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After Kate dropped me off I rushed into my room and tried to clean up a bit before Everest would show of
I also decided to take a quick shower and shave again before putting on the matching set I bought today
I got dressed in a pair of cheeky shorts and a ribbed top to show some of my cleavage
Just when I finished getting ready the doorbell rang.

I rushed down the stairs almost tripping and opened the door
There he was - dressed in a pair of 'light coloured' trousers, his Air Force one and a vintage grey hoodie
"Hey" he said before leaning in to give me a quick peck on my lips
"Hey" I greeted him getting a little nervous

"Sooo... what do you wanna watch?" Everest asked while absently scrolling through Netflix on my laptop
"I dunno whatever you want to watch" I said unbothered while trying to get a glance on his
"Venus?" Everest said calling me out of my trance
"Huh?" I asked adverting my gaze to his dilated pupils
"I asked if you're fine with watching 21 jump street again" he repeated
"Uhm yea sure" I gave in

While watching the movie that was actually pretty funny at some moments,
I opened a few of the buttons on my shirt to show more of my dekolleté but Everest didn't notice.
So I cleared my throat to get his attention but he still wasn't looking at me.
Then I tried a different way to get his attention
I placed my hand on his thigh my eyes fixed on the movie in front of us.
From the corner of my eyes I saw him eyeing my hand on his thigh then me.
After a while my hand inched higher and higher causing Everest to take deeper breaths
"What are you doing?" Everest asked looking down at my hand that rested just below his little friend.
I removed my hand from his thigh and went to sit on his lap.
He just stared at me with wide eyes and tinted cheeks,
I started to unbutton my top - leaving me only in the lace bra and shorts
"Holy shit" Everest said, his eyes wandering over my chest.
His hands went from my stomach up to my boobs giving them a little squeeze
I almost moaned at his yet so simple touch
I decided to start with a simple yet passionate kiss.
His hands stayed on each side of me not moving much meanwhile my hands went from his neck, to his shoulders down his broad chest and crept under his hoodie trying to undo his belt
I continued to give him kisses along his jaw and neck while my hand slowly crept into his light brown trousers to palm him through his boxers
Everest let out a small gasp but quickly composed again
"Vee you don't have to do this" he said under his breath
"But I want to" I admitted
I started to massage him through his boxers feeling him 'grow' between my hand
Everest closed his eyes in pleasure, trying to keep his moans at bay.
I pulled my hand back which caused Everes to open his eyes
"Why did you stop?" He asked out of breath
"Because I need better access" I mumbled while trying to take his pants of
"Oh right" he said before removing his hoodie and kicking his trousers off but not removing his black boxers
When I tell you I was shocked - I was beyond shocked
I gulped and kneeled in front of him - having now a better sight of his hardened wood
Everest just stared at me with wide eyes and red cheeks
"We can stop if you-"
"Shhh don't ruin the moment" I said cutting him off
I pulled down his boxers, his hard throbbing cock practically jumping out, landing on his stomach
This was new land for me - I mean I have already seen his boner through his clothes a lot of times and so on but this is something else.
I reached out to him and wrapped my fingers delicately around him earning a soft groan coming from Everest.
I could feel it pulsating, hot and a bit of sticky pre cum on the tip of the head
I started moving my hand slowly down his shaft
"Venus?!" Somebody called from downstairs
I freezes and quickly removed my hand from Everest hardened cock
"Fuck I thought nobody's home" Everest hissed before reaching for his boxers
"Yeah me to" I said annoyed quickly putting on my top not caring about closing the buttons
"Venus are you here?" My sister asked as she opened the door to my room
But before she entered the room I pulled the blanket over mine and Everest body
"Oh I didn't knew you had a guest over" Valeria said surprised
"Hey" me and Everest said at the same time
"W-why are you here?" I asked her since she would only visit on weekends or holidays
"I kind of missed home and decided to work from here for a while" she responded eyeing me and Everest suspicious
"What were you guys doing?" She asked crossing her arms
Me and Everest looked at each other
"Just watching some Netflix" I quickly responded
"Half naked?" Valeria kept asking
"Uhm yea it's more comfortable" I lied
"Okay I'll be in my old room" she said before closing the door.
Well that was awkward

Everest cleared his throat
"You're still hard huh?" I stated rather knowingly
"Yes" Everest whispered looking down at his prominent boner blushing really hard
"Maybe I should go now" He said as he got up and searched for his clothes
"Already?" I whined as I watched him get dressed
I swear his body got sculpted by gods
"Yes. I can't really concentrate in this state" he said looking down
"Well then let me finish" I offered sitting up
"Baby, Your sister is right next doors and if you haven't noticed - I'm not the best at controlling my moans" he said cupping my cheeks
"Especially when you look so fucking hot- gosh it makes me wanna take you on all fours" he growled roaming my body once again
"Everest" I said to get his attention
"Yea?" He asked moving his eyes back to mine
"I want you to rail me" I whispered looking him in the eyes
Everest's eyes widened for second then went back to normal
"Are you on drugs?" He asked
I smacked his shoulder
"Everest I'm serious!" I whined
"So am I" he answered
He sighed and sat down next to me
"Venus, correct me if I'm wrong but I have this slight feeling that these intentions are not coming from you" Everest admitted
"What do you mean?" I asked him confused
"Well- we both decided to take it slow and now all of a sudden you want to give me a blow job? Something here doesn't add up and we both know it" he said calmly
I picked at the skin on my fingernails to avoid his piercing gaze
"I just wanted to fulfill your needs" I mumbled
"Baby, what needs?" He asked giving me a confused chuckle
"These" I said quietly while pointing to his prominent mangood
"Venus" Everest said placing both his hands on my cheeks
"You don't need to fulfill anything for me to stay with you. Did you really thought I'm one of those guys who start cheating as soon their girlfriends don't satisfy them anymore?" He asked me
I shook my head "No. But Kate said that if I won't do this you will eventually leave me" I admitted
"What?!" Everest asked getting furious
"But I think she didn't meant it like that. I do trust you, Everest" I added quickly
I cupped his cheeks and planted small kisses all over his face making him smile
I went to sit on his lap again making sure not to put to much pressure on a certain area
"Do you really have to go now?" I whined while hugging him
"Yes. But I'll pick you up tomorrow. Yea?" He said giving my bum a little squeeze
"Mhm" I agreed having to let go now


"So you and Everest huh" Valeria smirked at me as she entered my room
I quickly closed the buttons of my top
"Me and Everest what?" I asked annoyed
"I hope you used a condom" she said leaning on the doorway
I choked on my spit
"W-we didn't had sex" I stated quickly
"Don't worry I won't tell mom and dad" she said laughing before she left my room once again

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