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Since Saturday I haven't heard from Everest and also not so much from Kate - we texted a little bit but nothing more probably just the hangover
Over the weekend me and Ian randomly FaceTimed each other and like I said I haven't heard anything from Everest
But apparently Madison cheated on Everest at her party - like I said people here talk a lot
I mean I think it's true since I actually saw her and the guy looking messy and coming out the same room but i didn't really wanted to judge her I do but I didn't wanted to lmao

School was just like always
Just more gossip today and an missing Everest - well he wasn't missing he just didn't appeared today at school - not that I care

After telling Ian and Kate our Goodbyes I went to get my bike and got a message from... Everest?


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Guess I will be going over to Everest before going 'home'

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Guess I will be going over to Everest before going 'home'

When I finally arrived I didn't even had to ring the bell
As I stepped up the stairs a nervous Mckenzie eagerly opened the door
"Hey thank you for coming. I really hope I didn't  bother you" Mckenzie said chuckling slightly
"Oh no it's fine" I said giving her a small smile
She opened the door further and let me in

"So the thing is that Saturday Everest and our dad got into a heated argument - it's actually pretty common that they argue but this time it ended kind of bad" Mckenzie started nervous
"Well he even 'hit' our dad and now he has locked himself in his room since he came home from that party" she finished
I looked quite surprised at her
"Oh... And now you want me to do what exactly?" I said unsure
"Maybe if you talk to him he will listen" Mckenzie said with hope in her eyes
Then we both heard soft cries from another room
"Okay you handle Everest I'll handle Eliot" she said disappearing into another room


I was now standing in front of Everest door
I knocked
"Everest? It's me. Would you let me in" I asked


I knocked again this time I heard shuffling coming from the other side of the door
"Venus?" Everest's sleepy voice asked from the other side
"Yes it's me" I responded
I heard the door unlock and a tired looking Everest only clothed in a pair of boxers appeared in front of me
I gulped and tried not to stare so much at his body
He opened the door wider to let me in
I went inside and carefully sat on his bed - which was really warm
Rubbing his eyes while yawning Everest sat down next to me
I scooted a lil bit away since - well he wasn't fully clothed and yea...

"Why are you here" he asked looking at me now
"Because of Mckenzie" I said not looking at him


He started chuckling
Now it was my time to look at him
"What's so funny?!" I said annoyed
Now he was smiling at me " it's cute seeing you so worked up because I'm only in boxers" he said
I scoffed "I'm not worked up about it!" I said in disbelief
He shrugged "Whatever you say" he chuckled slightly grabbing a pair of sweats and putting them on
Still leaving his abs on full display
"So Kenzie asked you to come over? How?" He asked
"Well she texted me from your number - let's just say she's really worried about you" I said picking on my nails and looking up to Everest
"She also semi told me what happened... between you... and your dad" I said looking down
I noticed him clenching and unclenching his jaw as I mentioned his dad
He looked away from me

"Yes my parents took my phone after we argued. And why are you here now?" He asked a little bit angrily
"I would like to know that too. She just told me to talk to you" I said shrugging
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked

His face softened a little "Maybe another time" he said while placing his hand on my knee rubbing it slightly
"ouh fishnets in spider webs design" he said impressed not removing his hands while looking at my thighs

And I did not like the feeling I got while he did so

"Yea okayyy" I said removing his hand from my thigh "do you feel better now? Since you seemed pretty down" I asked him forgetting that I still hold his hand in mine
"Yes actually I do" Everest said smiling shyly

Why's he blushing now?!

"Well then I can go no" I said letting go of his hand
his eyes popped almost out his head as he turned to look at me
"Already? Can't you stay a little longer" he whined
"No I can't." I said getting up while he did the same
"Will you come to school tomorrow?" I asked him. He thought for a moment
"Why? you missed me today?" He said a smug grin appearing
"Noo I'm just asking" I said annoyed
"If I get another hug I will" he said smiling mischievously opening his arms
"No you look like a perv and sound like a predator. I guess we won't see each other tomorrow" I said fake disgusted and unbothered
I was about to leave his room
"Okay! Okay I'll be there tomorrow" he said groaning "can I still get a hug?" He asked with puppy eyes

I almost said yes

"No" I smiled at him and he sighed
"See you tomorrow. And don't lock your door your sister was really worried about you" I said
He just nodded his head

I was late for my therapy session but I guess it was worth it
But there are still a lot of unanswered questions

A/N: imagine being in quarantine with your toxic family
Lmao I don't have to imagine it
I'm living it 💀

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