And Everest - well he texted me and stuff.
Last night after Kate left we even talked on the phone
just laughing and talking nonsense we must've eventually fallen asleep because this morning when I woke up he was still on the phone and I heard his light snoring

As I went inside I saw Kate waiting for me at my locker
Her black brown hair in a messy ponytail and dressed like always
She smiles as she sees me

"sup bitch" she said trying to sound cool
I opened my locker "meh not much" I said while getting my books
"Mhm" she said looking down picking at her nails

Somethings off

"Everything okay? You seem off" I said puzzled looking at her
"What? Yea- yeah I'm good" she said giving me a fake smile
"Kate-" I started but was cut of
"Ugh finally I found you" Madison said cutting me off "Okay so I wanted to excuse myself for last time. We kinda had a bad start but I want to fix that" she went on
" so I want you to come to my party this Saturday" she said handing me an invitation "your friends" she started again while eyeing Kate up and down "can come to" Madison finished also giving me a fake smile
Neither me or Kate said anything to her
"Anywayyys... See you guys later" she said while hugging me
I didn't hug her back
She just looked at Kate and went on

Kate and me looked at each other and bursted out laughing
"What the fuck was that" Kate said in between laughs
"I don't know" I said wheezing
"What's so funny?" Ian asked as he appeared
I hold the invitation up to his eyes
"We got invited" I said chuckling
"We? Oh hell nah I'm not coming. Who's party is that anyways?" Ian asked shaking his head
"Madison's" Kate answered for me "and we all are going, Ian" she said with fierce in her eyes smiling mischievously at Ian
Ian just sighed - he knew that Kate would literally force him out his house to come with us.
So starting an argument with Kate would be just a waste of time

"Psst! Yo! Ve-" Everest whispered while poking me with a pen
"What?!" I turned around whispering harshly
He smiled at me
"You coming to Madison's this Saturday?" He asked still smiling
I looked at him dumbfounded
"Is that why you are bothering me?!" I whispered harshly

Couldn't he wait for the end of the class or something?!

"Are you?" He asked again
I didn't answer him

"I will take that as a yes" he whispered smirking
"Shut up" I Whispered annoyed

"You are dismissed for today" our teacher said just as the bell rang

I just left the classroom when somebody grabbed my hand and stopped me from walking any further

What the fuck

"Nope we are not eating in the cafeteria today" Everest said now holding my hand instead of my wrist
"Uhm no. And can you let go of my hand" I said irritated
"Yes I can let go of your hand" he said while doing so "but we're still not eating here" he went on
"Maybe you won't but I will" I said dismissively
I turned around and was about to leave but he grabbed my hand again which made me spun around and come in contact with his broad chest "Nope you come with me" he said chuckling
I got out of his grasp "Everest! No. I won't - we still have school" I said annoyed
He groans "Sooo... after school then?" He asked hope lacing in his voice
"No. I'm still grounded" I said
He groaned again
"Yea I will-" I started
"I can get us something and just come to your place after school" he cut me off
"No no no it's not necessary" I said becoming a little bit nervous
"Why not, I wanna hang out with you" he said chuckling slightly
But then I saw an angry looking Madison walking down the stairs in our direction

That's my cue to leave

"Maybe another time. See you around" I said quickly and left without waiting for his response

Why's he so damn clingy

I disappeared into the nearest bathroom.
I stared at myself in the mirror

Depressed but well dressed <3

As I was staring at myself I noticed how my reflection started to smile mischievously at me I began panicking
I backed away from the mirror and ran out the bathroom

She's coming back

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