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Friday 5:40 pm

Today my therapy session started at 5 pm and I just finished it - well I asked Sebastian My therapist if I could leave early because of my  'appointment' with mister Everest.
Sebastian is pretty chill, everybody adores him even tough he's just a 30-40 year old man doing his job
anyways I have to get ready

Now it's 5:50 pm and I have 1h and 10 minutes
To basically just get ready and be at Everest's house
I took a quick shower 6pm
I tried to dress casual by putting on a ruffled top and a jeans skirt but not without my famous fishnet tights - since I don't know if his family will be there and if so I don't want to scare them away with usual choice of clothes
I also didn't do my make-up so much because
First of all I didn't have enough time
And secondly I was actually quite tired
It was now 6:40 pm and the bus would be there in 5 minutes

Gotta go now

It was 7:12 pm  the bus ride took longer than expected
I knew that Everest was more on the wealthy side but now standing in front of his house clearly confirmed it
I walked up his front porch and looked at the name above the doorbell Sterling it said in a fancy font

Yup that's his house

I ring the doorbell
I heard children's yelling and heavy footsteps approaching the door

A girl between 14-15 opened the door
She looked pretty similar to Everest but she had dark brown instead of chestnut brown hair  and a few freckles on her nose
"Who are you?" She asked me while eyeing me and my outfit
"I'm one of Everest's classmates. We are working on a project together" I answered to her question
"I'm Venus by the way" I added
She looked at me puzzled "Okay? I'm Mckenzie but Kenzie is fine to" she said while fully opening the door to let me in

"His room is on the highest floor the 2nd door" Mckenzie said while disappearing into another room

While walking up to his room I notice that there a lot of toys and stuff lying on the floor
I even stumbled over a teddy bear

This must be his room

Without knocking I enter his room he just finished putting on a white shirt
I would be lying if I said I didn't saw his lower abs
His hair was damp and darker than usual and he was wearing grey sweats and like I said a white shirt

I guess he just took a shower
I just stood there
He turns around "Oh heyy...Venus? You look different" he says chuckling and quite confused
"Yea cool. But we got work to do" I said entering his room
"I'm sorry for the mess - I didn't had the time to clean all this here" he said slightly embarrassed
"No it's okay." I tried to sound assuring
I carefully sat down on the end of his really big bed "I promise you usually the whole house isn't such a mess - it's just that my siblings don't listen to me when you know my parents aren't around" he went on rambling
"Everest, it's okay I'm not the tidiest myself" I said trying to give him a small smile

"Welp let's start then" he said giving me a toothy smile

We worked for quite a long time on the basics and almost got them done
I found out that he has 3 younger siblings
Mckenzie she's 15 years old
Evan who's 10 years old
And Elliot who's 3 years old
They all look really similar
their parents probably said copy and paste.
Everest ordered us a really big pizza and while we where eating I was able to feed Eliot he's so tiny and cute
Everest said that Eliot must really like me because he doesn't like it when other people besides their parents feed him.

I must say that outside school Everest is a really nice person and not such an asshole
Right now we where just talking and even laughing together

"We should hang out more - I mean not only because of this project but also as .. friends" Everest said smiling shyly at me
"Yeah sure" I said chuckling
"No I'm serious. I don't know... you are different - but I a good way of course" he said starting to ramble
I'm laughing now" the popular guy and the creepy girl - yup the perfect duo" I said shaking my head still laughing
"I'm for real" he said smiling "if I dress like you would at least think about it?" He said amusement in his deep voice gone
"You are kidding right?" I said unsure
He just looked me in the eyes "Gosh Everest you shouldn't change yourself to be accepted by somebody else" I said unsure
"I guess" he said looking down

Why do I have a feeling that somethings wrong with him

I looked at the watch hanging on his wall
Oh shit 9:13pm
"Oh shit I have to go now" I said while trying to gather all my stuff
Everest looked at me surprised
"O-okay? How will you get back? You want me to drive you?" He asked
"NO! I mean no it's fine I will just take the bus"
I said going back to packing my back
"You sure? I got no problem driving you" he said smiling while helping get my stuff


"Okay fine." I said annoyed
"Great" he said grinning at me

We are now in his car
Everest tried to start conversations with me but I was angry - angry at myself and at him
No means fucking No!
But here I am, in Everest black jeep, driving me 'home'
Of course I not stupid enough to tell and show him that I've been living in a mental health facility
I gave him my actual address

"Okay you can let me out here" I said tired
He looked at me and then back to the road
"You su-" he started but I cut him of
"Yes Everest im 100% sure" I said rather angry
He looked quite surprised "Jeez okay" he murmurs
"Sorry for snapping at you but I'm just kind of tired" I excused myself
"Oh no it's okay" he said smiling at me
"Anyways thank you for driving me" I said

I was about to leave his car
"Wait!" He said
I stopped "yea?"
He started blushing "do you uhm... do you have any plans for uhm tomorrow?" He asked unsure "You know just do hanging around together. You can also bring your friends so..." he went on

Lmao what?

" actually I do but I will think about it. Good night Everest" I left his car and shut the door

I was slowly walking up my porch since I didn't hear Everest car pull of the driveway
I was standing in front of our door now and he still didn't left
So I turned around and waved my hand smiling at him
Then I acted like I was looking for my keys in my bag
That's when I heard his car moving


Now I just have to walk 35 minutes to my actual place

My feet's are killing me but I'm finally there.
Since it is past everyone's curfew I had to type in our coder - so the door will open
Nobody was there but I know I wil get grounded for staying out past my curfew tomorrow

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