Let's go!

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"Y/n! Wake up already you're gonna make us late." A voice that sounds like John says. I open my eyes for a second and realise it is John. "Do I have to?" I ask and groan. "Yep. But if you want we can leave without you?" He says and pulls my arms. I groan again and roll onto the floor. "Fine" I say. He rolls his eyes and walks out. I get up and get changed into my dress. It still looks the way I expected when I walk in front of the mirror. A/N: You can look the way you want but this is just how I imagine I would look :)
I curl my hair at the bottom and add some glitter to make it sparkle. Finally, I add some mascara and lip gloss then a butterfly clip in my hair. I have finished getting ready for the ball. Peggy walks in. She looks amazing. She is wearing a yellow sparkling dress and her hair is in a half up half down. Her lips are rose pink and she is wearing yellow eye shadow on her eyelids. "Hey are you finish- Omg Y/n you look fantastic!" She hugs me and smiles. "Thank you." I blush of embarrassment. "You do too Peggy." John runs in. "What's with all the noise? Are you guys okay- PEGGY! Y/N! Sorry sorry. You look so cool guys." He kisses Peggy on the cheek. "I love you Pegs. And little sis, I had no idea you would put in this much effort." I sigh. "It's not effort John. I'm just doing it for fun. And plus. I'm older now you know!" I fold my arms and roll my eyes. He laughs and hugs me. He was dressed up in his usual formal white suit. "Let's go then" He asks as he runs outside. "John wait!" I yell as Peggy runs after me. I walk outside and see two beautiful carriages. One of them is the one John is standing next to. It is a pastel sparkling yellow with two roses on each side. I presume it's Peggy's. As I look to the other side, Angelica is standing there laughing. It is a marine blue colour with two butterflies this time in each side. Me and Peggy both squeal at the same time and run up to John. "How did you do it?"
"Since when did you- " John laughs and says "Calm down. Peggy you get the yellow one. And Y/n you get the blue one. Angelica will be accompanying you Y/n and Peggy, well you already know who'll be with you. Me and Peggy both run inside the carriages and they start driving us towards the ball.

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