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Time passed and I haven't told anyone about my encounters with her and I'm not intending to do so.
Madison's slight bullying actually died down and I think she accepted the fact that she can't have everything she wants.
Me and Everest still kept it pretty low in our relationship, we haven't told anyone yet but some people probably already knew.
And my family? yeah about them I don't really know what to say - just when I thought things were actually doing great everybody went back to their old habits; my parents being the narcissistic parents they are, my toxic sister and my almost not existent brother
Anyways it actually is time to start applying for colleges - I don't really have to worry about that since I have good literally perfect grades and so on.
The only problem is I don't really know what I wanna do in the future and who's going to pay for it.
I haven't mentioned it but I have always been interested in IT- maybe that's the right fit for me.
So me being me I applied to multiple colleges without my parents consistent.

I closed my laptop and tried to go back to sleep when all of a sudden my phone vibrated
I ignored it at first but then I got more and more notifications
I groaned and glanced at my phone, only to see that Everest was spamming me with messages

I closed my laptop and tried to go back to sleep when all of a sudden my phone vibrated I ignored it at first but then I got more and more notifications I groaned and glanced at my phone, only to see that Everest was spamming me with messages

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I was about to shut off my phone but Everest calling me via FaceTime stopped meI picked up and came to face with a tired but smiling Everest

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I was about to shut off my phone but Everest calling me via FaceTime stopped me
I picked up and came to face with a tired but smiling Everest.
He must have been awake for some time since his lights were turned on.
"I can't see you. Turn your lights on" he said while squinting his eyes a little
"Everest, go to bed" I groaned quietly
"Okay I will, but please turn on your lights for a second" he said his voice sounding deeper than usual.
I huffed and turned on the lamp that's standing on my bedside table
"You happy now?" I asked annoyed
"Very" he breathed out, still smiling at the screen.
"Can you stop?" I asked getting a little shy
"Stop what?" Everest asked while shuffling on his bed
"Looking at me like that" I admitted shyly
Everest chuckled a little
"How am I looking you" he asked lowly
I shrugged "I dunno like-"
"-like you are the most beautiful person I've ever seen that I appreciate and adore so much, that I'm willing to let everything go just to spend some time with and never ever getting tired of you? Who makes me feel like myself without having to think about my actions and consequences, basically the person I want to spend the rest of my life with?" Everest said cutting me off
I was speechless and really touched by Everest's words.
Even after all these months dating Everest I'm still not used to this type of affection.
My body grew hot and my sight started to blurry,
"You're really something else, Everest" I smiled looking down
"Please don't cry now - I don't like seeing you in tears or any type of pain" he said
"Motherfucker that are happy tears" I said laughing now.


Going to school feels kind of weird
I don't know why but it's just an odd feeling
"Wassup bitch" Kate said smiling, walking next to me
I sighed "not much"
Kate hummed in response
"Anddd... have you already Mount Everest?" She asked giving me a wicked smile
"What do you-"
I stopped mid sentence when I realised what Kate meant by that.
My eyes widened at her question
"No! Why-why would you ask me that?!" I said still shocked

Yes me and Everest have been together for a while know but we never did more than making out with each other and I'm completely fine with that.

"But you already did other stuff, right?" Kate asked me
"Like what?" I asked her
"Like sucking his dick or he fingering you or-"
"-No! None of these" I cut Kate off
Her eyes widened at my response
"Girl you need to fix that asap" she said
"But why? We are completely fine were we are right now" I said confused
"Vee. Guys have needs and if these needs are not fulfilled they will find another way - in this case another girl who can fulfill their needs" Kate said serious,
"Really?" I asked growing a little insecure
"Yes. Really. Good thing you have me as your friend to help you. And we will go shopping - right after school" She said getting excited
"O-okay" I said growing more nervous


Even on my way to Kate's home I couldn't stop thinking about her words.
I'm doubting that Everest would go for another girl to 'fulfill his needs'
I mean he never said that making out with me isn't enough or anything.

"-okay. I'm assuming that you will be doing it at his place, right?" Kate asked looking around the store.
We met at her place a while ago to leave our school bags there and then went together to the mall - currently at Victoria's Secret,
"I don't know" I said not caring to look for some Dessous or whatever
"I will take this as a yes. You shaved right? Like- full body?" She went on asking me these questions
"Yes" I said getting bored
"Venus, you need to work with me or else it won't work" she said turning around to face me
"I am!" I stated
"Well these should be enough" she said looking down at the pile of matching sets and accessories
"You wanna try them on?" Kate asked me
I examined the articles for a while and decided that I'm just going to take the red one - since it looked actually really good.
"Nah I'm just gonna take this" I said taking the matching set out of her hands and walking towards the cashier.

"How do you even suck a... dick?" I asked Kate unsure, lying down on her weirdly soft carpet
"You uhm- you... wait I'll be right back" Kate said before rushing out of her bedroom and coming back with a banana in her hand
I raised my eyebrow at her
"This banana is now a dick" Kate said chuckling
"Okay" I said confused


"Do I really have to do this?" I asked Kate
"Do you want him to look for another girl who can do it for him?" She asked sarcastically
"No" I said looking down
"But I-" My words were cut off by my phone vibrating
"Is that him?" Kate asked eagerly
I gave her a nod and looked at the message Everest just send me
"What is he saying?"
Kate asked way to excited for my liking
"He's just asking what I'm doing" I said while responding to Everest
"Tell him to come to your place this evening" Kate said
I shot my gaze up to her
"Are nuts?! My parents and Vincent are at home!" I said loudly
"Don't worry about them I already know how to get them out of the house" Kate said confidently
"How?" I asked her unsure
"Wait here" Kate said before leaving her room once again

When Kate came back after disappearing for 15 minutes I also got a message from my mom saying that she and dad will go out and take Vincent with them so basically I'm home alone for the rest of the day.
"How did you do this?" I asked her surprised
But Kate just shrugged and sat down next to me
"Just tell Everest to come to your place and I will bring you home now"

A/N: 🙈🙉🙊

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