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I had this really weird feeling when I got back home, as if I need to go back.
That weird feeling when you know you missed something but forgot what it was or is.

My family still didn't came back from their little trip meaning I was still home alone.
My body was aching so I decided to take a hot bath using lavender oil.
I felt my body relaxing as soon I went into the bathtub
I sighed and closed my eyes at this feeling,

I tried to relax a little but it's not easy when you're always thinking and thinking and thinking.

I left the bathroom and went back into my bedroom.
I was about to remove the towel from my wet body but jumped when I saw fucking Everest sitting on my bed,
"What the fuck, Everest!" I shrieked holding my towel in place
"Hello you too" was all he said, checking me out.
I slammed the door shut
"Are you nuts?!" I yelled "how?! How did you even get inside?!" I asked freaking out,
he got up and walked towards me
"Calm down, Venus" Everest said placing his hand on my cheek stroking it slightly
"I... I" he started "I'm sorry" he added
"I'm sorry for the way I acted this morning." He said Placing his other hand on my waist
"Can you forgive me?" He whispered softly
Everest started to plant kisses on my cheek, neck and shoulder, his hands slowly moving to firmly grab my ass,
I was still holding onto my towel that just went below my ass - meaning that Everest was grabbing my naked ass
"Okay okay that's enough" I said out of breath wiggling out Everest's grasp
"What's wrong?" Everest asked surprised by my sudden action
"If you haven't noticed, I'm literally half naked" I stated obviously
His lips slowly went into a smirk
"Yes. Half naked" he said lowly, stepping closer to me but with each step he got closer to me I took a step back until my back reached the wall
"Yes half naked. That's why I would like to change now" i said trying to keep my voice firm
"Okay" Everest said stepping aside
What a switch
I breathed out walking over to my wardrobe
when I noticed Everest was still standing there
"You are still here" I stated turning around to look at him
"I know" he deadpanned,
I face palmed
"Yes, and I would like to change" I said growing more frustrated with him
"Go on then" he said walking over to my bed, staring at me
This boy is really testing my patience
"Alone." I practically growled pointing to my door
He made a sour face "No offence but.. your house can be really creepy, especially when it's dark outside. And now you want me to get out of your bedroom to wait in that creepy hallway of yours?" Everest tried to reason with me
"Y'all could film a horror movie here it literally is the perfect location" he mumbled,
He wasn't wrong tho.
Since I've been younger I always found our house kind of creepy but I still couldn't hold my laugh anymore
"Everest? Are you scared?" I asked trying to hold my laugh in
"No I'm not. I just get an uneasy feeling being alone here" he said looking at my closed door
I sighed
"Okay you can stay. But close your eyes and turn around" I commanded
Everest was smirking now "yes ma'am" he said while holding his hands in front of his eyes and turning around

I quickly put on my undergarments, still with my towel on - somehow,
since I kind of had the feeling that Everest was peeking
Just to make sure I looked to his direction and caught him peeking
"Everest!" I shrieked, trying to cover my body
He started chuckling and turned back around
In a record time I put on some black booty shorts and a black tank top
"I'm done" I said standing behind him
Everest turned around, his eyes travelling up and down my body
"No bra?" He asked his eyes lingering on my chest forcing me to cross my arms
"You really want me to whoop your ass huh?" I said serious but he wasn't listening
"Everest!" I called, making him jump a little
"Huh?" He said surprised, his cheeks turning red
I walked over to my bed plopping down
I motion Everest to come and sit down
"Now tell me. Why are you here?" I asked him as he sat down next me, our thighs touching
He placed his head in his hands
"I can't go back there. Not after what I've done"
I placed my hand on his back
"What have you done?" I asked him carefully
"It happened so fast. A-and I didn't mean to do that" he started "but when I was arguing with my dad my mom tried to intervene and stepped between me and my dad. She just wanted to calm us down but... instead I... I pushed her" Everest finished his voice breaking every now and then
"Is she okay?" I asked him
He nodded "yea I guess. But the fact is that I laid my hands on my own mother, Venus. My Mother!" Everest groaned in frustration.
I placed both my hands on his face, wiping away his tears
"It's okay Everest" I cooed him calmly,
"You can stay here until my parents will be back which should take a while" I almost whispered holding him close to me


Everest laid in between my legs, on his phone
I mindlessly played with his hair while I was reading on my phone
I would occasionally tug on his soft curls to see his pants rise
He's so easy to tease
"Venus please stop that" he groaned softly
I still didn't let go of his hair
"Why?" I asked knowing what I'm doing
"My pants are getting tight" he said lowly
I let go of his hair and glanced at his crotch
there was a not so unnoticeable bulge in his grey sweats.
He tried to make it less noticeable - but that didn't really work


"Venus?" Everest's sleepy voice asked
"Hm?" I respond still concentrated on my phone
"I want to take you out. On a date" he said smiling at me,
I looked from my phone to his gleaming blue eyes
"No buts, just say yes" he cut me off
"Everest, you must have forgotten about your girlfriend-"
Everest cut me off again
this time by kissing me
"My girlfriend is right here" he said his voice a little raspy
"What do you mean?" I asked him confused
"With that I mean that I broke up with Madison and I'm asking you, Venus Hamilton if you would make me the happiest man alive by being your boyfriend" he said all serious now.
When I'm telling you that I was shocked I was beyond shocked,
I was completely baffled
"O-okay?" I said with a shaky voice
"Not Okay. Yes or no, Venus" Everest said getting closer to me
"Yes." I breathed out
"Yes?!" Everest asked again
"Yes. I will be your girlfriend and you will be my boyfriend" I said chuckling now at his surprised face
He sighed in relief and then fist bumped in the air
"Calm down lover boy" I said smiling at his little dancy dance

A/N: finally hahaha
Thank you guys for 2k reads
+double update

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