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Something was off about Everest.
He wasn't all lovey dovey, loud and annoying how he usually is - instead he was tired, had dark circles under his eyes and dozed off a lot of times today.
Not that it matters but he hasn't even acknowledged my 'new' look, I tried something else than just black and decided to wear some brown today.

We had lunch now - the weather was nice so we decided to eat slash chill outside under a tree.
"You aren't even listening" I stated after I watched Everest almost fall asleep,
he jolted himself back up and cleared his throat
"I'm sorry baby. What were you saying?" He asked.
I crossed my arms in front of my chest
"Whats wrong?" I asked concerned,
He rubbed his eyes "ugh it's... it's nothing"
"I know you are lying. You avoid eye contact with me and you only do it when you're lying" I said calmly
"I think I'm just starting to freak out. We have less than a month of school and I don't even know what colleges you applied to and-"
"Everest" I cut him off from his rambling
"Calm down" I said grabbing his hand and lacing it with mine
"I can't" he said looking down
I placed my other hand on his cheek and he leaned in it placing his hand over mine.
"Well... I was saying that I got my acceptance letter from Princeton" I said chuckling,
Everest's eyes widened
"Wha- really?!" He asked smiling brightly at me and I nodded.
He quickly got up and hugged me tightly
"That's-that's great!" He said looking down at me, I placed my hands around his neck
"We should celebrate that" he said chuckling and leaned in
"Ewww please no pda when I'm around you guys" Kate said, forcing me and Everest to break apart
"Oh Kate" Everest said disdainfully as we both sat down
"Gosh I can't wait until we are finished here" Kate groaned as she started to eat from my sandwich
"Yup me too" I said tight lipped
"Yeah uhm I will get going" Everest said before getting up again and giving me a quick peck on my lips.
"Me and Josh had sex" Kate blurted out as soon Everest was out of sight
I almost broke my neck looking at her
"What? But?-"
"I know I know, I just wanted to see if I'm really into girls" she said cutting me off
"But you can't just use this guy! Kate he has feelings for you" I said shocked by her action
"Ughhh I know" she said throwing her head back
"Anyways I know why Ian stopped hanging around with us" Kate informed me, that sparked my attention
"Because he has a girlfriend now and she doesn't want him to hang around us anymore" Kate said chuckling humourless
"Oh wow" I said wide eyed
"Yep" Kate said finishing my sandwich

After a while of chatting with Kate I noticed that Kate acted differently from usual - or at least the Kate I used to remember.
"Kate" I said stopping her from her rambling
"Yes?" She asked confused
"What do wanna do after high school?" I asked her
"Uhm i dunno... maybe take some time off?" She answered shrugging
"What about college?" I asked
"Nahhh college is not really for me. I will just see where life is going to bring me" she said smiling shyly
I nodded
"Do you think we will still be friends after high school?" I asked her,
Kate looked startled for a bit before she composed again and flashed me with her smile
"Of course we are still going to be best friends after high school" she said bumping her shoulder into mine
"Seriously Venus. We know each other since elementary school - bitch you are my sister" she said looking me in the eyes
"Besties for life" I said chuckling at her


"When did you wanted to tell us?" My father asked as soon I stepped my foot into our house.
At first I was confused but quickly came to realisation when I saw my mother holding my acceptance letter in her hand
"Today?" I tried to play it off cool but my parents scoffed
"And who's going to pay for it?" My mom asked
"Don't worry about that. I got a scholarship" I said as I tried to walk past them.
So they could pay for my sister who doesn't even take college seriously but not for me just because of my history?!
"Venus" my dad called before I could reach the stairs
"What?" I asked as calm as I could
"This is not over yet" he said sternly.
They didn't truly believe that I would seriously stay forever here with them.

I kicked my shoes off and fell into my bed.
I stared at the ceiling until I eventually fell asleep.


"Venus?" Vincent's voice pulled me out of my slumber
"Mom said dinners ready" he said before leaving my room again.
It kind of pains me that I barely know my own little brother - but that's also a little bit parents fault.

"So. Your mother told me you're dating someone" my father said as he cut through his meat,
I chocked on my chicken strip.
"W-what?" I asked in between coughs
"His name is Everest right?" He asked again but I know he already knew the answer to that,
but I still nodded with my head
"How long have you guys been dating" my mother asked me
"A while" I said
"What is a while?" My father said
"It's a while" I said again
"Long enough to move in together after high school" I added quietly,
Both my parents looked at each other and then back to me
"Okay" they both said
"Okay?" I repeated
"So if I actually wanted to move in with him - you would let me?" I asked unsure since I don't know if my parents were serious or on drugs
"Yes." My father said
I couldn't believe it!
"Why?" I asked sceptical
"This Child just eat your Food and be grateful" my mother said annoyed.
Wait... I think I know why
"It's because he's white and rich hm?" I asked as I leaned back in my chair, that caused my parents to stop eating and look at me
I knew it
"Freaking unbelievable" I murmured under my breath before I got up and left our dining area.

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