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"You never told us that you're hanging out with a Sterling" My mom stated as she chopped some vegetables in our medium sized kitchen
"I'm not hanging around with him" I said lying
My mom gave a knowingly look before she spoke
"Oh him - so are you guys dating?" She asked
I widened my eyes in shock
I couldn't tell my mom that I'm secretly making out with that guy even though he's already in a relationship
"No. He has a girlfriend - and we are... friends" I said sounding a bit confused at the end
She nodded her head
"You should invite him over for dinner huh?" She offered but I quickly declined
"-invite who over?" Valeria asked entering the kitchen
"Oh no one-" I tried to say but my mom was faster "That Sterling guy" she answered before
"What was his name again?" Mom asked turning now to me
"Everest" I mumbled
Valeria gasped at me "damn sis I didn't knew you had it into you" she snickered while taking a bite of her apple
"Oh shush. We are just friends" I said grumpy
Valeria started chuckling "yea that's what they all say"
I groaned and was about to leave our kitchen
As if on cue Everest called me
"Who's that?" my mom called from our kitchen as I stood in the doorway
"A friend" I said staring at the caller ID
I didn't noticed how Valeria was staring on my phone and gasped loudly
"It's Everest" she sang excited
I picked up

"Put him on speaker" my sister whispered and I shook my head

"Hey uhh... you got any plans for tonight?"

"Uhm no not really, why?" I tried to respond but my mom and sister told me to put him on speaker - so I did but lowered the volume

"I dunno we could hang out or something?"

"Invite him over for dinner!" My mom whispered
"Uhh look-" I started but Valeria took my phone out of my hands
"Heyyy I'm Venus older sister - Valeria"

"Oh hey?"

"Yea hey! So uhm if you want to hang out with my sister why don't you just come over for dinner - with us?" My sister rambled on the phone

I knew that motherfucker would never decline such an opportunity and I don't really know what we are right now - ugh this guy is giving me a headache

"Yeah sure, why not"

I face palmed while my sister gave Everest all the information he needed
"Great" I mumbled, snatching my phone out Valeria's hand and ran upstairs into my room

I glanced at the clock on my wall and it read 6:48pm
Everest should be here at 7:40pm

I decided to take a quick shower and changed from my clothes I wore at school
I decided to wear a dress since I would only stay at home and put my box braids into a half up do
I also did my make up but not as heavily as usual

"Ohh getting all dolled up for him, I see" Valeria said smirking slightly
I rolled my eyes at her
"Leave me alone" I told her as I applied some darker lipstick on my lips

When I was done getting ready i looked at the time on my phone
Since I had some time left til Everest would be here I listened to some music and did some stuff on my phone

I almost fell asleep but quickly got up when I heard heavy footsteps and laughter approaching my bedroom door
My dad opened my door and was laughing with Everest?
"I will leave the two of you alone now - but the door stays open" my dad said chuckling and left
Everest stood awkwardly at my doorway looking around
"Nice room" he said
"Thank you" I said getting up,crossing my legs and patting my dress down
"Are going to stand there the whole time or will you sit down now?" I chuckled a little when I asked him
He hesitantly walked into my room and sat next to me on my bed leaving a lot of space between us
By the way he was acting I noticed that he was pretty nervous
"You good?" I asked him
"Huh? Yea yea I'm fine" he said
I raised my eyebrow at him "doesn't seem like that" I mumbled
"Okay maybe I'm a little nervous" he stated
"Oh really? You are pretty good at hiding it" I said making fun of him
"What are you even so nervous about... it's not like we are dating or anything" I mumbled the last part
He looked at me surprised
"What? It's the truth" I said shrugging
He looked away from me
"Well what are we then?" He asked lowly
I shrugged "you're a cheater and I'm a whore"
He glanced at me
"don't say that. That's not true" he said as he took my hand giving it a little squeeze
"If it makes you feel better I'm going to break up with Madison this time for real" he said
"No don't to that. It would break her and you shouldn't do that because of me" I said looking down
He sighed "you don't know how many times I've already tried to do it... breaking up with Madison.
I'm sick of it - of my parents, her... it's too much" Everest said shutting his eyes closed
I squeezed his hand a little
"Let's go downstairs Yea? Maybe some good food will cheer you up" I said still holding his hand


When we were sitting at the table I noticed how good Everest was at hiding his true emotions
"I hope you aren't vegetarian or anything" My mom said chuckling a little
"Oh No no I'm not" Everest said flashing my parents with his million dollar smile
"Where's Vincent?" I asked my mom
"He's staying at his friends overnight" she said nonchalant
She clapped her hands together "Well don't be afraid to dig in" Mom said smiling at all of us

All five of us were chatting and eating peacefully
Sometimes my parents asked Everest some questions about his parents and future
"Sooo... how's your girlfriend?" Valeria asked out of nowhere
Everest stopped eating for a second
"She's... she's good" he said smiling at Valeria
"So do you think you ever take over Your fathers company's?" My dad asked while sipping his red wine
Everest stopped eating at all
"Uh I don't really think so, I actually have something else in mind" he said giving my dad a small smile
"Could you elaborate that" my dad kept asking
Everest nodded his head
"Yes I actually accepted a scholarship - football by the way. But I uhm I haven't told my parents yet" Everest said chuckling nervously
My mom raised her eyebrows at my dad
"Then this better stays between us" she said laughing a little


When we finished with the dinner my mom allowed us to go back upstairs and declined any offers about helping her clean up

"Damn the food was goooood" Everest groaned
When he practically jumped on my bed
I closed to the door a bit but left it halfway open
"So what do you want to do know?" I asked him standing in front of my door
"What do you mean?" He asked confused
Is he that dumb?
"I mean what do you wanna do now! Like right now?!" I had to explain to him
"Ohhh..." he said
"So?" I kept pushing
He shrugged
"I dunno... maybe fuck you" he said as if it was the most normal answer to give someone
I gasped and hit his chest
"Stop joking around" I said annoyed since he's been doing this for days now
"Who said that I'm joking" he said looking me deep in the eyes
"Everest stop it" I said serious
"Stop what" he said lowly
I also noticed how his eyes darkened a bit
"This!" I hissed pointing my finger between us

I don't know how he did it but in a swift movement I was laying on my bed and Everest was towering over me
"Maybe I don't want to stop" he whispered in my ear and I got chills when he did so
He was giving me soft kisses on my neck searching for my sweet spot
"But you have to-" I started but gasped when Everest found my sweet spot and sucked on it
"Everest... my family could come in any moment" I said trying to hold in my moans
He stopped for a moment and looked me in the eyes
He quickly got up and closed the door
"Don't worry, they won't" he whispered softly

Before I could stop him he leaned back in and kissed me

A/N: 🙈🙈🙈
No they didn't do the nasty
Anyways I also wanted to thank Everyone who is reading my book since we reached 1k reads🎉🎉

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