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After Kate dropped me off at my place Everest texted me that he would come over. I just didn't thought he would knock at 1 in the morning. I tiredly went downstairs and opened the door
"Hey" Everest greeted as he went inside
"Uhm" I hummed still standing in front the door
"Oh right" he mumbled under his breath before walking back to me and giving me a peck on my lips
"It's literally 1am" I stated
"okay and?"
"You're lucky nobody's home" I mumbled
"What was that?" He asked as he walked towards my kitchen
"Oh nothing daddy" I called,
Everest almost broke his neck as he moved his gaze back to me
"What did you just say?" He asked as he bit his lip
"You're lucky that nobody's home?" I repeated
"-No after that" he said lowly
"nothing... daddy" I said chuckling.
Everest walked over to me and placed his hands on my lower back
"I like it when you call me that" he breathed out
"Nice" I smiled and patted him on the shoulder
"So I've heard Star Wars the bad batch is out. Wanna watch it?" I asked as I walked over to the living room.
Everest was standing there dumbfounded
"I will take this as a yes" I mumbled and turned the tv on
"Fine" Everest grumbled and went to sit next to me


"Clone Wars is much better" Everest started, "I can't believe you actually like this" he added.
I sat up from my position on the couch and looked at him in disbelief, "What's wrong with The bad batch?"
Everest laughed and shrugged, "It's just not as good as the clone wars"
I rolled my eyes and grabbed a handful of popcorn and threw it at his face, "You're always such a critic" I said,
Everest laughed as the popcorn hit him and he looked at me with a cocky grin, "Oh now it's war".
Everest lept across the couch and I squealed as he landed on me, I laughed as i felt his fingers brush over my sides.
Tears filled my eyes as you tried to squirm away from him. I cried out, begging Everest to stop but he grabbed onto my hands and held them above my head, a grin covered his handsome face as his ocean blue eyes sparkled down at me.
My body still shook from the laughter and I smiled back at him, "That wasn't very nice" i stated.
Everest simply cocked an eyebrow, "Oh it wasn't?" He asked, I shook my head and pouted at him, his eyes darkened
Everest leaned down and I felt his warm breath brush over my face, his eyes now clouded with lust as he said, "How about I make you feel better then?"
Before I could say anything Everest captured my lips with his, one of his hands held my arms above my head while the other trailed down my body,
I let out a small moan as Everest's hand cupped my breast through my tank top,
"Mhhm this feels different than your usuals bras" He asked stated
"That's because these are not padded" I explained.
I could feel my nipples harden as he gave it a slight pinch "ow" I squirmed under him laughing a little
"Sorry" Everest mumbled before His mouth left mine as he kissed down my jawline to my neck.
I grind my hips into his as I felt him pressing his crotch against me and he groaned at the friction.
"God I missed you" he groaned lowly.
There was no hesitation or pause when Everest released his grip on my hands to pull his shirt over his head giving full view on his toned muscles. He quickly did the same to me before he slid my shorts off.
I groaned as his hand cupped my pussy, his fingers rubbing it through the material of my black panties.
A smirk made its way to his face as he placed his lips on my ear, "You're so wet for me, Venus"
A shudder passed through me and I whined as he continued to tease me.
Everest slowly slid one finger inside me, causing me to moan as he slid it in and out before adding another one. He continued to finger me before completely pulling away.
"Everest" I groaned.
He slid my panties off and placed his arms on either side of my head. I looked up to see him staring at me, his eyes glazed over and his hair disheveled. He slid his pants and boxers down before positioning himself between my legs. My pussy throbbed as I felt him resting at my entrance, just waiting for him to already push in. "Don't ever ignore me like you did in the past days again. I fucking missed you so much"he said lowly before he bent his head down and captured my lips one more time before thrusting himself inside me.
I groaned as I took him in, his size almost too much for me to handle. Everest continued to move in and out slowly before picking up speed, the fabric of the couch burning my back as he continued to thrust deep into me. He grabbed my legs and placed them each on his shoulders causing me to moan his name out and dig my nails into his arms as I held onto him.
"Fuck you're so tight" Everest moaned into my ear.
All what I heard was the sound of our moaning and grunting and your bodies slamming into one another.
"Everest. I'm gonna- I'm gonna cum" I moaned loudly
"Fuuuck" Everest groaned.
Finally as I came on his dick, he pulled out and cummed all over my stomach. He slowly pulled out and laid next to me on the couch. We laid there for a moment catching our breaths, his hand found mine and I turned my head to look at him.
Everest's blue eyes sparkled as he stared at me "I love you, Venus" he said, his pupils dilated
I smiled at him and pecked him on his lips, "I love you, Everest" I said, Everest blushed and squeezed my hand a little.
Everest grinned as he said, "Clone wars is still better than bad batch"
I rolled my eyes and smacked him, he laughed and got up before helping me up, "Let's go get cleaned up."

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