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I gave Everest the silent treatment.
He was calling and messaging me non stop.
I told him that I needed a little distance from him and that he could explain himself when I'm mentally stable.
I was getting ready for bed when all of a sudden someone ringed the doorbell.
Knowing my parents - I went downstairs and opened the door.
To my surprise it was Everest,
"I know I know, I shouldn't be here but I wanted to give you something" Everest spoke before me. He handed me his... jersey.
It was really big and had the number 10 on it,
"Will you wear my jersey tomorrow? I mean if you're coming" he asked,
I looked from the jersey in my hands to his puppy like eyes
"Of course I will be there - and I will wear it" I said smiling a little.
"Great. I will see you tomorrow then" he said blushing a little,
I was waiting for him to turn around and leave but he was just standing there - looking down at me
"Let's talk after the game yea?" I offered and he nodded his head
"Goodnight Venus"
"Goodnight Everest" I said before shutting the door.


Please kill me
Everyone at school was so hyped for tonight's game and it started to annoy me. Everest seemed even more popular then before, not only here at school but also on social media and whatever. Some girls even did fan edits of him weird.
"Since when do you want to watch our schools football game?" Kate asked as I told her about my encounter with Everest last night
"Shut up" I grumbled
"No seriously Vee, you dislike school sports games. You changed since you and Everest got official" Kate said causing me to stop in my tracks
"I've changed?! Kate you are the one that changed I don't know what it is but you're sneaking around, keeping stuff from and sometimes you are so toxic" I admitted truthfully
"T-that's not true" Kate said her voice breaking,
that's when I noticed something was clearly wrong
"Kate?" I asked softly taking her hand into mine "Tell me. What's wrong?" I asked her
"Wait let's go somewhere more private.

I dragged Kate into the nearest bathroom and checked every stall to make sure nobody could eavesdrop our conversation
"I like girls and boys" she said cutting me off
"Kate that's completely fine" I said rubbing her arms
"And I'm pregnant" she said
I stopped all my movements


"Pregnant?! Are you 100% sure?!" I asked her,
Kate started to cry "yes I took 3 pregnancy tests, all of them were positive" she said
"D-do you know who the father is?" I asked as soft as I could
"Yes it can only be Josh" she admitted
"O-okay. Does he know?" I asked removing the tears from her eyes
"God no! I can't tell him" she shrieked
"Why not? Kate he has to know. It's also his child" I stated
"I know but that would ruin his future" she said breaking down
"Kate calm down. You have to tell him" I said calmly
"No! No! I want to get rid of it!" She cried
I widened my eyes- I literally had no idea what to say or do
"Kate you need to calm down first okay?" I tried to coo her, she nodded with her head and wiped her tears
"Are you sure you still wanna go to class? We can skip if you want" I offered
"No it's okay" she said before leaving the bathroom


Kate eventually left after our third period. Well she called in sick leaving me all by myself.
I was on my way home when Kate texted me that she's still going to the game tonight.

When I finally reached home I was surprised that nobody was home - better for me I guess.

After watching some Netflix and changing into Everest's jersey and a pair of black leggings Kate picked me up so we could arrive together at the game.
The schools parking lot were full like full full so Kate was forced to park her car a few minutes away from our school.
"I'm kind of nervous" I confirmed as me and Kate walked over to the benches
"But it's not your first time watching him play" Kate said as she sat down
"Yes but I dunno... this kind of more serious" I stated
"Oh they are about to start now" Kate quickly said.

The football players run onto the field causing the crown including the people next to me and Kate to cheer loudly. I see Everest in the same jersey I'm wearing right now. Number 10.
He was looking through the crowd until our eyes met, he winks at me and I can't contain my smile.
Throughout the whole game Everest steals looks at me as if he was saying this one is for you or this one was for you anyways he's on fire today.
There is a minute left in the final quarter.
Our school needed at least a touchdown to secure the win. Our football team breaks from their huddle. I shake my feet out of nervousness. The rival team has the ball, they call a play but their quaterback is immediately tackled and fumbles with the ball.
Everest grabs it and runs. He was much faster than everyone else and breezes past them.
He literally ran the whole 80yds and scores a touchdown. The buzzer sounds and our school erupts with cheer. Even I cheered and I usually don't do that.
A lot of people pat Everest on the back and congratulate him, but he doesn't acknowledge them. Some people even got up from their seats and ran towards our football players.
I don't know why but I as well got up and ran towards Everest, when he saw my movements he also started to run into my direction. When he was close enough he swooped me up and spins me around causing me to erupt into laughter.
He then placed me down and stared deep into my eyes.
He was about to say something but I stopped him by placing my lips on his. The kiss was first sweet and innocent it quickly turned into a more heated one but the people cheering around us quickly got us out of the trance we were in.
"Venus it wasn't like it seemed it was. Madison needs help, serious help. She kissed me without my consent- I didn't want to kiss her she just did. Please believe me, Venus" Everest explained his hands still on my waist
"Okay. I believe you. And I'm sorry for the way I reacted - I should've let you explain first" I said before giving him a quick peck on his cheek
"Now go and celebrate. You deserve it" I said smiling at him
"Alright. See you later?" He asked and I nodded before disappearing into the crowd.


I went back to the benches to find Kate but she wasn't there anymore. I tried calling her but she didn't pick up, so I went to look for her.
I went back to the crowd, the food trucks, the parking lot, the bathrooms but I just couldn't find her. I went out the back door from our school and was about to give up but the voices of two persons made me stop in my tracks.
I heard crying.
"We will go trough this together, okay?" The male voice said in a soothing tone
"O-okay" the female voice answered.
I didn't wanted to be noisy but I kinda had to
"Kate?" I asked and followed the voices
"There you are" I said walking closer to them
"Hey Josh" I greeted him
"Sup" he greeted me
"Come to my place later" Josh said, giving Kate a kiss on her forehead and went back inside the school
"What did he say?" I asked Kate
"He wasn't mad. He said that he will support me and the baby and that we'll have to inform our parents and all that stuff" Kate said wiping her red nose
"So you and Josh Are a thing?" I asked out of curiosity
"I don't really know. I wanted to find out if I'm really just into girls so I started hooking up with him. And look we're this brought me" she said looking down
"Kate Kate Kate" I said in a playful tone
"Cmon let's go home"

A/N: who would've thought 💭

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