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An entire week has passed since the incident with Madison and my little fight with Everest

Me and Kate decided do some shopping after school
"I still can't believe it that Avery G. fucked with that dude in the classroom like-" Kate said spilling some tea "Mr. Fitch literally caught them" she said laughing now
"No way?! Ew!" I said grimacing laughing now

Kate stopped laughing
"Oh shit" she said
"What?" I asked trying to see what she's looking at
Now I saw what Kate's looking at
Madison, few of her friends, Everest and some of guys the football team
Kate grabbed my arm "don't look at them" she said trying not to laugh
We almost got passed them but right when I thought we did it I heard somebody call my name
"Venus?" Madison asked surprised
"Shit" i hissed and slowly turned around
"hEYyy" I said awkwardly

Don't get me wrong but since Madison opened up to me she's been acting like we've know each other our whole life
I really appreciate it that Madison excused herself for everything she has done to me and my friends but that doesn't mean we are bffs for life now

"I see, you are also doing some shopping" she said smiling at us
"Yes" Kate said awkwardly scratching her head
"Perfect! Why don't we just shop together?" She asked but didn't even let us respond "great. Let's go inside here" Madison said and dragged me and Kate inside this clothing store
I saw Everest hiding his laugh but I shoot him an angry glare
The boys actually went somewhere else

Now it was only Me, Kate, Madison, Ashley and Brianna - Madison's most loyal followers
"Oh my gosh Kate - Josh is totally simping over you" Madison said "I mean- didn't you see how he was obviously checking you out" She gushed
"Oh my god totally" Brianna added
"He will probably break up with Kayla and ask you out" Brianna went on
"Oh uhm cool?" Kate said unsure
She seemed really uncomfortable - so did I
Ashley gasped loudly "O.M.G. This looks so cute" she said grabbing a pair of matching underwear "guys do you think i can seduce Tristan with this?" She said nervously
"I guess" I said shrugging
"Oh yea Venus - you actually got a boy?" Madison asked me
"Nope - still single" I said chuckling confused
She took two different pairs of matching lingerie "here" she said handing me a red one and Kate a blue one
"But-" I protested
She shushed me "No. No buts - just try it on" she said chuckling
Me and Kate looked at each other while sighing

I went into the third changing room next to Madison
I slowly undressed myself
Only in my underwear I was looking at the set Madison picked up for me
It was a red non padded bra that mostly contained of lace, a red garter belt and a red high waisted thong
I gulped

I usually don't wear this type of underwear but let's try it on

I finally had it on and admired Myself in the mirror
Damn I actually look really hot

I heard steps approaching
"Yo Madison which one?" I heard a confused Everest ask

Madison probably wants to give Everest a little show in the dressing room
I shuddered at that thought

"Uh... the third one!" I heard Madison call

Wait... No!

"So wha-" I heard Everest say as he opened my curtains
I shrieked and tried to cover myself - I quickly grabbed my white T-shirt to cover my body
"Fuck! Sorry!" A blushing Everest said and quickly closed the curtains

I face palmed I hope nobody saw that

As I changed back to my normal clothes I heard Madison and Everest arguing

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