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In the past few days Everest avoided me
and I let him - maybe he didn't comprehend that kiss so well
So I gave him space

But he called me and asked me if I could join him and Mckenzie shopping and I agreed
because why not

His car was waiting outside and I quickly entered the backseat and greeted them

I put on my seatbelt "sooo..." click "what was it that you wanted to buy Mckenzie?" I asked looking to her in the passenger seat
she turned around to me "please call me Kenzie and you'll see" she said smiling at me
I returned that smile

The car ride was kind of uncomfortable
Kenzie was texting on her phone and the tension between me and Everest was really thick - and I would sometimes catch Everest staring at me trough the rear view mirror

"We're here" Kenzie said proudly stepping inside
It was actually a normal clothing store just more sexy-ish?
Me and Everest looked at each other before stepping inside

Kenzie was furiously picking up clothes and ... uhm stuff...
Meanwhile I looked trough the clothes I actually found cute things
Until Everest cleared his throat
"Hey uhh... you- you look really beautiful today" he said becoming flushed
I looked at my outfit and then back at him
"Are you sure? This were just random clothes I picked up to wear today" I said confused
He started chuckling "Venus. You look beautiful everyday" he said
"Oh is that so?" I asked nonchalant while going through the skirts
He eagerly nodded his head
"He's probably talking about your body" Kenzie said laughing before disappearing quickly
Everest and my eyes widened in shock
"No! I mean- yes your body is really nice-" he started rambling but I cut him of as I gasped because of his choice of words
"I-I mean everything about you is beautiful" he went on turning crimson red

I couldn't keep hide my laugh anymore
He's was pouting now, still blushing

Mr. Bad boy is actually a shy softie - how cute

"Okay Venus. Now I need your help"

After helping Kenzie with her choice of clothes and... stuff we decided to grab something to eat
"You can delete the screenshots now" Everest said bored to Kenzie as he stuffed some fries in his mouth
Kenzie scoffed "yea sure I'm going to keep blackmailing you with them" she said smirking
"You blackmailed him?" I asked her surprised
"Uhm yes?" She chuckled
"Why?" I asked curious
"Not important" Everest said getting up "I'm going to take a piss" he said before leaving our table
"Finally he's gone" Kenzie said
I chuckled at her statement
"You know that he really really likes you" Kenzie said sounding more serious now
I shrugged "I don't know, maybe"
"What about you?" She asked looking at me now. I looked at her confused "what do you mean" I played dumb
She sighed "look all I know is that my stupid brother probably loves you. I know that's a strong word but... I know him" Kenzie said looking down "and I know you are holding back because of Madison. You don't know how many times he tried to get out of our parents claws and break up with Madison but ugh his heart is just to big" she said face palming
"Maybe if you show him or even better tell him how you truly feel maybe... maybe this time he will have the strength to cut all this cap and live his own life for once" she said her voice breaking "I just want him to be happy again" she finished and I quickly engulfed her in a hug
We broke from our hug and I gave her an assuring smile
"I'm telling you Venus, you have him wrapped around your little finger without even knowing it" Kenzie said chuckling now
"And he's a virgin" Kenzie blurted out before placing her hand on her mouth - her eyes widened in shock "forget that I said that" she said quickly
I was just as shocked as she was
"H-how do you know?" I asked her unsure
She gulped "well... you just know when somebody lost their v-card and when they haven't" she said shrugging

So he and Madison didn't...

"Yo you guys ready to go now?" Everest asked walking to us
Kenzie nodded her head not looking him in the eyes
"Yea" I said still shocked about the new information I got about Everest

The car ride was awfully quiet

"Uhm did anything happened between you two while I was gone?" Everest asked cautiously
Kenzie snapped her head back up "No! No not at all" she said laughing nervously and I just shook my head
"Okayyyy?" He said slowly

We arrived at their place and stayed in their car for a moment
"If Mom asks: we went to forever 21 and Brandy's" Kenzie said sternly before she left the car

Now it was only me and Everest

"We can chill at my place for a while?" He offered turning to me
"Of course i will drive you back home afterwards" he added when he noticed I didn't answer
"I don't know I need to get my stuff ready - my parents decided to pick me up tomorrow instead of Monday" I said thinking about it
"Oh okay... I can help you packing" he said starting his engine again - i accepted his offer
"But what about Kenzie?" I asked him
"Oh don't worry 'bout her" he said "come to the front"

A/N: *sighs

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