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"... and that was our project" me and Everest said at the same time

It was the last day of school before our so deserved thanksgiving break, me and Everest just presented the class our project

"Thank you" our teacher said and went on with the class


"So what are your plans for thanksgiving?" Everest asked as he walked next to me
"I'm not sure if my family will visit us or we will visit them" I said shrugging
"What about you?" I asked him
His gaze stayed on the path in front of us
"Definitely tell my whole family that they can't control me oh and-" He said but stopped mid sentence
I raised my eyebrow at him
"And??" I nudged him
"Nothing. Never mind" he brushed it off
"Okay?" I said before walking into another direction


"Venus!" Somebody called
I slowly turned around and saw Aiden coming my way
I tried to act like as if I didn't saw him approaching me so I could speed walk away but it was to late
"Hey" he grinned slightly out of breath
"HeYy" I said avoiding his gaze
"C'mon I'll walk you to your class" he said smiling at me
I sighed "yea sure why not"

"Sooo what are your plans for thanksgiving?" He asked as he walked along my side
"Seeing my family. Eating. Seeing more of my family. And more eating" I said not looking at him
"Oh sounds... fun?" He said more likely asked
"And... after that?" He asked
I shrugged "I dunno maybe hang out with some of my friends" I said nonchalant
"Oh" he said looking down "w-we could also hang out - since uhm we haven't really talked since... I'm here" he asked with hope in his voice

He was right
Since Aiden has been here I tried to avoid him at all costs and it worked since now
I know that he wanted to talk about
About us
I don't know why but I couldn't - not yet at least. I think he still has some feelings for me but I don't have any feelings for him anymore
I moved on but he clearly didn't
And I don't want to break his heart
But I guess I can't run from it anymore

"Uhm... yea why not" I said finally looking him in the eyes and I noticed that little spark of joy when I agreed to hang out with him
"Cool. Just text me" he said before walking away

"How do you say a guy that you're interested in girls?" Kate asked me as we were supposed to be working instead of talking
"Uhm just tell him" I said
Kate groaned "I did! But he doesn't believe me
He thinks that I'm playing with him" she said while placing her head in her hands
"Kiss another girl in front of him" I offered her
She scoffed "first of all that's cliché and secondly who could I even kiss" she asked looking around the classroom
I shrugged "you will find someone - aren't you always the one with the best plans and stuff?" I stared chuckling
"Shut up" she said nudging my shoulder
"It's easier minding somebody else's business than their own - I don't even know why" she said before going back to work


"Finally" I said to myself as I left the last lesson for today
I was walking down the hallway when somebody grabbed me and pulled me into the janitors closet
I shrieked "what the fuck-"
"Calm down calm down! It's me, Everest" he said and I breathed out
When I finally calmed down I hit his chest
"Don't you ever do that again!" I said sternly
"Yes ma'am" he said chuckling and I rolled my eyes
"So? Why are we in here?" I asked him crossing my arms

Me and Everest aren't dating or anything but we decided that whatever that is going on between has to stay a secret - I still feel really guilty but I can't help it

"Oh I just wanted to ask you something" he said shrugging
I looked dumbfounded at him
"So to ask me a question you practically drag me into this weird smelling janitors closet?!" I asked anger lacing in my voice
He placed his arms around my waist and made me look up at him
Cute action but I was still angry at him
"Calm down mama" he said before planting a kiss on my forehead
I sighed at the feeling of his lips on my skin
"I just wanted to ask who that Aiden guy is you sometimes talk to" he said still holding me close but I broke out his embrace
"Why?" I asked eyeing him suspiciously
"I'm just asking" he said avoiding my gaze
"Well I have met him a long time ago. When I was still there" I answered knowing he won't be pleased with that answer
"Okay. And?" He asked
"And what?" I played stupid
"Nothing more?" He kept pushing
I had to think for a second
"Nope nothing more" I stated
"You're lying. You were resistant for a second" he said looking me in the eyes
Shit he caught me
"Ugh it was nothing we were just friends!" I almost yelled at him
He got dangerously close to me
"Venus baby, we both know that's not true" he said lowly
Is it bad that I'm getting slightly turned on by this?
"Okay okay!" I said looking away I couldn't think straight when he looked at me that way
"We may had a little thing back then - but it was nothing serious" I said avoiding his gaze
He crossed his arms "nothing serious you say?" He asked again and I nodded
"Yes" I said still looking down
"Can I go now?" I asked as if I had to
"No" he said
I was about to question his answer but

I gasped when he slammed me against the door kissing my lips ferociously.
I moaned adoring when his large, rough hands run over my body.
We broke from that kiss and I looked into his deep blue lust filled eyes and whimpered at the heated look he was giving me
"Say your mine" He growled wrapping his large hand around my waist pulling me closer.  I moaned louder from how rough he was
I always had that slight feeling that Everest is more of sub or bottom but I guess I was wrong
"No." I whispered smirking making him tighten his told on my waist
His other hand came up and squeezed my breast hard,"Say it Venus" He growled
I replied with a shook of my head. He let out another growl before yanking me away from the door to the empty wall  Squeezing my butt and started kissing me hungrily
Instinctively I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled at his hair
I could never get enough of his silky soft hair
He groaned into the kiss and roamed my body
and me getting chills from his touch
He moved from my lips to my neck sucking on my sweet spot
I placed my hands under his shirt and touched his hard abs and broad chest
"O-okay I think I better go now" I said out of breath
But he didn't stop yet
Instead his hand crept under my shirt and started kneading my breast
His other hand stayed at my waist pushing me closer to him
"Evere-mhhm" his lips went back to mine stoping me from talking
"Everest" I tried to say and he hummed in response
"I need. To go. Now" I said between kisses
Everest stopped ravishing my lips and instead placed his head on my shoulder
He gave me a quick peck on my cheeks before letting me out of his embrace

When I closed the door behind me I heard somebody gasped
"Oh. My. God" somebody said
I freezed
"It's not what it looks like" I said quickly turning around
Ashley was standing in front of me, looking me up and down
"Tell That your smeared lipstick and these hickeys on your neck" she said pointing to my lips and neck
I quickly placed my hand on my neck and hissed in pain before wiping the smeared lipstick off my lips
Damnit Everest!
"I know Everest is still inside there" Ashley said nodding to the janitors closet behind me
"Look I know it looks wrong but please don't tell anyone" I said pleading
Ashley sighed
"I can't promise anything - I won't tell anyone or Madison but you both better do before she asks me" Ashley said sternly
"Thank you so much and we will" I thanked her

Fucking great

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