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I couldn't sleep
Not after Ashley found out about me and Everest
I had to end this
For me

"Aren't you going to dig in, Venus?" My aunt asked me
We were currently eating in our bigger dining room with a bunch of relatives and friends for example Kate and her parents

"You haven't even touched your plate once"
My aunt continued
I shrugged "I'm not really feeling like eating right now" I said truthfully
I couldn't eat because I felt so guilty and even a little dirty
My aunt was chuckling now
"Don't worry the leftovers are actually the best thing about thanksgiving, am I right?" She joked and a few laughed loudly and agreed with my aunt
"Everything okay?" Kate whispered to me
I nodded "yea"
But I started to get a painful headache so I excused myself and went to the nearest bathroom

I got dizzy and had to hold myself against our sink
Breath in
Breath out
I examined myself in the mirror
A few small pimples here and there
Tired eyes and so on
I just blankly stared at myself
I'm disgusting
I thought to myself
But then my reflection started to smirk
"No we aren't" she- no me -no I? said
"You are not real" I spat to her
She started to chuckle
"Oh so you really believe that you're healed" she said in a mocking tone
I shut my eyes closed
This is not real
This is not real
This is not real
This is not real
This is not real
This is not real
This is not real
This is not real
This is not real
This is not real
This is not real
This is not real
I said over and over again

I grabbed my braids and looked myself in the mirror but she was still there laughing at me
"Venus honey, I'm you and you are me. If I'm not real so are you" she said looking me deep in the eyes

"Venus?" Kate asked knocking on the door
"You good?" She asked concerned
I looked towards the door
"Y-yea I'm... I'm taking a shit. Too much food y'know" I lied
She laughed a little
"Oh okay take your time" Kate said before disappearing again
"I'm taking a shit? Damn I thought you could lie better than that" my reflection said making fun of me
"Shut up" I said angrily
And with that she disappeared

I slowly sank to the floor feeling my rapid heart beat and quick breathing


And more chatter

Bored to the bone I was sitting on our obnoxious huge dinner table and our family reunited
Even Madison and her parents came over for thanksgiving

Meanwhile my family and so on were bragging about their wealth and jobs I was staring at mine and Venus chat
I couldn't decide if I should text her or not
I had this weird feeling that she needs me right now but I didn't - I mean I wanted to but I noticed how Madison tried to steal some glances at my phone while drinking something from her Glas
So I shut my phone off


When Everybody was done eating we usually stay at the dinner table and just talk
But I had other plans than that
I looked to my side, seeing Madison act like as if she was interested in the business my father and uncle were talking about
"Madison" I said to get her attention
"Hm?" She said now looking at me
I told her that I needed to talk to her alone and excused us

"So?" Madison asked as we were walking into our nicely decorated garden
The lanterns glowing in the dark and the glow worms flying around

I took a deep breath
This isn't my first time trying this
But it will be my first time succeeding
"Madison. We've been knowing each other for a really long time and we also dated for a really long time now." I started and she nodded with her head
"But I think you know that I actually never intended in... dating you - look we both did it for the sake of our parents but I can't do this anymore." I said trying to keep my voice firm
But the way Madison looked at me kind of hurt me
"W-what are you trying to say Everest?" She said slightly panicking
I closed my eyes
"What I'm trying to say is... that... I'm breaking up with you. But this time I mean it" I said avoiding her gaze
"You can't do this to me" she almost whispered
I held my head low
"You can't do this Everest!" Madison yelled "I... I need you that's why I love you!" She said her voice breaking
"I will still be there for you but not as your boyfriend, Madison" I said looking her in the eyes
"Why Everest? Why?!" She cried Grabbing into the hem of my dress shirt
"Because I don't love you. I never did" I said lowly, looking her in the eyes

I could see in her eyes how her heart shattered into little pieces
She let go of my letting go of my dress shirt looking at me like she has seen a ghost
"It's her isn't it?" She said still shocked
"What do you mean" I tried to play dumb
I know things wouldn't end well if Madison would know that I'm in love with... Venus

Madison got angry
"You know who I'm talking about. Don't play dumb with me" she growled
"Madison calm down. It's not because another girl - I'm just sick of all this" I tried to assure her
But she didn't believe me instead she scoffed
"I knew it. All these little signs and I ignored them like the naive little girl I am" she spat
I tried to step closer to her but she took a step back from me
"Madison" I started
"Don't. Just don't." She said looking away from me
"It's nothing okay! I accept it this time." She said her voice breaking
"Let's tell ur parents that it didn't work out but we are still friends" she said before going back inside

I sighed
It felt like as if that uneasy feeling you get when carrying something heavy finally went away

Now I only have to tell my parents that I won't take over my dads business and instead go pro
I fixed my tie and went back inside

A/N: and another chapter done
Kinda had a writers block at the beginning but yeah

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