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"Venus Hamilton"
I got called to the stage, people cheering and my parents patting me on my shoulders and shaking hands with my former teaches before getting my well deserved Diploma.
This felt surreal
All these years in that shithole finally coming to an end - I couldn't be any happier.
I walked back to my assigned seat and saw Everest blowing me a kiss.
After a few names were called it was finally Everest's turn - that's when literally everybody started cheering and yelling, he walked up the stage his smile never fading. I could tell that he also was super excited.
When Madison's name got called people where cheering for her but she never appeared on the stage I knew why.
Everest told me everything she did and why he was acting so weird. That was because Madison was sick - really sick in the head. I felt sorry for her, and that's why Everest went to her parents because of her behaviour, they immediately went to go get help for her. That's why she wasn't here today.
Anyways our principal moved on with the next students.
After our principal and some in my opinion irrelevant students speech's finished,
All of us threw their caps in the air, laughing, crying, yelling, screaming - gosh it was loud.


"You ready?" Everest asked from the drivers seat

After our last holidays before going to college, me and Everest decided to move in together. Kate and I tried to spent a lot of time together since deep down we both knew that as soon College would start we wouldn't be able to spend as much time as know together. She also was starting to show a little of her baby bump, her parents and Josh's parents were really supportive so I wouldn't have to be afraid that something bad could happen. I'm really going to miss her.
Well Even in the last weeks of high school Ian drifted apart from us but we decided to do something together and it was okay. Not like back then but we were still pretty close.
Everest dad still didn't accept the fact that Everest won't major in business but at least they weren't fighting anymore. And my parents? Well... they weren't 100% happy about me going to college but they told me that they were going to support me thanks mom and dad, I still counted the day until me and Everest would move in together so I wouldn't have to be with them anymore especially my damned sister.
And about her... she still appeared sometimes but as soon I got rid of all the negativity in my life she turned somewhat... nice.

"Yes. I'm ready" I breathed out,
Everest took my hand in his so that we both our hand were on the gear shift.
"Alright" he said smiling
By the way I finally got a drivers license.


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