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For the past few days I tried to avoid Everest at all costs

He's been crushing on me for so long?! Why?!!!

"Are you avoiding me?" Everest asked as he slammed my locker shut
I jumped when I heard his voice
I couldn't look him in the eyes - so I didn't answer him and tried to get away from him
But he grabbed me by my waist and made me look at him
I gasped quietly
"No" I said "let go of me" I said still not looking at him
He slowly let go of my waist leaving a weird feeling behind
"Anyways... you coming bowling with us?" He asked now leaning on my locker
"I-I told Madison I'll think about it" I said still not meeting his gaze
"Okay?" He said puzzled "You good? you're acting kinda weird right now" Everest asked chuckling a little
I nodded with my head
He eyed me suspiciously
"K i gotta go now - if you come bowling with us I could pick you up and... I don't know maybe do something else when we're done" he said smiling a little
"Mhm" I responded and with that he went to his next class

"What did he want from you?" Kate asked outta nowhere
I quickly turned to her
"Bowling" was all I said to her
"Damn you too? Josh also asked me if I wanted to come" Kate said groaning
"Are you going?" I asked her
She shrugged "I don't know - but I also don't wanna leave Josh hanging you know?" She said
No I don't know
I agreed with her "let's just go with them" she said sighing
"Okay" I said absently

"Should I change before we go?" Kate asked nervously
I smiled sheepishly at her "Why? You trying to look good for Josh"
We were riding on our bikes home since Kate decided she needs a pause from her car
She gasped "No! I ... I just want to look good" she said unsure
"Kate. You already look good - look I'm also not going to change so?" I told her
She nodded with her head "okay"
"See you later then" she said before turning left

When I entered my room I found Everest asleep on my bed

What the actual fuck

I threw my school bag in a corner of my room and stormed over to Everest
"Everest!" I said angrily
No response
"Everest!" I almost yelled
He groaned and turned to his side
"5 more minutes" he mumbled sleepily
I huffed
I pinched his nipple trough the sweatshirt he was wearing
"Ouch!" He jumped up while putting his hand on the nipple I just pinched
"What are you doing here?! And who let you in?!" I asked pissed
"Hello you too darling" he said chuckling as he moved into a sitting position
I still stood in front of him my arms crossed
"The nurse did" he shrugged
"Wha-" I started angrily but he cut me of as he placed me on his lap putting his hands around my waist
I got this weird feeling in my stomach again
"Don't be mad mama. I just wanted to make sure you'll come bowling with us" he said nuzzling himself into me
"I was about to text you... but here you are" I said calming down as I lazily putted my arms around his neck
He sighed "these football practices are making me so damn tired lately" he mumbled into my neck his breath tickling me
Okay I think that's enough
I tried to wiggle out his grasp "can you let go now" I said slightly nervous
"No" he said hugging me tighter
I sighed
My phone vibrated - I picked up
"Hello?" I asked
"It's Kate. but Vee, you know what? I'm going to change before I go - and you should too" Kate said I heard shuffling in the background
"Why?" Asked
"Ashley texted me she wants us to look hot or sum shit like that - apparently Madison's rivals will also be there so I dunno" she said "let's just put on mini skirts or sum like that"
"Mini skirts and bowling?" I scoffed
Everest peeked up to me as I mentioned mini skirts
This perv
"Please Veeeee" Kate whined
I sighed "okay"
We said our goodbyes and hung up

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