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While I'm getting ready for school a nurse knocks on my door and enters my room to hand me my daily meds
She watches me making sure I take all of them
Since apparently some people here would actually flush them the toilet instead of taking them

Literally me when I arrived here lmao

I'm 100% sure the meds make it kind of difficult to express my 'true' emotions but we will come to that later again

As I enter the school one of the cheerleaders    'accidentally' spilled their water on me
I went to the nearest bathroom to freshen up and try to get rid of the stain - well like I said I'm trying
That's when Madison and her followers in their famous tight bimbo clothes enter the room
She looked me up and down and smirked
She and her little followers also freshen up in the mirrors next to me

I'm uncomfortable

"Venus, right?" Madison asked clearly already knowing the answer
I hesitated "Yes, that's my name" I answered uninterested and went back to fixing my clothes
"So Uhm I noticed how close you and Everest became in the past few days" she started the venom clear in her voice
"But I'm going to make it quick okay? Just stay the fuck away from him or you will regret it" the niceness disappeared completely from her voice and she stood now right in front of me
"Well to bad I don't give a damn, I can't even stand him so I don't know why you are so worked up about" I said emotionless and walked past her - leaving her shocked in the stanky toilets

Great, now I'm late for class

I didn't end up with detention lucky me
Mr Fetch didn't even cared that I was late he just went on with teaching the class
I sat down on my assignment place next to Kate
"What happened?" Kate wisperst to me
"Nothing" I said unbothered
"Nothing? Cmon Vee you can lie much better
Now tell me what happened" Kate pressed
"Ugh fine Madison kind of blackmailed me" I said whispering
"What?!" Kate hissed "Why?!" She asked Shocked
"Because of this dumbass Everest!" I said annoyed causing a girl in front of me to turn around and look at me and Kate
"What?" Kate snapped - she quickly turned back around
"But why would she do that it's not like you like him or so" Kate went on
"Exactly I also told her that but i don't know she's just a waste of time I don't really ca-" I wanted to finish my sentence but got cut of by Mr Fetch "Miss Hamilton is there anything you would like to share with the class?" He asked clearly annoyed
"Yes, actually there is. The calculation is incorrect" I said bored
He looked at his calculation "Oh yes you are right Miss Hamilton" probably embarrassed he corrected his mistake and went on with the class

"Yo Vee can you get me snickers from the vending machine?" Ian asked me finishing his plate of pizza
"Yea sure" he was about to hand me some money but I declined "don't worry I pay for you. Kate you want anything?" I asked her while getting up from my chair
"Nah I'm good thanks" she said concentrated on her forgotten homework

I typed the number for snickers in the vending machine and was about to pay when somebody slipped 10$ inside it
I looked to my left and guess who was standing there

Fucking Everest

"I can pay for myself" I said while bending down to grab the snickers
shit I should've worn a pair of jeans instead a skirt
"I don't care. don't worry about it I gotchu" he said amusement clear in his voice and ocean blue eyes shining bright
I definitely felt his eyes on my ass

What an jerk

"Don't forget it 7pm, today" he says smiling at me "you can keep the change" he finished slowly backing away from me still smiling
And guess who saw it all

The queen of bimbos - Madison


Hello againnn I know this chapter is a Lil bit shorter but I hope you still enjoyed it
Anyways I guess we all now already why Madison is so worked up about the fact that Everest is getting closer to Venus
If not keep reading
Lmao no just keep reading in general hahaha

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