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"I'm Aiden(Ai-den Not Eye-den) Stilinski and I'm 18 years old" The guy said
Little did they know that I already know him
pretty good actually

I tried to hide myself in my chair but when he spotted me he was smiling at me
Good thing he wasn't seated next to me - cause things would've become really weird

Kate slightly showed my shoulder from behind
"Isn't that-"
"Yes that's him" I whispered cutting her off

We met in the mental health facility and actually became best friends blah blah blah we fell in love, he got released, we lost contact and now there he is - smiling at me as if he never left me there by myself


I got chills when I heard his soft voice pronounce my name
I turned around and noticed some differences about him
Especially his now shorter hair which was ash blonde and longer when I met him
"Oh heYyYYyy" I said waving awkwardly
He engulfed me in a tight embrace
It's been so long
"It's been so long" he said holding my hands now
"Yes" I said removing my hands from his
"Look Venus, I'm so sorry. If you remember correctly you know my Aunt and how she is - Tage forbid me to reach out to anybody I met during that time" he said guilt shining in his honey brown eyes
He lost his parents in plane Crash when he was about 14-15 years old
"N-no it's okay" I said looking down
He sighed relieved "so uhm how bout you? You still in there?" He asked cautiously
I shook my head "Not anymore"

I want this conversation to end as quick as possible

"Vee honey, who's that new guy taking to you?" Madison asked walking over to us
"Madison, Aiden. Aiden,Madison" I said quickly
I saw Madison eyeing Aiden hungrily
"Madison why don't you show Aiden around huh?" I said pushing Aiden towards her
"Of course" she said biting on her lip
"But Venus-" he tried to intervene
"Bye guys" I said quickly and speed walked to the cafeteria


Everest presence stopped me from entering the cafeteria
"What?" I spat angrily
"Whoa calm down mama" he said chuckling
"I see you need a snickers - since your not you when you're hungry" he said handing me a snickers and I accepted it gratefully
"Anyways you need to come to my place - today" he said nonchalant
"Why?" I asked still chewing on my snickers
"We've really been neglecting our project" was all he said
I groaned in annoyance
"We still have 'til thanksgiving break. No need to rush" I said before entering our so beloved cafeteria

I spotted Ian and Kate at our regular table
And I found Aiden squeezed between a bunch of girls at the popular people's table

"Isn't that-"
"Yes that's him!" I spat annoyed at Ian as I sat down
He shook his head trying to hide his laughter
"Damn just one day and the girls love him already" Kate said slurping her strawberry milkshake
I rolled my eyes at her
"Oh shit he's looking in our direction" Kate shrieked "act as if we're talking right now" she added
"Kate. We are taking right now" Ian stated
I finished the snickers Everest gave me
And I got butterflies when my I thought about him
His ocean blue eyes, his soft golden brown hair, his red soft marshmallow plump lips, his toned body
Ugh and his veiny hands-
"Vee!" Kate called me out of my trance
"Huh? What?" I said completely lost
"Ohhh. I see" she said smirking now
"Shut up" I said getting annoyed
I wanted to get up and leave

"Sit down dipshit" Ian said not looking up from his phone
I huffed in annoyance
"But only because I have nowhere else to go" I said as I sat down and crossed my arms

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