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"Wait... that means you and Everest are dating now?!" Kate stated shocked.

The short break is over and I'm back at school.
Me and Everest agreed that we won't tell everybody that... you know we are thing now,
but Kate kept asking and asking me questions and at the end she found out.
I don't really care but what I care about is, Madison and how she's feeling right now.
Since usually she would randomly spam me with text messages but since Everest broke up with her she never texted me again - and I'm not going to text her first.
That would raise suspicions.

"Shhhh" I shushed "yes we are dating but you have to keep it to yourself, for now" I whispered
"You have to keep what to yourself?" Ian asked walking over us,
me and Kate looked at each other
"Nothing" we said simultaneously
Ian squinted his eyes at us
"I don't believe you guys." He admitted
I rolled my eyes at taking a few steps towards him
"Ian. You will know it soon, but not yet" I said placing my hands on both his arms looking up to him,
he scoffed "yea sure" and went along.

I would say it hurt me seeing Ian like that since I know he feels like as if me and Kate are always leaving him out but- actually I'm feeling kind of nothing.


"Gosh I hate maths" Kate groaned next to me, her head hanging low
"No you don't hate it, you just don't get it. But let me help you with that" I offered Kate my help
"Thanks Vee" she said.

After a while of helping Kate with the tasks I felt like I'm being watched so I looked up from my sheet and I was right.
The others were snickering and watching me, some of them even laughed and some of them looked disgusted by me?
"Kate?" I nudged Kate's arm to gain her attention
"Wait I almost have it" she said not looking up from her sheet
"Is something wrong with me? Do I have something in my face?"'i asked her quietly
She finally looked at me giving me a confused face
"No. Everything seems fine, why?" Kate asked me
Suddenly I couldn't move
"They are making fun of me" I whispered not being able to move
"Nooo. Nobody making fun of anyone in here. Venus are you okay?" Kate asked me the concern evident in her voice
Breath in
Breath out
That's not real
That's not real
"Venus!" Kate called me out of my trance
I was breathing heavily and looked around the classroom to see that indeed nobody was paying attention to me
"Girl you were gone for some minutes" Kate said whispering
"I know" I said catching my breath


"I'm going to the toilet real quick" I dismissed myself from Ian and Kate.
I still couldn't comprehend what happened an hour ago - maybe I need to freshen myself up.

I entered the rather close toilet stall and locked it.
While doing my business I heard multiple persons enter the bathroom talking about god knows what.
As I flushed the toilet and went out to wash my hands the famous Madison and almost her whole squad were occupied in front of the mirrors,
their chatter died down when they noticed me
"Oh Venus" Madison faked being surprised by my sudden presence
"Hey" I greeted her avoiding her gaze.
When I finished washing my hands I noticed how Madison and her wannabes were circling around me
"I know he broke up with me because of you!" Madison spat "and I know you two were whoring around when me and Everest were still together" she added her voice breaking
"How could you do this to me, Venus?!" Madison yelled.
Some of her friends tried to calm her down and gave me disgusted glares.

I knew this moment would've come sooner or later and I'm really sorry but I wouldn't tell her that now.
I will wait until she calms down.

"You knew the truth about me, about us, but you still couldn't keep your home wrecking hands to yourself!" She hissed in anger
"You stupid bitch" Madison yelled about to jump on me but my phone ringing stopped her
"It's him isn't it?" She asked no emotions showing,
I looked at the caller ID and Madison was right, Everest is calling me
"Go on, pick up" she encouraged me but instead of picking up I put my phone on mute
I took a deep breath in and wanted to breath out but because of this nasty smell I started to cough "sorry" I said in between coughing.
"Okay. Hit me" I said closing my eyes
"What?" Madison asked confused
I opened my eyes "I know you want to hit me or even beat the shit out of me. I know you won't believe but I'm truly sorry for my actions" I told her, meaning every word
But instead Madison scoffed at me and walked away her wannabes following her.


"There you are" Everest said smiling walking over to me,
but his face quickly switched into a concerned one when he was standing in front of me
"What's wrong?" He asked cupping my cheeks

I don't know why but for the first time in many years I started crying.
Everest engulfed me in a hug trying to comfort me.
He was planting small kisses on my forehead telling me that it's okay
But that's the problem
It's not okay

A/N: another chapter for y'all🎊
btw I may not respond to y'alls comments but I really appreciate them😂😂<33

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