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The autumn sun was shining trough my curtains
I tried to get up but something or actually someone kept holding me down and placed his long legs over mine
Oh yea right Everest stayed overnight
I looked to my side, admiring his features
His hair flying around
His long thick black eyelashes
His red parted lips
His strong, sharp jawline
And his mysteriously soft and clean skin
No pimples
No acne
No acne scars
No irritated skin
Like- How?!

I tried to get up again but Everest stopped me again
His eyes fluttered open
"G'morning" he said with his raspy morning voice
I'm literally turned on by just his voice- I'm insane
"Good Morning" I responded
He snuggled himself closer to me
"I haven't slept so good in ages" He mumbled into the crook of my neck
I chuckled a little since his breath was tickling me
"Where are your parents?" Everest asked
"My parents and my siblings went to stay at my aunts. I couldn't go with them since school is starting soon" I said playing with my fingers
"Soo... we are alone" he asked
I turned to look at him and I already know what he was thinking about
"Yes. We are alone" I answered
Everest hummed, his hand caressing my thigh
slowly inching higher and higher
I didn't stop him and and I didn't want him to stop.
Everest started planting kisses on my shoulder and neck, rubbing my inner thigh
I squeezed my legs together and closed my eyes at this feeling.
Everest moved from my neck to my lips, not caring about my morning breath and neither was I.
But I quickly broke from our kiss when my phone ringed and Everest groaned plopping back on my pillow.

It was Aiden who called me.
Fuck, I totally forgot about him
"Heyyyy -yea I know I'm late something came in my way" I said eyeing Everest who listened to my phone call

"Oh okay uhm if you want we can meet another time"
Aiden said but I could her the pain in his voice

"No no give me 15 minutes" I quickly said
I had to stop running away from him.
But I think we both knew that I would take longer than 15 minutes
We said our goodbyes and hung up

"Who was that?" Everest asked me
"Huh" think Venus, think!
"It was just uhh... just Ai-mhmh" I said avoiding Everest's hard stare
"Who?" He asked again
"Ai-nghm" I mumbled again
"Venus stop that. Who called you?" He asked
"It was just Aiden" I responded
"Okay" he said looking away "what did he want?" He added
I cleared my throat
"Well I was supposed to meet him at Starbucks 20 minutes ago" I said while getting up.
Everest got up as well "so it's a date?" He asked
I scoffed as I looked for some clothes to wear
"Noo... we just wanted to grab some coffee and talk" I said - I mean that is not a date
"I'm going to get ready and you should too. You can use the bathroom downstairs and I will bring you your clothes" I told Everest before leaving my bedroom to get ready.
He wanted to say something but I closed the door before he could


20 minutes later and fresh and fully dressed I went downstairs to check on Everest.

"Everest?" I asked knocking on the door
"Come in" I heard his muffled voice say.
There he was playing a game on his phone, sitting on the toilet seat in nothing but a towel.
I gulped at this incredible attractive sight of him,
"Uh-uhm here are your clothes washed and d-dried" I said not trying to look at his toned body
"Here" I handed him the pile of his clothes
"Thank you" he said getting up from his seat
"Venus?" He asked his voice still a little raspy
I looked up to him "Yeah?"
Everest was chuckling now
"I appreciate the fact that you don't want to leave me but I would like to change now" he said
"Don't get your hopes to high, dipshit. I'll be waiting outside" I said annoyed as I left the bathroom

When Everest came out the bathroom in less than 5 minutes I asked him if he was hungry so I could quickly make him something but he politely declined.
Instead he offered me to drive me to Starbucks but this time it was my time to decline his offer.
It would be weird when you are supposed to meet a guy, are over 30 minutes late and arrive with a another guy - so no thanks.

"Are you going back home now?" I asked Everest after I locked the door
"Nope" he said walking down the porch
"Where are you going then?" I asked him out of curiosity
He turned around to look at me "why do you care? Shouldn't you be worrying about that little date of yours" he snapped at me
This guy is driving me insane!
"First of all it's not a date and I'm asking because I care for you Everest" I snapped back not moving from my spot
Everest then scoffed "yea sure" he mumbled
I angrily walked with my short legs up to him and saw how he rolled his eyes at me,
I grabbed him by the hem of his shirt and forced him to look me in the eyes
"Mm Yea I like it when you're so rough with me, kind of turns me on" he said nonchalant and I gasped at his words and quickly let go of him
"Ugh just forget it" I spat and walked away from him
Was I hoping that he would chase me and stop me from going any further?
Yes I was
Did he chase me?
No he didn't

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