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The day God used to take a rest but I instead have to work
Sebastian told me it would be good If I helped a little bit at these self help meetings
So I could also see that I'm not the only one going trough a difficult time

I didn't had to walk so far since it was only 2 Floors downstairs
As I was walking downstairs I greeted and got greeted by other patients and teenagers who lived here with me
As I walked around the corner I bumped into someone - we both fell down
"Ow shit I'm sorry-" I said but stopped mid sentence as I saw who i bumped into
"No it's o-" Madison's eyes widened in shock
I quickly got up "what are you doing here" I asked her confused while reaching my hand out for her
She got up by herself okayyyy
"I should ask you the same question" she said eyeing me suspicious
"I work here" I said quickly
I do and I live here but she didn't had to know that
"What about you?" Now it's my turn to eye her suspicious
She started fidgeting with her black hoodie

"I-I uh..." She started but I cut her off
"It's okay. You don't have to tell me" said giving her an assuring smile
I was about to leave when she stopped me
"Wait!" She shrieked
I turned around "yes?"
She seemed nervous "a-are you and... Everest
You know... sleeping together" she said almost whispering - I choked on my spit
"Nooo! and never will" I said laughing nervously
She sighed relieved
"why did you ask?" I questioned her wanting to know
Her eyes got tearful
"Because uhm" she started sobbing "I-" she started to cry now
People started to look at us now
She seemed really lost so I did something I hopefully wouldn't regret later

I pulled her up into my room

By the time we reached my bedroom door she stopped crying but she was still sniffing her nose

"Whose room-" Madison started but stopped when she saw the my name written on a sign next to the door - I opened it
"And I live here" I said quietly while opening the door for her
She cautiously stepped inside
"Nice room" she said still sniffing
"Have A seat" I told her gesturing to my bed or chair I'm starting to sound like Sebastian
She sat down on my bed and I went to my chair
"Soo..." I started while getting comfy on my chair "you still want to talk about it? or?" I asked her unsure and she nodded with her head
"I think Everest doesn't love me anymore" she blurted out then grabbed my black teddy bear and hugged it tightly "-I mean I think he never actually did but now I know for sure. Me and Everest have been together for a long time now. But not because we or he wanted to - it was because of our parents. They like to control us - have everything already planned out and stuff. Gosh sometimes I hate my parents. But whenever stuff got to much Everest was always there for me. He didn't care if I was a good or bad person. He's the best thing that ever happened to me..." she said starting to sob again - so I handed her a box of tissues and she took a few
"I know now that he never loved me. He only did it for the sake of his my and his parents. But... but I love him and I think he's seeing someone new" she was crying now and wiping her nose

I've read in a book that hugs can be very helping someone in need

So I carefully sat down next to her and placed my arm around her - she leaned in cried now in my shoulder
"I don't think he is seeing someone new" I said trying to assure her
She quickly got up "yes he is! He doesn't even want to sleep with me anymore" she squealed
"He will break up with me" she said going back to cry into my shoulder
I didn't know what to do

"He probably won't. Maybe he's having a difficult time right now" I said not knowing what to say

She calmed down

"Maybe he is" Madison said wiping her eyes and nose "thank you Venus" she said looking at me "and I'm sorry for the way I treated you and your friends in the past few years" she got up and left my room

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