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After that horrible incident of me trying to be more intimate with Everest things got kind of awkward between us.
Or maybe I'm just sexually frustrated
I know that Everest got a scholarship and will be going to Stanford University or maybe even Ohio state University since their football team is pretty good.
I on the other hand applied to multiple colleges
1. Columbia University in New York - is my dream University
2. Stanford and Ohio state university - because of Everest
3. Princeton - because is literally on the same 'base' as Harvard and not that expensive
And I also applied to some smaller universities in case I won't get accepted in my top three universities.

But me and Everest haven't really talked about our time after high school - whenever I bring it up he tries to avoid this conversation.
He also ignores my phone calls and texts, I don't know why but he has never done that before.


Why is everybody staring at me?
I thought to myself as I walked inside the school.
Whenever people would acknowledge my presence they would look at me with disgust and whisper something.
"Venus!" Kate called as she run up to me
"Thank god I found you" she said out of breath
"What the hell is happening right now?!" I asked her confused
"That's why I'm here" Kate said still catching her breath
"Madison told everybody that you forced Everest to break up with her - basically she made it seem as if the failure of their relationship is your fault" Kate said with a worried expression
"She did what?" I asked quietly
How could Madison do that?!
She and I both knew that Everest wanted to leave her before we even got close!
"Venus? Are you okay?" Kate asked,
She was about to reach for my shoulder but I stepped away from her
"No! I'm not okay! I need to find her!" I almost yelled at Kate - I know I shouldn't have done that but I was furious.

I literally stormed around the hallways in search for Madison, I couldn't find her anywhere so I decided to wait until lunch time.


Finally being able to continue my search for Madison I walked into our school cafeteria.
Everyone looked at me but I could care less about them
My eyes searched for Madison around all these students.
When I finally found her she wasn't the only one I found - Madison was sitting on Everest's lap laughing and giggling with him
I almost couldn't breath at that sight but I still walked up to them.
"Oh look who's there" Madison said in a mocking tone,
Everyone on the table fixed their gaze to me except that Everest was avoiding my piercing gaze
So that's why he practically ghosted me all the time. He was with Madison
"Why are you spreading these false rumours?" I asked her calmly
"What rumours? It's the truth. And I wanted to show everybody the true side of Venus Hamilton" she said laughing
"You and I both know that Everest tried multiple times to break up with you, even before him and I got close. Hell he didn't even wanted to be in a relationship with your crusty ass!" I spat, that caused some around the table to move their gaze to Madison.
She looked taken back before she quickly composed,
"Venus you are sick in the head why don't you go back to that facility of yours and get the idea of you and Everest out of your head" she snarled at me.
She did not just say that!
I must say I was really hurt by her words but I wouldn't let them show that,
"You may call it being sick in the head but I hope you did not forget the fact that you were there too - meaning that I guess both of us are sick in the head" I said chuckling lowly.
I even had to hold back my laugh as some of the people around us where gasping
"You fucking whore!" She yelled before she jumped out of Everest's lap and ran towards me.
I don't know if she hit me or not but I know for sure that somehow I blacked out.

Before this crazy bitch could reach for us I grabbed her left arm she was about to hit us with "tsk tsk tsk that was a bad idea Madison" I said lowly.
Before she was about to kick us I grabbed her leg causing her to fall down, her hissing in pain and me hearing ouus and damns
"You are messing with the wrong Venus" I growled at her
Madison's eyes widened in fear
"Venus?!" That stupid boy named Everest called for us.
He ran to our side looking quite surprised
"Josh! Help Madison up, I'll be right back" he ordered around and grabbed my arm pulling me out the cafeteria.

"What the hell Venus?! Why would you do that?!!" He asked furiously,
So this is the boy she is always gushing about?
"Oh so now you can talk?" I asked lowly taking a step closer to him
He was confused for a second,
Probably because I don't sound like the Venus he knows
"I didn't want to worsen the situation that's why I stayed quiet" he said looking guilty
"You hurt her" I said serious
"What do you me-" he stopped as the realisation hit him
"You are... her" he stated and I nodded in response
He took a step back.
"I won't hurt you" not yet at least
"But you have to explain the situation to her, because she's really hurt by your actions - and you better avoid that Madison girl she's gone mad mad" I said before going back

I woke up in some muscular arms
"Venus?" I heard a deep voice say
I looked up and came to view with Everest's blue eyes.
I quickly got out of his warm embrace
"W-what happened" I asked holding my pounding head
"You fainted" was all he said
I groaned in pain
"You want me to bring you home?" He offered but I quickly declined his offer
"Venus please. I had to do this - I don't know what happened but Madison is crazy" he said coming closer to me
"She told that if I won't stay with her and ignore you that she will hurt you" Everest explained taking my hands in his
"I'm sorry Venus, I truly am" he said after planting a kiss on my forehead
"It's okay Everest" I said removing myself from him - he looked hurt by my action but I needed a little bit of space since my whole body was practically burning and his body heat wasn't really helping
"C'mon let's get you out of here"


"Here" Everest said handing me a glass of water
"Thanks" I mumbled
After Everest and me sneaked out of school we went over to his place since my mom would be home earlier than usual today.
"It's the first time that I'm here and it's quiet" I stated rather surprised since it's always so loud at his place
"You're right" Everest said chuckling
I removed my boots and jacket from myself and plopped on his heavenly soft bed
"Mhhm I love your bed" I groaned into his pillow
"I know" he said chuckling as he plopped down next to me
"That dress is rather short, don't you think?" He asked his voice sound deeper than usual
while his big rough hands slowly traveled up my thighs
"So what? I like it" I said looking down at my thighs
"Yeah I do too. But I don't like the fact that I'm not the only one seeing you like that" he said lowly
"Okay?" I said
I don't know why but it got really hot in Everest's bedroom and he was looking at me like that - his eyes literally screamed fuck me
Oh yes Everest I will
So I placed my feet into his lap and he was hard
Everest bit his lip as my feet were rubbing up and down his thighs
"C'mere" he grunted before grabbing my legs
And placing himself between my legs
"Venus?" he said in a husky voice
"I love you" he said before placing his lips on mine

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