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You could say i'm whipped
I spent every passing second thinking about Venus
"Yo watch out!" Somebody called
I jumped looking for the person who called but instead I got hit with the football
I groaned in pain holding my jaw
The coach started to yell angry
"Dude what is wrong with you?" Tristan asks before our coach came to us
"What the he'll Everest!" He yelled "you need to stay focused or you can forget your scholarship" he yelled
I closed my eyes "Yes I know" I tried to say but winced in pain as I moved my jaw

Our coach sighed "alright ladies, you are dismissed - take your showers!" He called

"Dude Your cheek is totally bruising" Josh said laughing
"Fuck of" I mumbled and hissed in pain

I leaned my forehead against the wall of the showers - the water hitting my skin
"Bro you Good?" Tristan asked slightly worried
"Yeah just... tired" I said mumbling
He shrugged and went out

As I changed into my fresh clothes I looked myself in the mirror
"Damn" i mumbled to myself that's going to take a while to heal
"Aye Everest - you coming over to Josh's y'know just the boys" Alex asked me
I sighed "nah i don't think so"
He smirking at me "ahh I get it - you would rather bang with that Madison of yours" he said as if he knew something
I scoffed "what? No! Are you nuts" I asked annoyed
"No need to be ashamed bro - I'd hit that too"
He said still smirking
I rolled my eyes at him and left the changing room

"I'm home!" I called while walking inside our house
"Heyyyy best big brother in the world" Kenzie said while walking up to me
I crossed my arms
"What do you want?" I asked her
Since every sibling starts acting nice when they want something
She gasped "whaaat? I want nothing" she lied "okay maybe I need a little favour from you" she said in one breath
I groaned and walked up the stairs
"Please Everest! I've only got this one chance Mom and dad went out with Eliot and Evan" she begged following me around
I sighed "what do you want?" I asked now looking at her
She leaned from one leg to another blushing slightly "c-can you ask your uhm... your friend Venus if... if she could go get something with me" she said almost whispering
I'm confused "Venus? Why would you want to get something with Venus?" I asked her "what do you even want to get?!" I asked her puzzled
She sighed
"I can't get it with mom because... she's mom and I need some advice" she said looking down
I crossed my arms again "what about my advice?" I offered
"Ew no!" She said disgusted
Now it was my turn to sigh

"Look Kenzie, me and Venus... we... we are-" I started
"What did you do Everest?! Did you hurt her?!" Kenzie asked cutting me of
I widened my eyes "what?! No! I just think she doesn't want to see me right now" I said looking away while scratching my neck
Kenzie pulled me into her unorganised bedroom

"Sit" she commanded
I sat down on her bed, full of clothes and stuff
She really needs to clean that room
"What happened" she asked genuinely interested
I scoffed "I'm not talking about my relationship problems with my 15 year old sister" I said dumbfounded
"Everest. I swear to god if you hurt that amazing girl I'm going to show mom and dad your search history - I have screenshots" she said confidently
I choked on my spit
"You...what" I said in between coughs
"You Heard me big bro" she said crossing her arms and legs now "I also wonder how they are going to react when Evan caught you doing... something" she said shuddering now
"Okay okay!" I said still recovering
I felt the heat rising up my neck

"I dunno maybe 1 or 2 days ago I took her to a picnic and... well... things gotheatedandwekissedeachotherandmadeout" I said mumbling the last part
"Things got what?!" Kenzie asked squinting her eyes at me
I groaned "I kissed her, okay?!" I said loudly
"And I think she didn't handled it that well" I said slightly embarrassed
"What happened after that" Kenzie asked
"Well I thought everything was going fine but on the ride back home she told me she felt guilty and left" I said shrugging
Kenzie face palmed
"Of course she does! you're basically still in a relationship - have you forgotten about that whoring girlfriend of yours" Kenzie spat "you should've broken up with that girl a long time ago" Kenzie went on
I groaned in frustration "I tried okay?!"
"Well then try better this time" she yelled at me
"Sorry" she quickly excused herself "gosh Everest just call her - I need new underwear" she said annoyed
I almost broke my neck looking at her
"Underwear?" I repeated "what type of 'underwear' are we talking about" I asked
"Wait... now I think I know why you don't want to go with mom" I said surprised
Kenzie didn't knew what to say
"I really hope you aren't buying these because of some guy" I said eyeing her suspiciously
She sighed "no but every girl wears stuff like that - I don't want them to think I'm a loser" she said looking down
"Because of underwear?" I asked trying to hold back my laughter
She hit my chest "it's not funny" she called
"I don't wanna wear these granny panties anymore - I need something sexy" she said

I stopped laughing

"Yea no. You are wayyy to young for stuff like that" I said in a serious tone
"Search history" she said crossing her arms again
I clenched and unclenched my jaw and hissed in pain since it still hurt after the football hit my face
"Okay" I said giving in she squealed excited while running into my arms
"But I'm coming with you guys" I said
She groaned "okayyy"
"But we better cover this bruise there" she said trying to touch my jaw - I snapped her hand away

That's not going to end well

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