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We were now in my room after Everest got himself a visitors clip you know that name thing that says visitor and you have to wear it somewhere noticeable
My room didn't looked like the ones in movies and stuff it looked more like a hotel room - since I would be staying longer than other patients I was allowed to 'decorate' they way I wanted and stuff - a lot of patients who stay longer here also do this

"Nice room" Everest said looking around my room
I placed my school bag on the ground and he did the same "thank you" said "just wait I here I'm gonna go change" I said walking to my door "Make yourself at home" I said going to the community bathroom
Before I closed the door I saw Everest taking of his shoes and getting comfortable on my bed

Dang he really taking that serious

After I changed into a more comfortable outfit which wasn't all black since most of clothes where in the laundry I went back into my room

Everest was sprawled on my bed scrolling on his phone
When I moved his leg a little so I can sit down he acknowledged me - he quickly looked my outfit up and down thinking I didn't noticed it
But I did
"You... you wanna talk about it?" He said unsure while shutting his iPhone off making this funny click sound
"Do you want to know?" I asked looking him in the eyes. He nodded slowly
"Okay" I breathed out

"Let's just say that my Family was and still is really toxic. Since I've been a child my parents were always arguing about something
Sometimes even hitting each other. Growing up with my 2 siblings Valeria she's now 19 and soon starting with college and my younger brother Vincent he's 15 and goes to another school
It wasn't that easy - our parents were barely there for us but expected us to be their perfect children. I don't really know when that happened but me and Valeria just started to
'Hate' each other arguing, yelling, fighting I mean it's a little normal for siblings to fight and stuff  but when me and Valeria did it
It always escalated - she literally was bad energy in person
Kind of like bullying me, making me feel bad and stuff
But one time I couldn't handle it anymore and I... I snapped back - well not really me
A different me
My other Identity... she pushed my sister down the stairs and my sister got hurt really bad
She had to sit in a wheelchair for I think 2 months. That's why I'm here - because of the Venus I'm sharing this body with.
I have an Identity disorder and have to take meds who make it difficult to express my true emotions - because if not the chance would be to high that the other me would come out... again" I said monotonously "My family kind of abandonment me here - nobody was allowed to why I'm here and what actually happened to Valeria. My parents don't even visit me regularly maybe once a month or something.
But besides you Kate and Ian also know the whole truth" said looking down

Everest hugged me - not letting go of me
"I'm sorry" he said still hugging me
This time I hugged him back
"Now it's your turn" I said trying to lighten the mood
He chuckled "Mhm but 5 more sec" he said mumbling

"5 seconds are over Everest" I said chuckling because he wouldn't let go of me
He sighed "okay" he got comfortable again
"Well... you already know that me and my dad fight a lot and... that's because since I'm a child he always controlled me
He wants me to do this and that - and he didn't cared whether I wanted to do it or not
After high school he wants me to run our family business... but I would rather keep playing football - even our coach says that if I keep going I could actually end really high.
I even got offered a few scholarships but I haven't answered them yet
It's just- complicated
But nothing to worry about" Everest said giving me an assuring smile

After our little opening talk I showed Everest the coolest places in the building
I also got us some food and we ate together in my room
"So about Madison" I started and noticed how he stopped eating his pasta
"Yea?" He asked
I put my plate down on my nightstand "what's that between you and her?" I asked out of curiosity since she didn't cheated on him for the first time - he groaned tiredly "that's actually my parents fault. Call me an ass or fuckboy but I've never really been interested in her - I mean yes she's hot but besides that there isn't really something i don't know...
'special' about her" he started

" My parents know her parents, her parents know my parents and boom they forced us to get together. You probably won't believe me but Madison is just as broken as everybody else - she just knows how to hide it. But I think that's the only reason I went along with it - she needs me that's why also didn't left her as she cheated on me the first time" Everest said embarrassed scratching his neck
I nodded interested "so out of pity" I asked curios
He just shrugged "maybe"
I nodded "so you are going to stay with her?" I asked he just sighed "I don't know I don't really wanna talk about it" he said shrugging

After that we finished our meal
I knew Everest didn't wanted to go yet - since he always came with new ideas to stay longer
"We could watch something" Everest said pointing at my Laptop - I rolled my eyes at him "and what do wanna watch?" I sighed annoyed
"We could start the Mandalorian - I've heard it's good" he said while taking my laptop "what's your password?" He asked
"FuckYou12" I said nonchalant he looked up from my laptop to look at me surprised
"Okay" he said chuckling and typing it in
"So the mandalorian?" He asked again
"I have already watched it but yea why not" I said "now scoot" I said chuckling
The problem is that even after he scooted away there still wasn't enough place - it's a single bed

Both of us were leaning against my headboard our bodies touching.
I really tried to watch the Serie but I noticed how Everest would glance at me and when I would turn to him he would quickly look away and start to blush a little

His leg vibrated - he took his phone from his pocket and read a message
I think from his mom
"Damn it's almost 8pm" Everest said yawning

He better get going since visiting hours are over at 8pm - only on week days at least

"I have to go now. That was my mom" he said while getting up
I got up as well to hand him his bag and jacket
"Thank you" he said taking his stuff our fingers touching lightly
I quickly removed my hand

"Goodnight, babygirl" he said smiling at me
I slammed the door shut "ugh!"

A/N: btw we reached over 100 reads so far🙈🙈🙈
*wipes away fake tears
Thank youuu<33

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