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Everest's parents really said copy and paste.
Sitting at a large dining table with the whole Sterling family was first something that would make me anxious but I must say this dinner is going pretty well.
"-Everest hated wearing clothes" Mrs. Sterling told me us
"Whenever I would finish bathing him he would just run away and make me fetch him" she added, causing the table to erupt into laughter - well besides Everest. He was almost as red as a tomato picking the vegetables on his plate.
"Whenever I carried him as a baby he always, literally always peed on me" his dad said still laughing
"Can we please move on to another topic that doesn't involve embarrassing me" Everest requested in annoyance
"Wait, how's mister bubu?" Mckenzie asked holding back her laughter
"Mister bubu is off limits" Everest said glaring at Mckenzie
"That damned plushy toy" his mother said hiding her laughter behind her hands
"Anyways. What are your plans after high school, Venus?" His father asked me
"Well I will be majoring in IT. I recently got my acceptance letter from Stanford, so me and Everest will be visiting the same college" I said smiling a little.
Everyone where giving me surprised faced
Did I say something wrong?
"Stanford?" His father questioned out loud
I nodded my head
"Dad I think I need to tell you something" Everest said scratching his neck
"In my office. Now!" His father almost yelled.
Both Everest and his father got up and left the dining room.
Maybe I shouldn't have said that

"Evan honey -go get ready for bed" Mrs Sterling commanded softly
"And Kenzie please be so nice and check on Elliot yeah?" She added before picking up the dishes for on the table
"I can help you with that" I offered helping with the dishes
"Oh no don't worry honey. Why don't you wait for Everest in his room" she said smiling at me, I returned that smile and nodded before going into Everest bedroom.


I've always secretly liked Everest's bedroom. His attached bathroom, his TV and a few consoles, his walk in closet, his heavenly soft bed, some awards and pictures of him and his friends.
I went over the collection of his pictures and found some of his younger self.
I kicked my shoes off and went to his bed.
His bed was engulfed in his scent - so I grabbed a pillow and hold it close to me sniffing it
"I'm just going to act like as if I didn't just saw that" Mckenzie's sudden appearance made me jump and I quickly tossed the pillow away
"Oh hey Kenzie" I tried to play it off cool
"Whatever. I'm here because I wanted to ask you if you also noticed Everest's odd behaviour" Mckenzie asked
"Yes I actually I did" I admit
"I think it has something to do with Madison" she added
"Why with Madison?" I asked raising my brow at her
"I dunno but she's been calling him and stuff and especially at nights and then he would just leave" Mckenzie said seeming to be in deep thoughts
"That's why I'm also surprised that you came since they-" Mckenzie stopped mid sentence
"Since they?" I asked
"Oh nothing" she quickly said avoiding my gaze
"Mckenzie don't lie to me"
"Okay okay okay" she said giving in
"My mom said she saw them kissing a few nights ago but-"
"Kissing?!" I asked
"Who was kissing who?" Everest asked standing at the doorway
"Asshole" I spat at Everest before taking my boots and rushing out his bedroom.
"Venus wait!" Everest called for me but I kept running,
I was just about to open the door when Everest grabbed me by my wrist
"Wait" he growled
"Let me go" I hissed trying to get out of his grasp, he let go of me but quickly snuggled his hands to my waist.
"Let go of me" I said trying to push myself off him
"Venus you're understanding it completely wrong" he whined
"No. That's why you've been acting so weird lately because you were sneaking around with Madison." I said the anger evident in my voice
"No that's not t-"
"You kissed her" I said looking up to meet his gaze.
The guilt in his eyes was explanation enough
"It wasn't like that Venus I swear" he said
"Just let me explain" he pleaded
"Let me go" I said lowly
"Just let me go!" I said cutting him off.
Everest finally let go of me and I quickly left his house.

I walked a bit before stopping to put my boots on. I cried on my way home, it really hurt but I think I kind of deserved that.

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