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After that awkward talk with my mom last week i texted Venus to tell her,
I don't know why but I wanted her to know.
Anyways she also told me that her mom also knows and so on.
Lately I have also been so tense the whole time
probably because of the upcoming game, the finals abs our graduations.
I know that Venus wants to talk about our future and so, but talking about makes it real and it kind of freaks me out that I don't really know anything about life after high school
god I don't even know what colleges she applied to. I couldn't stand being far away from her - ugh I guess i will have to ask her about it. But besides that I've been kind of freaking out because of Madison.
She would spam me with messages like
"I love You"
And whatever so I blocked her,
but that didn't stop her there.
She started to call me multiple times until I changed my number - weird, I know.

Right now I was trying to fall asleep but I couldn't do I went through the pictures I have of Venus - since they helped me fall asleep.
My eyes where just about to close when an incoming call jolted me awake
"God damnit" I groaned quietly
I picked up without looking at the caller ID
"Hello?" I asked groggily
"Everest" I heard Madison's voice say,
I quickly got up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes
"Madison?! Do know what time it is?!" I whisper shouted at her,
I heard faint sobs coming through the line and I instantly felt bad
"I-I'm sorry, I'm just tired. But why are calling me?" I asked her confused - and where did she even got my number from
I changed it for a reason
"Just Tell me one thing" Madison said quietly
"Did you ever love me?" she asked,
"Madison, not know" I tried to rub it off
"I love you Everest" she said still sobbing loudly
I sighed into the phone
"I'm going to jump" she said after a while of quietness
She's going to wha-?!
"No no no no no!!! Madison where are you?!" I asked as I hurriedly got up and dressed myself
"Nobody ever loved me" she said
"Madison. Tell me exactly where you are! And don't move!!" I commanded while I took my keys and rushed to my car
"Our safe place" she said and hung up.
I knew exactly where that place was.
It was our 'safe place' the roof of an old building where I always took her when life got to much to handle.

Yes it's true. I never loved her but I still care for her. I've always felt bad for the fact that I couldn't give her what she truly needed, but it's not like I never gave a damn about her. She was never able to do what she actually wanted to do - she was corrupted by her parents like I am by my dad. That's what pushed us together. I just never knew it was that bad.

The elevators in here stopped working ages ago so I had to run all the steps upstairs to get to the roof.
When I finally arrived, I bursted through the doors panting like a damn dog, I found her
just three steps away from death.
"Madison" I said as calmly as I could with my clenching heart
"You actually came" she said not turning around
"Of course I came." I stated
"Why?! Why me?!" She started yelling
"Madison please come here" I pleaded
"No! Nobody wants me! Everybody is using me for their own pleasure! But what about me - right no one gives a fuck about me!" She shout with tears in her eyes
"-But you" she added as her eyes softened a bit
"Until this stupid bitch Venus came and stole you from me! I thought she was my friend?! Someone who finally understood me" she said going back to yelling.
I didn't know what to do or say so I just listened
"My place is not here. Not in this cruel world. I do believe I belong somewhere. Just not here" she said, her voice hoarse from all that yelling
"Madison please come over here. We will figure everything out, okay?" I pleaded again
I tried to take a step forward but Madison quickly stopped me,
"NO! stay there!" She yelled
"Madison please" I tried again as I reached my hand out to her
"We will figure everything out?" She asked and I quickly nodded my head
"Together?" She added and I nodded again
"Okay" she said and I breathed out
"But only if you break up with Venus" she said quickly
"What?" I asked in disbelief
"You heard me" she spat
"Okay" I lied
I know she was skeptic but she still took my hand.
As soon her hand wrapped into mine she engulfed me in a tight hug.
I placed my arms around her waist trying to coo her - since she was practically breaking down right in my arms


"What just happened stays between us" Madison said sternly,
I gave her a confused look
"Madison. You need help, serious help" I tried to reason
"And I will get help. Don't worry" she said as she unbuckled her seatbelt.
Was she serious right now?!
"Madison! You were just about to end your fucking life and want me to forget about it?!"
She groaned and left my car.
I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and followed behind her,
"Madison" I hissed
"Madison!" I called
"What?!" She snapped as she turned around to face me
"Madison? Everest? What are you two doing here?" Mrs. Miller asked as she opened their front door
"Good morning? Mrs Miller" I greeted her with one of my many fake smiles
"It's really nice to see you again sweety, I just didn't thought it would be at five in the morning" Mrs Miller said jokingly
"Don't worry I won't tell your parents" she quickly said
"And for you young lady, we will talk later. Now hush - get inside" Mrs Miller said in a scolding manner
"It was nice seeing you again, Everest. Why don't you visit us at more pleasurable times the next time, yeah?" She said giving me a small smile
"Of course" I said quickly
Don't worry Mrs Miller. There won't be a next time
"Well then, good night Mrs Miller" I said giving her another fake smile
"You too a good night" she said before closing the door.

A/N: Credits go to my bestie who helped me write this chapter<3

Until the day I die
I spill my heart for you

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