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Since that incident in the school bathroom on Monday I really tried to avoid being alone - and I didn't tell my therapist about not yet atleast since I was afraid that she will eventually come back when I'm all by myself

Kate still behaved a little bit weird but whenever I asked her about it she brushed it off and told me not to worry about it
That's not going to stop me tho

Right now I'm at Kates place she's an only child and Herr parents are really chill so there was nothing to worry about
Besides the fact that my parents didn't allow me stay at Kate's for overnight since the facility needs my parents approval if the patient wants to spend a night or longer outside the facility

Right now i was trying to get my boobies in this tight black dress call me weird but usually I wear stuff that makes my chest look smaller than it actually is it's not easy being an 34D lmao
"Ughhhh! I hate my boobs" I groaned annoyed
Kate looked at me and then at my chest
"girl why? It looks sexy but I can't say the same to me I only wear an B-cup" she started laughing
"If I could switch with you I would" I said still annoyed
"Don't say that Vee. U seriously need the learn how to love your body" she said assuringly
I just groaned

After Me and Kate finished getting ready Ian picked us up and we drove together to Madison's
Car ride was just like always
Us talking and some music playing in the background or we all sing to the top of our lungs to some songs
But not today

When we arrived the big house looked already a mess and you could hear the music from outside

I really wonder who's going to clean all this up

Ian actually disappeared since he knew more people than me and Kate

We entered the house and literally got hit with the smell of sweat, alcohol , mixed up perfumes and moving bodies 

Actually I don't know what I'm doing here I don't drink, I definitely won't dance and besides Ian, Kate, Madison and Everest I knew nobody here - well not really of course i know some people here but not enough to actually go and talk to them
"let's get something to drink" Kate says over the music
I nod my head
Kate mixed herself something I didn't knew what exactly
Well all I knew is that it contains alcohol
I just took a coke and nipped on it looking around the kitchen

After a while Kate drunk more and more and actually forced me to dance with her - well she went really crazy while I just swayed around not really knowing what to do
I mean I can dance but I didn't felt like it right now
Besides that I haven't seen Everest or Madison around - not that I care tho
Ian came from while to while checking up on me and Kate making sure everything I fine

I was getting tired and told Kate that I'm going to sit down for a bit
How can she drink and eat so much and still not be tired maybe it's the alc I don't really know

After sitting down for a while and playing subway surfers on my phone I had to use the toilet - so I went upstairs since down here all the bathrooms where occupied.
As I was looking for the bathroom I saw a messy looking Madison coming out an room with another guy who clearly wasn't Everest
Where is this guy anyways?!
Madison looked shocked as she saw me standing there
I quickly went into a random room and to my surprise it was actually the bathroom - I locked the door
I quickly did my business and freshened up
When Kate texted me she wasn't feeling so well
At least that's what I understood from the sloppy message she texted me

I found Kate in another bathroom lying on the floor almost passed out
I told her not to leave so I can go and look for Ian but he was nowhere to be found

Fucking great

I went outside to the backside of the house where nobody was - so I thought
Until I heard somebody sobbing
That made stop in my tracks and look for a crying person

"Everest?" I said in disbelief
He looked surprised at me and quickly wiped his eyes and nose but I already saw him crying
"What happened?" I asked carefully sitting down on the floor next to him
I didn't asked if everything's okay since obviously it's not
"Nothing. Just-just go away" he said turning his reddened face away from me still sniffing
"If it would be nothing, you wouldn't be cry- I mean upset" I said carefully i didn't wanted to hurt his ego since you know guys and crying is a "no no"
He looked me in the eyes and then roomed over my body
"You look beautiful tonight" he said now looking me in the eyes voice sounding puffy.
Now I'm confused
"Thank you?" I said irritated
he looked down "I don't want to talk about it" he said still looking down
"Can we go somewhere else?" He asked me slightly pleading
"Uhm y-yeah of course" I said
Oh fuck I totally forgot about Kate?!
"But we first need to drop Kate off" I said slightly embarrassed
"That's okay with me" he said getting up
He held his hand down for me to help get up und I gladly accepted it
Even tough I noticed his eyes flickering from my face to my body
I quickly texted Ian that Everest took us home since I still couldn't find him

We all were now in Everest's car
Kate had eventually fallen asleep in the bathroom so Everest carried her in his car
I gave him Kate's address and we drove in silence

After we left Kate at her place don't worry her parents weren't mad at us - like I said they're pretty chill

It was now only me and Everest in his car
His head and shoulders slumped down and he didn't say anything
"Ever-" I started but he cut me off
"Can I hug you for a sec?" He said pleadingly

Boy what?

I looked stunned at him "o-okay if you-" I started but he silenced me as he quickly put his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder

I didn't knew what to do so I carefully patted his head
He then started to sob
I didn't say anything neither did he
We just stayed like that for a while

He went back up and looked me in my brown almost black eyes "thank you. I really needed that" he said starting the car
"Mhm" I said still confused

I'm quite surprised that he remembered my address but now just like last time I waved and acted like I was looking for my keys and waited for his car to pull off
After he left I decided to just walk barefoot back to the facility since high heels don't like me and I don't want to break my feet's because of them

A/N: the song up there fits more to the ending lmao haha

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