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"Well" Sebastian started "In the past month I must say you really did some progress - I know we had to postpone your release but it was only to be 100% sure no complications could appear" he went on
I nodded 
"I haven't talked to your parents yet but in my Point of view you are free to go - I'm just going to inform your parents about your progress" he smiled at me
I squealed in my chair "thank you thank you thank you Sebastian!" I said not hiding my excitement
"Now go to school" he said in a fatherly tone

"Now you are scaring me Vee" Ian stated while looking at me

We currently had lunch and we're just chilling at our regular table

I just kept smiling
"Would you tell us what's making you smile like a creep?" Kate chuckled confused
I took a deep breath
"Sebastian thinks that probably in a week I can be released" I said quickly

Ian spitted his milkshake on the table
While Kate's sandwich fell back on the plate
I started giggling while handing Ian a napkin
He took it and wiped his mouth with it

"Venus that's Amazing" he said while engulfing me in a hug - Kate quickly got up and now both of them were hugging me

"What's amazing?" Everest asked appearing outta nowhere

I broke out of Ian's and Kate's grasp
"Oh nothing" Kate shrugged him off


"Yea uh... I'm going to class now. Kate? Vee? u guys coming? Ian asked while getting up
Kate nodded with her head and also got up
Both of them were looking at me expectingly
"Uhh" I started
"Don't worry I'll bring her" Everest cut me off showing them a toothy smile
Kate and Ian nodded with their heads and went along

I shot Everest an angry glare
"What?" He asked confused
I groaned and was about to leave when he quickly placed me back on the chair
"You haven't even finished your pizza" he said chuckling
I crossed my arms
"So what's so amazing you tryna hide it from me?" He asked while taking a bite of the pizza
- my pizza
"It's- ... just nothing" I lied
"Don't lie to me mama" he said still eating my pizza
I scoffed at him "I'm not lying" I lied again
He stopped eating my pizza and turned to look at me he wiped his hands with a napkin and took my hand in his

I don't know why but I got chills when he took my hand in his

"I know your friends don't like me - that's why you don't wanna tell me huh?" He stated
"Whaaaat? noooo - why do you think they don't like you" I acted as if I didn't knew
He sighed
I removed my hand from his and got up
"I'm going to class now" I said
He nodded with his head and smiled a little

After school I went to Kate's place
We did our homework together talked n stuff
Right now we were watching some Netflix
I noticed how Kate's phone always vibrates
"Who's texting you?" I asked my eyes glued on her iPad in front of us
"Oh no one" she brushed it of
"Okay?" I said still confused

After a while somebody ringend on her door
She quickly got up "I'll go get it - wait here" she said quickly

After a while Kate still didn't came back
out of curiosity I tip toed down her hallway and peeked from the stairwell to her door

What was Everest doing here?!
By the look on their faces they seemed to be arguing but I couldn't hear what they were saying so I tried to get closer

"I know guys like you - you are just trying to get in her pants and then leave" Kate hissed angrily at him
Everest scoffed " you don't know me! Okay! I know some fucked up dudes do shit like that I don't and never will! For fucks sake I've been crushing on Venus since freshman year - if it wouldn't be because of my parents I would've tried to be with her instead of Madison!" Everest whispered angrily at Kate

I felt my heart stop for a moment
Everest is crushing on me since Freshman year?! How-?!!

Kate was quiet - so was he
"You love her don't you" Kate stated cold
He started blushing and looked away from her
"Stay away from her" Kate said her voice breaking and slammed the door shut in front of his face

I quickly went back in Kate's bedroom and acted as if I just didn't hear their conversation

She sighed as she entered her room
"Who was that?" I asked nonchalant
she plopped down on her bed next to me and groaned "just... th-the neighbours - yes the neighbours" she lied
"Oh okay" I said going back to watching the show

A/N: 👉🏾👈🏾

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